
  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:杨莉主编;马军编著
  • 出 版 社:厦门:鹭江出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7806711805
  • 页数:260 页

Chapter Ⅰ (第一章) 1

Everyday Life 日常生活 1

Day 1 How are you? 你好! 1

Day 2 Long time no see 好久没见 3

Day 3 Weather 天气 5

Day 4 Making a phone call 打电话 7

Day 5 Where are we? 我们到哪儿了? 9

Day 6 I'm from Hawaii 我来自夏威夷 11

Day 7 Shopping 购物 13

Day 8 Blowing a picture 放大照片 15

Day 9 At a bank 在银行 17

Day 10 Do you develop films? 可以冲洗相片吗? 19

Day 11 Arranging a tour 安排旅行 23

Day 12 Book a ticket 订票 25

Day 13 Aboard a plane 在飞机上 27

Day 14 How do you like Tokyo? 你觉得东京怎么样? 29

Day 15 How did you enjoy your trip? 你的旅行愉快吗? 31

Day 16 At an airline counter 航空公司柜台 33

Day 17 Help to take pictures 帮忙照相 35

Day 18 Talking about Autumn 谈论秋天 37

Day 19 At the laundry 洗衣店 39

Day 20 Delivery 送货 41

Day 21 Warranty 保修期 43

Day 22 News 新闻 47

Day 23 About colors 谈论颜色 49

Day 24 At a bar 在酒吧 51

Day 25 That's too much 太过分了 53

Day 26 Talking about hobbies 谈论嗜好 55

Day 27 Public security 治安 57

Day 28 How di d you like the film? 你觉得这部电影怎么样? 59

Day 29 Inside the apartment 在公寓里 61

Day 30 Buying Chinese tea 买中国茶叶 63

Day 31 We've got a flat tire 轮胎爆了 67

Day 32 How do you k eep fit? 你是如何保持健康的? 69

Day 33 How was your day? 今天过得怎么样? 71

Day 34 Can you stretch the rule? 你能不能通融一下? 73

Day 35 Medical insurance 医疗保险 75

Day 36 Where will your daughter go to college? 您的女儿准备上哪个大学? 77

Day 37 We should do spring-cleaning now 我们该做大扫除了 79

Day 38 You should learn to eat like a grown-up 你该学着像成年人一样吃饭了 81

Day 39 I'm over tired 我太累了 83

Day 40 It got stuck all of a sudden 我的车突然开不动了 85

Day 41 We make our cakes 我们自己做蛋糕 89

Day 42 I've been awarded first prize 我得了一等奖 91

Day 43 Congratulations 祝贺你 93

Day 44 Shall we go to a Beijing opera? 去听京戏好吗? 95

Day 45 I haven't danced for a long time 我很久没跳舞了 97

Day 46 The food here is really bad 这儿的饭菜真的太糟了 99

Day 47 What brings you here? 什么风把你吹来了? 101

Day 48 Congratulations 恭喜 103

Day 49 Many happy returns! 祝你长寿! 105

Day 50 The mighty has fallen 世道已经变了 107

Day 51 On top of the world 幸福极了 111

Day 52 Christmas is in the air 圣诞节快到了 113

Day 53 Introducing company 介绍公司 115

Day 54 Promoting oneself 推销自我 117

Day 55 Reserving a room 预订房间 119

Day 56 Canceling a reservation 取消预订 121

Day 57 Typing letters 打印信件 123

Day 58 Taking dictations 记录口述 125

Day 59 Handling correspondence 处理函件 127

Day 60 Using the facsimile machine 使用传真机 129

Day 61 Pushing sales 促销 133

Day 62 Discussing prices(1) 讨论价格(1) 135

Day 63 Discussing prices(2) 讨论价格(2) 137

Day 64 Offer and counter-offer 报价和还价 139

Day 65 Conclusion of deals 成交 141

Day 66 Answers to complaints 对投诉的回答 143

Day 67 Discussing working overtime 讨论加班 145

Day 68 Complaining about working overtime 抱怨加班 147

Day 69 Sales and prices 销售与价格 149

Day 70 Quit the job 辞职 151

Day 71 Asking to re-work 要求重做 155

Day 72 Promising prompt actions 答应立即采取措施 157

Day 73 I've come for an interview as requested 我是应邀来面试的 159

Day 74 Why don't you use the computer? 为什么不用电脑呢? 161

Day 75 Turn in your resume in duplicate 请交两份履历表 163

Day 76 I work two jobs 我做两份工作 165

Day 77 I'll sub for him 我会替他的班 167

Day 78 Expressing likes/dislikes 表达喜欢/不喜欢 169

Day 79 Expressing curiosity 表达好奇 171

Day 80 Expressing satisfaction/dissatisfaction 表达满意/不满意 173

Day 81 Expressing willingness/unwil lingness 表达愿意/不愿意 177

Day 82 Accepting/declining an offer 表达接受/拒绝提议 179

Day 83 Agreeing/disagreeing 表达同意/不同意 181

Day 84 Apologies and excuses 道歉和原谅 183

Day 85 Expressing possibility 表达可能性 185

Day 86 Sympathy/consolation 同情/安慰 187

Day 87 Diet crazy 节食热潮 189

Day 88 Keeping fit 健身 191

Day 89 TV talk shows 电视脱口秀 193

Day 90 When will I get a raise? 我什么时候才能加薪? 195

Day 91 Lottery 彩券 199

Day 92 Alcoholics 酗酒者 201

Day 93 We must build better mousetraps 我们必须改良出引人注目的新产品 203

Day 94 Excessive consumption 高消费 205

Day 95 Should cloning be prohibited? 克隆应该禁止吗? 207

Day 96 Talking about scholarship 谈论奖学金 209

Day 97 Holidays and special occasions 假期与特别庆典 212

Day 98 Worries about food 饮食担忧 214

Day 99 Talking about China's entry into the WTO 谈论中国加入世贸组织 217

Day 100 Talking about Beijing Olympic 2008 谈论2008北京奥运会 219

附:词汇表 221