《《喜福会》的人物话语和思想表达方式 叙述学和文体学分析 from the perspectives of narratology and stylistics》PDF下载

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  • 作  者:戴凡著
  • 出 版 社:广州:中山大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7306026224
  • 页数:286 页

1 Introduction 1

1.0 Introduction 1

1.1 Linguistics and literary studies 1

1.2 Narratology and stylistics 3

1.2.1 Narratology:scope and models 5

1.2.2 Stylistics:models 9 Stylistics:scope 11 Functional stylistics 13

1.3 The converging aspects of study in stylistics and narratology 15

1.4 The aims of the book 20

1.5 The context of overseas Chinese writings 22

1.6 Methodology and data selection 24

1.7 The organization of the book 26

2 Point of View and Speech and Thought Presentation 28

2.0 Introduction 28

2.1 The concept of point of view in narratives 28

2.1.1 Understanding point of view 30

2.1.2 Focalization 32 Internal and external focalization 34 The focalized 36

2.2 Facets of point of view 39

2.3 Defining point of view in the current study 42

2.4 Point of view and related elements 43

2.4.1 Classification of point of view and the role of the narrator 47

2.4.2 The role of the narrator 54

2.4.3 Narrative voice 59

2.5 Speech and thought presentation 61

2.5.1 Speech presentation 61

2.5.2 Functions of different modes of speech 65

2.5.3 Thought presentation 70

2.6 Point of view and speech and thought presentation 74

2.7 Point of view and speech and thought Presentation in stylistics 76

2.8 Summary 80

3 Theoretical Framework 82

3.0 Introduction 82

3.1 Narratology 82

3.2 Systemic Functional Linguistics 83

3.3 The three metafunctions 88

3.3.1 Ideational metafunction 88 Experiential metafunction 88 Types of relations between clauses 90

3.3.2 Interpersonal metafunction 92

3.3.3 Appraisal theory 96

3.3.4 Textual metafunction 100

3.4 Studies of speech and thought presentation in Systemic Functional tradition 101

3.5 Summary 109

4 Self-evaluation Through Others'Speech and Thought 112

4.0 Introduction 112

4.1 Modes of speech and thought:sorting out the confusion and ambiguity 113

4.2 Mother's direct speech:covertly accepted evaluation 127

4.3 Decoding joy and luck:mother's direct speech and June's interpretation 131

4.4 Speech and thought in and about the Joy Luck Club:building a connection 145

4.5 Summary 161

5 Thought Presentation for Evaluation 164

5.0 Introduction 164

5.1 Thought presentation: reflection on misunderstanding 165

5.2 Thought presentation and direct speech:re-enacting conflict 171

5.3 Thought presentation and unfulfilled speech:resolvingconflict 189

5.4 Thought presentation:reaching an understanding 199

5.5 Summary 204

6 Crossing the Boundary of Thought Presentation 208

6.0 Introduction 208

6.1 Thought presentation of a character:local omniscient narrator 208

6.2 Thought presentation in contrast:evaluating change 214

6.3 Free direct speech by a local omniscient narrator 225

6.4 June's Chinese identity:the use of vocatives and the meaning of names 229

6.5 Thought presentation and the use of pronouns 236

6.6 Summary 250

7 Summary and Concluding Remarks 253

7.0 Introduction 253

7.1 Speech and thought presentation and the themes in The Joy Luck Club 254

7.2 Responding to the research questions 259

7.3 Significance of the study 262

7.4 Suggestions for further study 262

7.5 Concluding remarks 264

References 266