《英语《看、听、学》 第3册》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:16 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:古国强,戴光禄,陈晃译注
  • 出 版 社:福州:福建科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:1989
  • ISBN:7533503074
  • 页数:532 页

1.Not a very good morning 1

2. 4

3.Look out,boys! 7

4.Let's have 10

5.With Billy's best wishes 12

6.Where were they…? When were they…? 16

7.New Neighbours 19

8.What time/day/date/month/year did they…? 22

9.The Blakes move in 25

10.I've just/already been to…I was/went there 28

11.Dick and Harry 31

12.What's (he) done? When did (he) do it? 34

13.You're a nuisance! 37

14.Blow up some balloons! We've already done so! 41

15.A safe place 44

16.What'll happen? What'll they do? 47

17.Please be polite! 51

18.May I…? Can I…? Please let me 54

19.Isn't he a lovely baby! 58

20.He can already… He's already able to 62

21.The wrong car 65

22.Would you…please? Could you…please? 69

23.Billy' s favourite subject 74

24.(He) couldn't… (He) wasn't able to… (He) was unable to 78

25.Television Day: The Flyer 81

26.(I) could do it. It was very easy. (I) couldn't do it. It was too difficult 87

27.The musie lesson 90

28.(He) could answer (the questions). (They were) easy euough for (him) to answer. (He) couldn't answer (the questions). (They were)too difficult for(him)to answer 95

29.The weight-lifter 99

30.(He) could lift the weight. (He) was strong enough to lift it. (He) couldn't lift the weight. (He) was too weak to lift it 104

31.Holiday photographs 108

32.What was (Simon's) report like? 113

33.The best garden in the neighbourhood 116

34.How do they compare? 120

35.Television Day: Mass-production 124

36.Which(of the two) is (the) cheaper? The bicycle on the left is cheaper than the one on the right. The bicycle on the right is not as cheap as the one on the left 128

37.Don't be so greedy! 131

38.Not much/Not many/Very little/Very few 137

39.The protest march 141

40.Little/A little/Few/A few/Enaigh/Plenty 146

41.On strike 151

42.More/Less/The most/The least 155

43.The strike is over 160

44.How do they compare? 164

45.Television Day: How an ? works 169

46.The same (quality) Different in (quality) The same as each other Different from each other 174

47.Lots of coins,but no money! 180

48.Any Some No None 185

49.Window-shopping is free 188

50.How much is it/are they? How much does it/do'they cost? How many pence/eents/pounds/dollars does it cost?How much did you pay for that/those…? What's the price of that/those…? 192

51.Sandy serves lunch 196

52.How much is there…? How many are there…? There's (a lot/enough for…) There are (a lot/enough for…) It's (full) 200

53.A nice maths lesson 204

54.How (tall)is (that boy)? What (height) is (he)? 207

55.Televieion Day: The seerch for oil 212

56.Every No Any Some 218

57.Copycat! 222

58.I(am),too/So (am) I I ('m)not,either/Neither (am) I 226

59.Absent-minded 231

60.Would you like any…? I'd love some. Is there/Are there any left? I'd love to have some 235

61.Don't show off! 237

62.Like to 242

63.The Customs 245

64.I've got nothing to (reed). I want somethingto (read). Have you got (a book) for me to(read)? 249

65.Television Day:Mozart 254

66.What(would you like)to do? 259

67.Green stripes 263

68.I'm sure to/certain to/ready to 266

69.Wrong number 271

70.He thinks that/He has told me that 274

71.The ticket machine 278

72.He's sure that/He's certain that 281

73.Guess what! 285

74.He thinks he… He's sure he… He's told me he 288

75.Television Day:Don't complain about arithmetic! 291

76.I must/have to/have got to/will have to/had to… Do you have to/Did you have to/Have you got to…? 295

77.No litter! 299

78.Mustn't and Needn't 303

79.Mrs Dumpling's on a diet! 307

80.I should/I ought to/but I don't feel like it 310

81.Service with a smile! 315

82.I needn' t have/I did it for nothing. I didn' t have to/It wash't necessary to 319

83.Something's burning! 323

84.I had to…and I did! I should have…but I didn't feel like it!I ought to have…but I forgot! 327

85.Television Day:The Lascaux Cave 330

86.He mustn't…and he isn't going to He shouldn't…but he's going to He oughtn't to…but he's going to He shouldn' t have…but he did He oughtn't to have…but he did 334

87.Don't waste electricity and water! 338

88.Revision:must,mustn't,needn't,should,shouldn't,etc 341

89.A very kind waiter 345

90.Revision:had to,needn't have,didn't have to,etc 348

91.Make up your mind! 352

92.I may…/I might…/I'm not sure Perhaps she will…/ Perhaps she won't 356

93.Too good to be true! 359

94.(It)may be/I'm not sure. (It)can't be/Surely(it)isn't… (It)must be/I'm sure(it) 363

95.Television Day:"General Sherman" 366

96.How long ha ve you been… I've been…since…for 371

97."A bank robbery" 375

98.What were they doing? 379

99.Sandy reads a joke 382

100.(It)may have been/I'm not sure. (It)can't have been/Sur e ly(it)wash't… (It)must have been/I'm su re(it) 386

101.The sales 389

102.(It)may(cost)/I'm notsure. (It)can't(cost)/Surely(it)doesn't… (It)must(cost)/I'm sure(it)does. (It)nay have(cost)/I'n not sure. (It)can't have(cost)/Surely(it)didn't… (It)must have(cost)/I'm sure(it)did 392

103.Sandy takes some photos 396

104.I didn't do it myself. Someone else did it for me. I had it done 400

105.Television Day:…four,three,two,one,zero! 405

106.Who,Who(m)and That 409

107.A lucky tramp 412

108.Which and That 416

109.Not good enough 419

110.Who,Who(m),Which and That 421

111.People are so forgetful! 425

112.Whom and Which 429

113.Still pretty good! 433

114.I used to be…/I used to 436

115.Television Day:Captain Cook 439

116.It had already happened 443

117.Father used to be a Boy Scout 447

118.If 451

119.Who's silly? Boys or girls? 454

120.When 457

Vocabulary 460

Songs 479

Stories 484