
  • 购买积分:15 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:鲍屡平著
  • 出 版 社:武汉:湖北教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1999
  • ISBN:7535124968
  • 页数:466 页

Accord 1

Accordance 1

Abide 1

About 1

Accident 1

Account 2

According 2

Accustom 3

Addition 4

Add 4

Acquaint 4

Advantage 5

Advance 5

Admit 5

Age 6

Again 6

Afar 6

Afraid 6

Air 7

Aim 7

Agree 7

Ahead 7

All  8

Allow 9

Along 10

Alone 10

Allowance 10

Answer 11

Another 11

Amend 11

Anchor 11

Anything 12

Anxious 12

Arrear 13

Arm 13

Apply 13

Approve 13

Ask 14

Ashamed 14

Arrive 14

Art 14

Astray 15

Assure 15

Asleep 15

Attention 16

Attend 16

Attach 16

Avoid 17

Average 17

Attribute 17

Auspice 17

Away 18

Aware 18

Awake 18

Bar 19

Bad 19

Axe 19

Back 19

Bear 20

Bay 20

Bargain 20

Base 20

Battle 20

Beat 21

Bed 22

Become 22

Beautiful 22

Because 22

Beginning 23

Begin 23

Belong 24

Believe 24

Behalf 24

Best 25

Bent 25

Better 26

Bird 27

Bind 27

Beware 27

Big 27

Bit 28

Birth 28

Blind 29

Bless 29

Black 29

Blank 29

Blow 30

Bloom 30

Block 30

Blood 30

Boat 31

Boast 31

Board 31

Both 32

Boot 32

Body 32

Book 32

Branch 33

Bound 33

Bottom 33

Break 34

Bread 34

Brave 34

Bring 36

Breath 36

Brunt 38

Brink 38

Bush 39

Burn 39

Bud 39

Build 39

But   40

Busy   40

Business   40

Call 41

By   41

Button   41

Can   43

Capacity   44

Capable  44

Candle   44

Cap   44

Care   45

Captive  45

Carry 46

Careful  46

Case   47

Castle   49

Cast   49

Cash   49

Catch 50

Cat 50

Certainty 51

Certain 51

Cause 51

Charge 52

Chance 52

Circumstance 53

Church 53

Chase 53

Cheer 53

Choice 53

Clear 54

Claim 54

Close 55

Clever 55

Come 56

Cold 56

Common 60

Command 60

Compare 61

Company 61

Compliment 62

Compliance 62

Comparison 62

Complain 62

Condition 63

Conclusion 63

Compose 63

Confine 64

Confident 64

Confer 64

Confess 64

Conscious 65

Connexion or Connec-tion 65

Conformity 65

Congratulate 65

Consideration 66

Consequence 66

Contact 67

Consult 67

Consist 67

Convince 68

Contrast 68

Content 68

Contrary 68

Correspond 69

Cope 69

Gooperation 69

Countenance 70

Count 70

Cost 70

Cough 70

Course 71

Courage 71

Crack 72

Cover 72

Court 72

Cousin 72

Coventry 72

Credit 73

Crazy 73

Cry 74

Crow 74

Crop 74

Cut 75

Dark 76

Danger 76

Dawn 77

Date 77

Dash 77

Day 78

Deaf   80

Daylight   80

Deal   81

Debt   82

Death  82

Dear   82

Defiance  83

Deference   83

Decrease  83

Defensive   83

Depend   84

Delight   84

Degree   84

Delay   84

Desirous   85

Deprive   85

Dependent  85

Deposit   85

Die 86

Deuce 86

Detail   86

Difference   87

Differ   87

Discretion   88

Direction 88

Dint  88

Distance  89

Dispose 89

Dispense 89

Disposal   89

Do 90

Down 91

Doubt 91

Dog 91

Door 91

Drink 92

Dress 92

Doze 92

Draw 92

Drop 93

Drive 93

Due 94

Duck 94

Drunk 94

Dry 94

Dwell 95

Duty 95

Dumb 95

Dust 95

Earnest 96

Ear 96

Eat 97

Easy 97

Earth 97

Ease 97

Elbow 98

Either 98

Effect 98

End 99

Encroach 99

Employ 99

Enjoy 101

English 101

Engage 101

Enter 102

Enough 102

Essential 103

Escape 103

Entitle 103

Equal 103

Ever 104

Event 104

Eve 104

Excel 105

Example 105

Excuse 106

Excess 106

Exception 106

Extent 107

Expose 107

Expert 107

Eye 108

Extreme 108

Face 109

Fail 110

Fact 110

Fall 111

Fair 111

Fancy 114

Familiar 114

Far 115

Fashion 116

Fear 117

Favour 117

Fault 117

Few 118

Feel 118

Feed 118

Figure 119

Fight 119

Fire 120

Find 120

Fill 120

First 122

Firm 122

Fit 123

Fish 123

Fix 124

Follow 125

Fly 125

Flare 125

Flight 125

Foot 126

Fool 126

Fond 126

Force 127

For 127

Foul 128

Fortune 128

Form 128

Fresh 129

Free 129

Foundation 129

Frank 129

Full 130

Front 130

Freeze 130

Friend 130

Gather 131

Gain 131

Fun 131

Future 131

Get 132

General 132

Give 137

Go 139

Glance 139

Good 144

God 144

Grant 146

Grace 146

Ground 147

Grief 147

Grasp 147

Grave 147

Greedy 147

Guard 148

Grudge 148

Grow 148

Habit 149

Guise 149

Guess 149

Guilty 149

Half 150

Hair 150

Had 150

Hand 151

Hard 155

Happy 155

Hang 155

Have 156

Haste 156

Hardly 156

Head 157

Health 158

Heart 159

Hear 159

Heed 161

Heavy 161

Heaven 161

Help 162

Heel 162

High 163

Here 163

Hold 164

Hither 164

Hit 164

Hope 167

Honour 167

Home 167

House 168

Hour 168

Horse 168

Hunt 169

Hungry 169

How 169

If 170

Idle 170

Hurry 170

Hush 170

Ill 171

Ignorant 171

Inch 172

Inasmuch 172

Importance 172

In 172

Influence 173

Inferior 173

Indebted 173

Independent 173

Inquire 174

Innocent 174

Infform 174

Instance 175

Insist 175

Intent 176

Instead 176

Instant 176

Interfere 177

Interest 177

Intention 177

Invite 178

Introduce 178

Interval 178

It 179

Irrespective 179

Involve 179

Join 181

Jest 181

Jack 181

Jealous 181

Justice 182

Jump 182

Joke 182

Jove 182

Keep 183

Kith 186

Kind 186

Know 187

Knot 187

Knock 187

Labour 188

Last 189

Large 189

Lack 189

Land 189

Late 190

Lay 191

Law 191

Laugh 191

Lead 193

Leap 194

Leak 194

Leaf 194

Leave 195

Least 195

Leisure 197

Leg 197

Less 198

Length 198

Let 199

Lest 199

Lesson 199

Liberty 201

Liable 201

Letter 201

Lie 202

Life 203

Lieu 203

Light 204

Limit 205

Likelihood 205

Like 205

Little 206

Listen   206

Line  206

Live 207

Long 208

Log 208

Living 208

Lock 208

Look 210

Loose 214

Lookout 214

Lot 215

Loss 215

Lose 215

Mad 216

Lurch 216

Love 216

Luck 216

Make 217

Main 217

Man 219

Many 222

Manner 222

Mark 223

Matter 224

Mask   224

Means 225

Measure 226

Memory 227

Meet 227

Meek 227

Mercy 228

Midst 229

Middle 229

Merry 229

Mess 229

Mind 230

Might 230

Miracle 232

More 233

Mood 233

Moment 233

Money 233

Motion 235

Most 235

Much 236

Name 238

Muster 238

Near 239

Nature 239

Natural 239

Need   240

Necessity 240

Next 241

Nest 241

Neither 241

Nose   242

Nonsense   242

Noise   242

Nothing 243

Note 243

Now 245

Notwithstanding 245

Notice 245

Null 246

Object 247

Oats 247

Number   247

Nut 247

Off 248

Odd   248

Obligation 248

Oblige 248

Occur 248

Offence   249

Once 250

On   250

Oh 250

Oil 250

Old 250

One   252

Open 253

Only 253

Opinion 254

Order 255

Opposition 255

Oppose 255

Opposite 255

Other 257

Out 258

Ought 258

Over 259

Pace  260

Own   260

Owe   260

Part 261

Pain   261

Particular   263

Partake   263

Pass 264

Passion 265

Peace   266

Pay 266

Patient 266

Patronage 266

Persist   267

Penny 267

Peg 267

Piece   268

Pick   268

Person   268

Pertain   268

Place   269

Pity 269

Please 271

Plea 271

Play 271

Plentiful 272

Pleasure 272

Point 273

Plenty 273

Pore 274

Poor 274

Possession 275

Possess 275

Position 275

Practise 276

Practice 276

Power 276

Prepare 277

Preparation 277

Prefer 277

Press 278

Present 278

Presence 278

Pretext 279

Pretence 279

Pride 280

Previous   280

Prevail   280

Prevent 280

Profit   281

Private 281

Print   281

Prison   281

Proportion 282

Prohibit 282

Progress 282

Provide 283

Proud 283

Prospect 283

Pull 284

Public 284

Purpose 285

Put 287

Push 287

Pursuance 287

Pursuit 287

Qualify 291

Question 292

Quest 292

Quarrel 292

Random 293

Rain 293

Quick 293

Reach 294

Rather 294

Rate 294

Ready 295

Reduce  296

Red 296

Reality 296

Reckon 296

Record 296

Refer 297

Regard 298

Refuge 298

Reference 298

Refrain 298

Relate 299

Rein 299

Regardless 299

Rely 300

Relative   300

Relation 300

Repent   301

Repair 301

Remain 301

Remind 301

Respect 302

Resort   302

Reserve 302

Responsible 303

Response 303

Result 304

Rest 304

Rich 305

Rhyme 305

Return 305

Right 306

Rid 306

Ring 307

Risk 308

Rise 308

Riot 308

Root 309

Room 309

Rob 309

Rule 310

Round 310

Rote 310

Run 311

Sail 314

Safe 314

Saddle 314

Same 315

Sale 315

Sake 315

Say 316

Satisfy 316

Scarcely 317

Scale 317

Search 318

Sea 318

School 318

Secret 319

Second 319

Season 319

Seat 319

See 320

Seize 321

Seek 321

Self 322

Send 329

Service 330

Serve 330

Sense 330

Sentence 330

Set 331

Shame 334

Sex 334

Settle 334

Shoot 335

Shoe 335

Share 335

Shelter 335

Shift 335

Short 336

Shop 336

Shoulder 337

Shut 338

Show 338

Side 339

Sick 339

Shy 339

Sight  340

Siege 340

Similar 342

Silly 342

Silence 342

Silent 342

Sit 343

Since 343

Slip   344

Sleeve 344

Six 344

Sky   344

Smile 345

So 346

Snuff 346

Snatch 346

Sneer   346

Something 348

Somehow 348

Sober   348

Soft 348

Soon 349

Song 349

Sort 350

Sorry 350

Speak 351

Spade 351

Spick 352

Speed 352

Soort 353

Spite 353

Spirit 353

Stamp 354

Stake 354

Spot 354

Spring 354

Spur 354

Square 354

Stand 355

Start 356

Stare 356

Standard 356

Standstill 356

Stick 357

Step 357

Store 358

Stone 358

Still 358

Stock 358

Stranger 359

Story 359

Storm 359

Strike 360

Stress 360

Straw 360

Stupid 361

Succeed 362

Subject 362

Sudden 363

Such 363

Succession 363

Sun 364

Sum 364

Suffer 364

Suit 364

Sure 365

Supposition 365

Superior 365

Sympathy 366

Sweet 366

Take 367

Table 367

Talk 370

Tale 370

Taste 371

Temper 372

Tell 372

Tear 372

Thanks 373

Thames 373

Ten 373

Term 373

That 374

Thing 375

Thick 375

Theatre 375

There 375

Think 376

Throw 377

Through 377

Though 377

Time 379

Toil 384

To 384

Tire 384

Tit 384

Top 385

Tooth 385

Token 385

Too 385

Trifle 386

Trial 386

Touch 386

True 387

Truant 387

Trouble 387

Truth 388

Trust 388

Trumpet 388

Turn 389

Tune 389

Try 389

Up 394

Understanding 394

Twinkle 394

Ugly 394

Use 396

Upwards 396

Usual 397

Variance 398

Value 398

Utmost 398

Vain 398

Victim 399

Versed 399

Vent 399

Verge 399

Versa 399

Violence  400

View   400

Void 401

Voice   401

Virtue   401

Visit   401

Vogue   401

Wake   402

Wait   402

Vote   402

War   403

Want   403

Walk 403

Warn   404

Ward   404

Watch   405

Waste   405

Way   406

Water   406

Wear   411

Weak   411

Weary   412

Well   413

Welcome  413

Weather   413

Weight   413

What 414

Wet   414

Whistle   416

While   416

Whether  416

Will   417

Whole  417

White   417

Wing   418

Wind   418

Win   418

Wit   419

Wish 419

Wise 419

Word 420

Wonder   420

Woe   420

Wolf   420

Work 422

World 423

Worse 424

Worm 424

Worthy 425

Worth 425

Worst 425

Write 426

Wrap 426

Wrong 427

Year 428

Yarn 428

Yoke 429

Yield 429

Yearn 429

Yet 429

Young 430