
  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:武敏编著
  • 出 版 社:广州:广东高等教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:753612502X
  • 页数:143 页

Chapter 1 旅行英语 1

1.问路(Excuse me,but I'm trying to find White Swan Hotel.) 3

2.乘公共汽车(You have to transfer to a No.62.) 9

3.乘出租车(International Airport,please.) 14

4.乘火车(Two hard berths on tonight's train to Bei-jing,please.) 17

5.乘飞机(Where can I check in for flight 21 for London?) 20

6.在海关(Anything to declare?) 28

7.在旅行社(Do you have package tours to Xin-jiang?) 32

8.在旅馆(I'dlike to reserve two rooms.) 38

Chapter 2 日常英语 45

1.租房(I'm looking for a flat with two bedrooms.) 47

2.在邮局(Can I send it by registered mail?) 51

3.在银行(I'd like to open an account.) 56

4.在理发店(Can you figure out a best style for me?) 65

5.在医院(I've got a splitting headache.) 69

Chapter 3 购物英语 75

1.在百货公司(I'm sorry.No bargain here.) 77

2.在超级市场(Can you tell me where the frozen food is located?) 88

3.在市场(What a variety of vegetables!) 93

4.买水果(These peaches seem too green.) 95

Chapter 4 餐厅英语 99

1.在餐厅(I'd like to rsserve a table for ton-ight.) 101

2.在麦当劳(Let's go to McDonald's for a change.) 111

3.在咖啡厅(What do you like to drink,tea or caf-fee?) 114

Chapter 5 公司英语 117

1.接待用语(Aren't you Mr.Smith from ABC Com-pany?) 119

2.日常用语(I haven't seen you for ages.) 130

3.秘书用语(Shall I go to meet him at the airport?) 139