
  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:张文裕著;《张文裕论文选集》编辑委员会编
  • 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
  • 出版年份:1989
  • ISBN:7030015495
  • 页数:297 页

Air-Earth Electrical Current Measurement of Atmospheric Conductivity in Yenching,A thesis Submitted to the College of Natural Science in Candidacy for the Degree of Bachelor of Science,Peiping,China.May 1,1931 1

Some Thermo-Magnetic Electrical and Thermo-Mechanical Electrical Properties of Iron,A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate Division in Candidacy for the Degree of Master of Science Department of Physics,Yenching University,November,1932 2

Thermomagnetic Hysteresis in Steel,By W.Y.Chang,M.S.(Yenching),and William Band,M.Sc,Proceedings ofPhysical Society ofLondon,45,602(1933) 3

Continuous Records of the Atmospheric Potential Gradient at Yenching,By W.Y.Chang andC.S.Wang,中国物理学报,I,93(1934) 10

Electrical Insulation of Baked Soapstones,By W.Y.Chang and Y.M.Hsien,中国化学学会会志,Ⅲ,183(1935) 18

Some Properties of Baked Soapstones,Science,83,376(1935) 27

The Formation of Radio-Phosphorous(30 P),By J.R.S.Waring and W.Y.Chang,Proceed-ings of Royal Society ofLondon,A157,65(1936) 30

The Formation of Radio-Aluminium(28 A1)and the Resonance Effect of 25Mg,By W.Y.Chang and A.Szalay,Proceedings of Royal Society of London,A 1 59,72(1937) 40

Resonance Effect of Nuclear Transmutations and Formation of Radioactive Isotopes,A Dissertation Submitted by Wen Yu Chang,Jesus College,Cambridge.December 1937 51

α-Particles from the Radioactive Disintegration of a Light Element,By W.B.Lewis,W.E.Burcham and W.Y.Chang,Nature,139,24(1937) 54

Radioactivity produced by Gamma Rays and Neutrons of High Energy,By W.Y.chang,M.Goldhaber,R.Sagane,Nature,139,962(1937) 56

An Accurate Determination of the Range-Distribution Curve of the Radioactive α-Parti-cles from 8Li,By C.L.Smith,and W.Y.Chang,Proceedings of Royal Society of London,A 166,415(1938) 58

Analysis of Beta-Disintegration Data Part,Ⅰ.The Sargent Curves and Fermi K.U.Theo-ries of Beta-Radioactivity,By C.S.Wang(Mrs.W.Y.Chang)and W.Y.Chang,Science Record,I,98(1942) 68

Analysis of Beta-Disintegration Data,Part Ⅱ.The Probability of Beta-Disintegration and the Complexity of the Atomic Nuclei,By W.Y.Chang and C.S.Wang,Science record,I,103(1942) 72

The Regularities in Energy Levels of Light Nuclei,Phys.Rev,65,352(1944) 76

Two Simple Apparatus for Measuring the Cyclotron(Vertical)Magnetic Field with High Accuracy,By W.Y.Chang and S.Rosenblum,Review of Scientific Instrument,16,75(1945) 77

A Simple Counting System for Alpha-Ray Spectra and the Energy Distribution of Po A1- pha-particles,W.Y.Chang and S.Rosenblum,Phys.Rev.,67,222(1945) 81

Short Range Alpha-Particles from Po,Phys.Rev.,67,267(1945) 87

A Simple Counting System for Alpha-Ray Spectra,S.Rosenblum and W.Y.Chang,Phys.Rev.,67,58(1945) 89

A Study of the Alpha-Ray Spectra by the Cyclotron Magnet,Phys.Rev.,67,58(1945) 90

A Study of the Alpha Particles from Po with a Cyclotron-Magnet Alpha-Ray Spectrograph,Phys.Rev.,69,60(1946) 91

Low Energy Alpha-Ray Spectra and Mechanism of Alpha-Decay,Phys.Rev.,69,254(1946) 109

Low Energy Alpha-Particles from Radium,Phys.Rev.,70,632(1946) 110

Alpha-Ray Spectra of RaC and RaC’,Phys.Rev.,74,1 195(1948) 118

Alpha-Ray Spectra of RdTh,ThC,and ThC’,By W.Y.Chang and T.Coor,Phys.Rev.,74,1196(1948) 120

Search for Heavy Particles from Stopped Mesons,Phys.Rev.,74,1236(1948) 122

Evidence of Low Energy Gamma-Rays(1-5MeV)From Stopped Negative Mesons,Phys.Rev.,75,1315(1949) 123

A Cloud-Chamber Study of Meson Absorption by Thin Pb,Fe,and A1 Foils,Rev.of Mod.Phys.,21,166(1949) 124

Cloud-Chamber Equipment for Study of Infrequent Cosmic-Ray Processes,By W.Y.Chang and J.R.Winckler,Review ofScientific Instrument,20,276(1949) 139

Further Experiments on Sea-Level Mesons Stopped at Thin Pb Foils,Phys.Rev.,76,170(1949) 149

Further Experiments on Slow μ-Mesons Stopped at Thin A1 Foils,Phys.Rev.,79,205(1950) 150

Study of Showers Produced in Lead,Carbon,and Beryllium,By G.Del Castillo and W.Y.Chang,Phys.Rev.,81,323(1951) 151

Penetrating Showers Produced in Beryllium at Sea Level,By W.Y.Chang,G.Del Castillo and Leon Grodzins,Phys.Rev.,84,582(1951) 152

Penetrating Showers Produced in Carbon and Lead at Sea Level,By W.Y.Chang and G.Del Castillo,Phys.Rev.,84,584(1951) 156

Further Results from the Study of Sea-Level Penetrating Showers,By W.Y.Chang,G.Del Castillo,and Leon Grodzins,Phys.Rev.,89,408(1953) 159

On the two-Particle Showers from Be,By L.Grodzins,G.Del Castillo and W.Y.Chang,Phys.Rev.,90,361(1953) 163

Sea-Level Mesons Stopped in Thin Pb and A1 Foils.I.Possible Emission of Charged Nu-clear Particles and Related Events,Phys.Rev.;95,1282(1954) 164

Sea-Level Mesons Stopped in Thin Pb and A1 Foils.Ⅱ.Low-Energy(1-5 MeV)Gamma Rays,Phys.Rev.,95,1288(1954) 170

Nuclear Interaction of Sea-Level,Cosmic-Ray ParticlesWith Carbon and lead,By Del Castillo,A.Snyder,L.Grodzins,and W.Y.Chang,Phys.Rev.,98,1 163(1955) 176

Further Results from the Study of V°-Particles,By Ishwar C.Gupta,Allen L.Snyder,and W.Y.Chang,Bulletin ofAmerican Physical Society,Ⅱ,I,186(1956) 177

Double-Plate Cloud-Chamber Study of V°-Particles.I.Classification,By I.C.Gupta,W.Y.Chang and A.Snyder,Phys.Rev.,100,1264(1956) 178

Double-Plate Cloud-Chamber Study of V°-Particles.Ⅱ.Mean Decay Times of θ°and ∧°Particles,By A.Snyder,W.Y.Chang,and I.C.Gupta,Phys.Rev.,100,1264(1956) 179

Double-Plate Cloud-Chamber Study of V°Particles:Classification and Related Results,By Ishwar C.Gupta,W.Y.Chang,and Allen L.Synder,Phys.Rev.,106,141(1957) 180

Double-Plate Cloud-Chamber Study of V°particles:Mean Lifetimes of θ° and ∧°Particles,By Allen L.Snyder,W.Y.Chang,and Ishwar C.Gupta,Phy.Rev.,106,149(1957) 189

由宇宙线(1011-1014电子伏)引起的高能核作用,物理学报,17,271(1961) 195



“基本粒子”的实验研究近况,物理学报,21,1831(1965) 236

УПРУГОЕ РАССЕЯНИЕ Λ-ГИПЕРОНОВ СО СРЕДНИМ ИМПУЛЬСОМ 2,7 Гзв/с НА ПРОТОНАХ,В.Ф.Вишнеский,Ду Юань-цай,В.И.Мороз,А.В.Никитин,Ю.А.Троян,Цзян Шао-цзю 278

附录 284

《粒子物理学》序,1982年 284

关于选著及有关的回忆,1986年 286