
  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:孙建秋编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7810009397
  • 页数:378 页

目录 1

前言 1

Part Ⅰ English Diaries by Chinese Students(中国中学生英语日记)Ⅰ.New Term(新学期) 1

1.First Diary(第一篇日记) 1

2.A New Term(新学期) 2

3.After the First Week(一周之后) 3

4.Time Is Life(时间就是生命) 5

Ⅱ.Teachers(老师们) 6

1.A foreign Teacher(外国老师) 6

2.Mr.Wu’s Remark(吴老师的话) 8

3.Student Teachers(实习老师) 9

4.No Excuse(没有借口) 10

5.The Last Lesson(最后一课) 12

Ⅲ.Classes And Classmates(班级和同学们) 13

1.Chinese Mine-Lectures(语文课上的小演讲) 13

2.Over the Limit(超过时限) 14

3.An Unexpected Answer(意外的答案) 16

4.A Fun Argument(有趣的争论) 18

5.Truth Needs Proving(真理需要证明) 19

6.On English Songs(学唱英文歌) 21

7.Misusing English Words(误用英语词汇) 22

8.A Recitation(诗歌朗诵会) 24

9.Learning Martial Arts(学武术) 26

10.A Tutor with No Experience(没有经验的辅导老师) 27

11.Describing a Classmate(描述一个同班同学) 28

12.Somewhat Different(有些不一样) 30

13.Learning Ink-and-Brush Painting(学画国画) 32

14.Acting Out a Play(上演改编的话剧) 33

15.A Perfume-Making Class(香水制作课) 35

Ⅳ.Myself and Family(我自己和家庭) 37

1.About Myself(关于我自己) 37

2.My Hometown(我的家乡) 38

3.My Parents’Birthday(我父母的生日) 40

4.My Mid-term Resolution(期中的决心) 41

5.I need Fun,but(需要玩,但是) 42

6.Under Pressure(巨大的压力) 44

7.Rushing Around(忙得团团转) 45

8.Mending Wall(修墙) 46

9.My Grandmother(我的奶奶) 47

10.My Pen Friends(我的“笔友”) 49

11.The Pain of Growing Up(成长的痛苦) 51

12.My Host Family(我的房东一家) 53

13.Our Moral Standards(我们的道德标准) 55

14.Some Thoughts(一些想法) 59

Ⅴ.Campus Activities(校园活动) 61

1.A Class Seminar on Beauty(A)(关于“美”的专题研讨会(A)) 61

2.A Seminar on Beauty(B)(关于美(B)) 63

3.Chairing a Seminar(C)(主持课堂讨论(C)) 63

4.Joining the English Drama Club(参加英语话剧俱乐部) 67

5.Our Early Morning Study Session(短剧:我们的早自习) 69

6.Meeting Mr. Liu Baiyu(会见作家刘白羽) 72

7.Talking With a Publisher(与出版商的谈话) 74

8.An Achievement(成就) 76

9.Our Book Wen Xin(我们的书《文心》) 77

10.My English Corner(我的“英语角”) 78

11.Commemorating Granny Bing Xin(纪念冰心奶奶) 79

12.Meeting Singapore Friends(会见新加坡的朋友) 81

13.Our National Day(我们的国庆节) 82

14.Preparing for the National Day Celebration(准备迎国庆) 84

Ⅵ.Sports and Sports Meet(运动和运动会) 86

1.Participating Is More Important(A)(重在参与(A)) 86

2.Unity Is Strength(B)(团结就是力量(B)) 87

3.Such a Sport!(C)(顽强的运动员(C)) 88

4.Our Sports Meet(D)(我们的运动会(D)) 90

5.As a Reporter and a Runner(E) 92

(作为记者和赛跑运动员(E)) 92

6.Skating(滑冰) 94

7.Playing Ping-pong(打乒乓球) 96

8.Playing Shuttlecock(踢毽子) 98

9.Winter Jogging and Body Building(冬季长跑和健美) 99

10.Playing Football at 4:30PM(下午四点半踢足球) 101

Ⅶ.Activities After Class(课外活动) 103

1.Visiting the Rabbit Garden(去兔园) 103

2.At the Beijing Zoo(A)(在北京动物园(A)) 105

3.A New Method(B)(新方法(B)) 106

4.On Duty(值日) 107

5.Voluntary Labor(义务劳动) 109

6.Protecting Our Environment(保护我们的环境) 111

7.Yes to Life,No to Drug(热爱生命,抵制毒品) 112

8.Washing Public Buses(清洗公共汽车) 113

9.Doing a Survey(进行问卷调查) 115

10.A Field Trip to the Yong He Gong Lamasery(参观雍和宫) 117

11.A Photo Exhibition(参观摄影展) 119

12.League Members Day(团日) 120

13.“Hand in Hand”(“手拉手”活动) 121

14.A Trip to Xi Bat Po(西柏坡之行) 123

15.At the Library(在图书馆) 124

Ⅷ.Accidents(意外的事情及病痛) 126

1.Careless Me!(我真粗心) 126

2.Too Nervous(太紧张了) 128

3.A Drv Day(缺水的一天) 129

4.A Strange Dream(一个奇怪的梦) 130

5.Where is My Period?(“例假”呢?) 132

6.Mysterious Footsteps(神秘的脚步声) 133

7.Missing My Puppy Beibei(想念小狗贝贝) 135

8.My Goldfish Died(金鱼死了) 136

9.A Little Bird(一只小鸟) 137

10.A Ghost Story(一个鬼故事) 139

11.Almost Drowned(差点淹死) 141

12.I Caught a Cold(感冒了) 143

13.My Turn to Be Sick(轮到我病了) 144

14.Having My Teeth Pulled Out(拔牙) 145

Ⅸ.Snowing(雪) 146

1.Making a Wish in the Snow(雪中祈愿) 146

2.Watching a Snow Scene(观雪景) 148

3.Fun with Snow(堆雪人、打雪仗) 149

Ⅹ.Impressions(感想) 153

1.True Love——After Reading Under the Green Wood tree什么是真正的爱情——《青青的绿树下》读后感 153

2.Merry Christmas,My Best Friend(我最好的朋友,圣诞快乐) 154

3.Reading Jane Eyre(《简·爱》读后感) 155

4.After Reading Tom Sawyer(《汤姆·索亚》读后感) 157

5.Mr. Zheng Yuanjie’s Way(郑渊杰先生的办法) 159

6.How to Seek Criticism(如何听到不同意见) 161

7.About an Ugly Man(一个长得丑的人) 163

8.Seeing the Film I Can’t Do Without You(看电影《不能没有你》) 165

9.A Book on Oscar Winners(一本介绍奥斯卡奖得主的书) 167

10.Thumbing Through a Picture Book(翻阅画册) 169

11.About Love(关于“爱”) 171

12.Again About Love(再论“爱”) 172

13.On Air Pollution(空气污染) 173

14.For Whom the Audience Weep?(泪为谁流?) 175

15.Till All the Seas Gone Dry(“海枯石烂”) 177

16.Saving Trees(减卡救树) 178

Ⅺ.Hobbies And Leisure Time Activities(爱好和业余活动) 180

1.Window-shopping(逛商店) 180

2.An Exhibition on African Arts(非洲艺术大展) 182

3.Fashion Designing(时装计) 184

4.Designing a Model Ship(设计军舰模型) 186

5.A Visit to an Exhibition on Tibet(参观西藏展览) 186

6.A Shooting Star at the Hunter(A)(猎户星座的流星(A)) 189

7.So Beautiful,So Cold!(B)(太美了,但太冷了(B)) 190

8.Waiting for a Meteor Shower(C)(等待流星雨(C)) 191

9.The Story of“Heal the World”(《让世界充满爱》的故事) 192

10.Michael Jackson(迈克尔·杰克逊) 194

11.Two Composers(两个作曲家(A)) 197

12.Playing the Piano in Public(公开弹奏钢琴(B)) 198

13.First Time to a Concert(第一次听音乐会) 200

14.Harvesting Jujubes(打枣儿) 201

15.Attending a Wedding Reception(参加婚礼宴请) 203

16.Growing a Little Plant(一棵小草) 205

17.Using a Computer at Home(家用电脑) 206

18.The Emperor of Computer(计算机皇帝) 208

Ⅻ.Among Friends(朋友之间) 210

1.Comparing Notes(交流情况) 210

2.A Special Birthday Party(特殊的生日聚会) 212

3.“Give Us Some Help!”(“给咱帮帮忙”) 214

4.Greetings from Old Friends(来自老朋友的问候) 215

5.Never Turn Round(永不回头看) 217

6.I Became a“Fast Clock” 221

(我变成了一只“走得快的钟”) 221

Ⅻ.Vacations(假期) 223

1.Climbing the Huashan Mountain(登华山) 223

2.Spring Outing(春游) 225

3.Climbing Xiangshan(爬香山) 226

4.In a Desert(在沙漠中) 228

5.Lao Tse’s Statue(老子像) 229

6.On Christmas(A)(圣诞节(A)) 230

7.A Nice Christmas Day(B)(美好的圣诞节(B)) 231

8.Miming at Our New Year Party(A)(新年会上演双簧(A)) 232

9.Our New Year Party(B)(新年庆祝会(B)) 233

10.Spending Spring Festival in Tianjin(在天津过春节) 235

11.A Tired Wall(苍凉的墙) 236

12.Traveling in Thailand(泰国旅行) 238

13.At the Seaside(在海滩上) 240

14.A Nice Vacation(一个不错的假期) 242

Part Ⅱ Diaries by American Students(美国中学生日记) 245

Ⅰ.Alena’s Diary(Age 12)(阿丽娜日记(12岁)) 245

1.A Letter(一封信) 245

2.Growing up Slowly(慢慢地长大) 247

Ⅱ.Rachel’s Diary(Age 12)(瑞琪儿日记(12岁)) 248

1.A Paracat(猫脸鹦鹉) 248

2.My Time Machine(我的时间车) 250

3.A Song:Colors(歌:颜色) 252

4.Three Wishes(三个愿望) 254

5.Clue(查找线索) 256

6.“Keep Your Feet on the Ground”(“眼望星空,脚踏实地”) 257

Ⅲ.Mary’s Diary(Age 13)(玛丽日记(13岁)) 258

1.Rights(权利) 258

2.We Are Only Young Once(我们只年轻一次) 260

3.House Moving(搬家) 261

4.A Poem:Fly(一首小诗:飞翔) 262

5.“Long Time No See”(“好久不见”) 262

Ⅳ.Megan’s Diary(Age 13)(玫甘日记) 264

Age 5: 264

1.Purple Earrings(紫色的耳环) 264

Age 12: 264

1.My Journal(我的日记) 264

2.Deep Thoughts(深邃的思想) 265

3.Three Wishes(三个愿望) 266

4.A List of Cons and Pros(优与劣) 268

5.A Cry for Help(活不了啦!) 270

6.To My Mom(致母亲的信) 271

7.Five Entries on Tom Encounters(与男生汤姆相遇日记五则) 272

8.Four Things(四件事儿) 274

Ⅴ.Suzy’s Diary(苏茜日记) 276

Age 12: 277

1.Uncle Dick in Heaven(迪克叔叔进天堂) 277

2.Poor Uncle Dick(迪克叔叔真可怜) 278

Age 13: 279

1.A Recrod Party(唱片晚会) 279

2.Sunbathing(日光浴) 280

3.“Work More”(“快点做作业”) 280

4.House Work(做针线) 280

5.Having Money to Spend(挣了点儿零花钱) 281

6.A Free Day(难得空闲) 282

7.School System Needs Changing(假期太短) 282

8.Roller Skating(滑旱冰) 282

9.Three Problems(三个问题) 283

10.Snooping at Our Presents(偷看礼物) 284

1 1.An Uncelebrated Christmas Eve(冷清的圣诞节) 285

12.The Worst Day of My Life(最糟的一天) 286

13.Quarrelling with the Nun(跟修女吵架) 287

14.A Song I Love(我喜欢的一首歌) 288

15.A Hope(希望) 289

Age 14: 289

1.Selling Nightcrawlers(卖蚯蚓) 289

2.Dislike Mark(讨厌修女马可) 291

3.Red Roses for Morn and Dad(向父母赠送红玫瑰) 292

4.Going to Be in High School(该上高中了) 292

5.You Really Work(得用功了) 294

6.Future Evaluation of My Diary(未来人们评论我的日记) 294

7.Hate My School Uniform(讨厌穿校服) 294

8.Taking Class Pictures(拍班级照) 295

9.Quarter Tests(季度考试) 296

10.New Year Resolutions(新年的决心) 296

11.Getting Ready(跃跃欲试) 297

12.Depression(精神忧郁) 303

13.Speech Contest Coming(演讲比赛前夕) 303

14.I’m Through with Him(跟他吹了) 303

15.The Retreat(静休周) 304

16.A Poem:Alone(小诗一首:独自一人) 305

17.Longing to Go to School(闷得发疯) 306

18.A 100-Word Composition(百字作文) 306

Age 15: 308

1.I Got Mumps(得了腮腺炎) 308

2.Appeasing My Parents(安慰父母) 309

3.I Made It!(一举成功!) 310

4.A Class Officer(当了班干部) 311

5.Acting Snobby(摆摆架子) 311

6.Got All Mixed Up(感情复杂) 311

7.Acting Holy(假装清高) 312

8.Got a“Superior”(我们的剧评上“最佳”) 312

9.It Didn’t Work(白费劲儿) 312

Age 16: 313

1.Need a Good Cry(真想大哭一场) 313

2.Free From Pain(汤姆舅舅解脱了) 314

3.Initiation Night(新生接纳日) 317

4.Hate Homework(讨厌作业) 318

5.Relations with Boys(跟男生的关系) 318

6.Picking Corn for a Dance(收玉米,办舞会) 319

7.In a Bad Mood(情绪很糟) 321

8.Almost Tipped(差点翻车) 321

9.I Survived(通过了淘汰赛) 321

10.Help!(救命啊!) 322

11.Don’t like Homework(讨厌作业) 324

12.Acting Lazy(懒得动弹) 324

13.On the Honor Roll(评上了优等生) 325

14.Groundhog Day(土拨鼠节) 326

15.A Slight Pity(小小的遗憾) 327

16.Selecting Themes(挑选座右铭) 328

17.I’ll Never Catch Up(永远赶不上) 328

18.Just Don’t Want to Go(我偏不去) 329

Age 17: 329

1.Feeling Sad(有点伤感) 329

2.Stick with the Job(把这份工作干到底) 330

3.A Slumber Party(过夜晚会) 330

4.Subjects of the New Term(新学期选课) 331

5.Feeling Depressed(很忧郁) 332

6.Playing the Leading Role(戏中担任主角) 332

7.Fan Day(球迷日) 333

8.Cheerleader Elections(啦啦队队长选举) 333

9.Being Mischievous(恶作剧) 334

10.A Cheerleader at Last(终于选上了) 335

11.All Changed(一切全变了) 336

12.Want Him to Be My Boy Friend(想要他当我的男朋友) 337

13.Almost Flunked(差点儿不及格) 337

14.Need Strategy(略施小计) 338

15.Pep Assembly(鼓舞士气会) 338

16.End of Diary(日记本用完了) 339

17.Semester TestsComing(期终考来临) 339

18.Physics Is Hard(拼命念物理) 340

19.Failed the Physics Test(还是不及格) 340

20.Scholarship Candidates(入选奖学金候选人) 341

21.Today’s Popular Songs(当今流行歌曲) 341

22.A Valentine Card(情人卡) 342

23.Memory Books(毕业生纪念册) 342

24.The Chosen Motto(班级的座右铭) 343

25.No Boy to Go Out with(找不到可约会的男生) 344

26.My Report Card(成绩单) 344

27.Ma?n Luther King Died(马丁·路德·金死了) 345

28.Activity Night(活动日之夜) 345

29.A Talent Show(文艺演出) 346

30.Report on Our Talent Show(斯波汀高中文艺演出报道) 347

31.My Boy Friend Jim(我的男友吉姆) 351

Age 18: 351

1.Our Prom(我们的毕业舞会) 351

2.Got A Scholarship(获得奖学金) 352

3.Playing Truant Together(集体逃学日) 353

4.Exhausted(筋疲力尽) 354

5.Tried on Our Caps(试戴方帽) 354

6.Honors Assembly(优等生大会) 355

7.Bobby Kennedy Died(罗伯特·肯尼迪死了) 355

8.University Orientation(大学开放日) 356

9.In Retrospect(A)(往事的回顾(A)) 357

10.In Retrospect(B)(往事的回顾(B)) 359

11.In Retrospect(C)(往事的回顾(C)) 361

12.Grandma Is Sick(外婆病了) 363

13.Grandma Passed Away(外婆去世) 363

附录一:全日制高级中学英语教学大纲前言:教学目的与要求(参照用) 365

附录二:中国中学生汉语日记选登(参照用) 369

附录三:美国朱迪·斯托尔老师谈日记 377