
  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:中国职业技术教育学会编
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京师范大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1992
  • ISBN:7303025871
  • 页数:200 页

领导关怀 Warm Concern of the Leaders 3

序言 Foreword 14

各类职教 蓬勃发展 Vigorous Development of Vocational-technical Education概况 Basic Information 19

依法治教 科学管理 Legal Provisions for Educational Work and Scientific Management of Schools 27

校园风采 育人环境 Physical Facilities and School Environment 28

采英撷华 异彩纷呈 Activities of Some Outstanding Schools 37

民族职教 风情独具 Unique Features of Minority VTE 55

培养应用型人才 德、智、体全面发展 Applications-oriented Training and all-round Development of Personality按需办学 生机盎然 Educational Programmes to Meet Societal Needs,School Life Full of Vigour 60

注重实践 训练技能 Practical Training Given High Priority 72

联系社会 学以致用 Render Services to the Community 92

接受考核 迎接挑战 Final Examinations and Skill Testing and New Challenges Ahead 102

人才济济 硕果累累 Highly Qualified Staff and Their Accomplishments 105

课余生活 多彩多姿 A Vibrant and Colourful School Life 118

深化改革 探索符合中国国情的办学途径 To Deepen Reform and Explore Proper Ways of Education and Training齐心协力 多渠道 多层次 多形式办学 Training Provided in Diverse Modes and at Various Levels Collaborative Efforts in Founding and Running Schools 126

产教结合 服务社会 Integrating Training with Productive Activities Providing Services to Society 141

发展校办产业 鼓励工学结合 Developing School-run Enterprises and Encouraging Integration of Work and Study 160

支持职教 服务职教 Supporting Vocational-technical Education Through Professional Services 170

国际交流与合作 International Exchanges and Cooperations友好互访与学术交流 Friendly Mutual Visits and Academic Exchanges 190

合作办学 Collaboration in expanding training capacity and introducing innovative programmes 194