《趣味英语ABC 英语兴趣活动指南 A guide to after-school activities》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:夏静波编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海科学普及出版社
  • 出版年份:1992
  • ISBN:7542706020
  • 页数:152 页

目录 1

Ⅰ.Communicative English 1

交际英语 1

1.Greetings and Introductions 2

问候与介绍 2

2.Telephoning 3

打电话 3

3.Saying Good-bye 4

告别 4

4.Thanks 5

感谢 5

祝愿与祝贺 6

5.Good Wishes 6

6.Apologies 7

道歉 7

7.Talking about Sports 8

谈体育 8

8.Welcome 10

欢迎 10

9.Seeing a Doctor 11

看病 11

10.Making an Appointment 12

约会 12

11.Having a Meal 13

吃饭 13

劝告与建议 15

12.Advice and Suggestions 15

13.Request and Order 16

请求与命令 16

14.Asking the Time 17

问时间 17

15.Asking the Way 18

问路 18

16.Shopping 19

购物 19

17.Talking about the Weather 20

谈天气 20

允许 21

18.Asking for Permission 21

19.Helping Others 23

提供帮助 23

20.Invitations 24

邀请 24

Ⅱ.Short Plays 26

英语小短剧 26

1.Born on the Same Day 27

我和祖国妈妈同生日 29

2.We are Young Pioneers 30

我们是少先队员 32

3.Helping a Soldier's Dependant,Grandma Wang 34

帮助军属王奶奶…………………………v 35

4.The New Pudong——Visiting Our Friends 36

看看新浦东——拜访我们的朋友 38

5.Putting up a Wall Newspaper 39

出墙报 40

6.Serving the People 41

为民服务 43

7.A Trial Flight 45

试飞 46

8.Buying New Schoolbags 47

买新书包 48

9.Raining 49

下雨了 50

10.Asking the Way 51

问路 54

11.After School 56

放学以后 57

12.Taking a Ferryboat 58

乘渡轮 59

13.After the Football Match 60

球赛以后 62

14.An English Visitor and a Chinese Boy 62

英国来访者和中国男孩 64

15.Our Extracurricular Activities 65

我们的兴趣小组 69

Ⅲ.Children's Songs 72

儿歌 72

小灰狗 73

1.A Little Grey Dog 73

2.A Little Pig 74

小猪 74

3.More Pupils in the Class 75

班级里面同学多 76

4.Doing Arithmetic Exercise 76

做算术 77

5.Sailing Far into the Scientific World 78

向着科学世界远航 78

6.After Class 79

放学了 80

7.I'm on Duty Today 80

今天我值日 81

8.Studying English 82

学英语 83

9.Two Little Dogs 83

两只小狗 84

10.Min Min Is Doing Homework 84

敏敏要做功课 85

11.A Pencil Box 86

铅笔盒 86

12.Developing Pudong 87

开发浦东 87

13.A Black Lamb and a White Lamb 88

14.How Hardworking Bao Bao Is! 89

一只黑羊、一只白羊。 89

宝宝真勤劳 90

15.The Bicycle Bell Rings 90

叮铃铃 91

Ⅳ.Jokes 92

幽默与笑话 92

1.Eight Seconds and Ten Seconds 93

八秒与十秒 94

2.A Foreigner Eats a Salted Egg 94

外国人吃咸蛋 95

3.Premier Zhou's Clever Answer 96

周总理的巧妙回答 97

4.Circles 98

老爷爷画圆圈 99

5.A Dangerous Game 100

危险的游戏 101

6.Do I Look Like a Beggar? 101

我像一个乞丐吗? 102

7.I Teach My Teacher 102

我教老师 103

8.The Injured's Father 104

受伤者的爸爸 105

9.A Pedler 105

盐贩子 106

10.Little Elephants? 106

11.The Magical Effect of Fairy Tales 107

小象吗? 107

童话的妙用 108

12.Good Luck 108

还算运气好 109

13.Whose Idea Is This? 110

这是谁的主意? 111

14.Not Interested 111

不感兴趣 112

15.A little Whisk 112

小笤帚 113

16.Counting 113

数数 114

17.Turn off the TV 115

关电视 116

18.Overweight 116

超重了 117

Ⅴ.Games 118

游戏 118

1.Arranging Them in Order 119

排一排 119

2.Which Two Are Missing? 119

缺哪两样东西? 119

3.What Does Each City Have? 119

每个城市有什么? 119

算年龄? 120

4.How Old Is He? 120

5.Why Are Eggs Cheap? 121

鸡蛋为什么便宜? 121

6.Filling in the Numbers 121

数字填空 121

7.Learning to Use Your Dictionary 122

学用你的词典 122

8.What Do the Numbers Mean? 122

代表什么? 122

9.How Many Triangles Are There? 122

找三角形? 122

11.Looking for Friends 123

找朋友 123

10.How Will They Appear in a Mirror? 123

镜子里的倒影? 123

12.Connecting Words 124

联词练习 124

13.Filling in the Numbers 125

填数字 125

14.Rearranging the Numbers 125

重新排列数字 125

15.Finding out the Odd Words 125

找出非同类词 125

几点了? 126

17.What Is the Time? 126

16.Who Is the Shortest? 126

谁最矮? 126

18.Telling the Direction 127

指方向 127

19.Doing Sums 127

做算术 127

20.How Many Are There? 127

多少? 127

21.Combining Two Sentences into One 128

两句并一句 128

22.Key to the Games 129

游戏答案 129

常用英语谚语100条 132

Ⅵ.Proverbs 132

1.Study 133

学习 133

友谊 133

2.The Development of Personality 135

品德修养 135

3.Health 137

健康 137

4.Friendship 138

5.Others 140

其它 140

Ⅶ.Extracurricular Activities English 143

英语兴趣小组用语100句 143