
  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:于弋,谢海燕主编
  • 出 版 社:武汉:武汉大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7307048647
  • 页数:190 页

上编 理论指导篇 1

一、大纲要求 1

1.大纲内容及时间要求 1

2.大学英语六级考试写作基本组成部分 2

3.大学英语六级考试写作评分原则和标准 3

1)评分原则 3

2)评分标准 3

二、大学英语六级考试写作出题规律与预测 4

三、大学英语六级考试写作全真题型分析 5

四、大学英语六级考试写作技巧 12

1.写作基本知识 12

1)如何选词? 12

2)如何造句? 14

3)如何组段? 19

4)如何谋篇? 29

2.四种常用文体写作技巧 33

1)描写文(description) 33

2)记叙文(narration) 37

3)说明文(exposition) 40

4)议论文(argumentation) 42

3.大学英语六级考试八种常考题型作文的写作技巧 44

1)段首句作文 44

2)提纲作文 46

3)关键词作文 48

4)情景作文 49

5)看图作文 50

6)命题作文 54

7)缩写和摘要写作 55

8)应用文 57

4.掌握临场应试技巧 60

1)审题 60

2)构思 61

3)列提纲 61

4)组织结构 63

5)修改 65

6)时间分配 65

五、提高六级写作技能和加强六级作文应试训练的方法 66

下编 实践演练篇 68

一、段首句作文 68

Unit 1 Movies 68

Unit 2 On Retirement 69

Unit 3 Fight against Drugs 71

Unit 4 Hobbies 73

Unit 5 On Beauty 74

Unit 6 Old People's Problem 76

Unit 7 On Idleness 77

Unit 8 The Advantages of Traveling by Bicycle 79

Unit 9 Books and Teenagers 80

Unit 10 Studying Abroad 82

Unit 11 The Value of Time 83

Unit 12 Realistic Life or Romantic Life 85

Unit 13 Dormitory Life 86

二、提纲作文 88

Unit 1 How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic 88

Unit 2 How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities 90

Unit 3 Man Is to Survive 91

Unit 4 Looking Forward to the New Century 93

Unit 5 We Need to Broaden Our Knowledge 94

Unit 6 The Career I Pursue 96

Unit 7 The Negative Effects of Some Advertisements 97

Unit 8 Should Firecrackers Be Banned? 99

Unit 9 Why I Take the College English Test Band 6 100

Unit 10 Haste Makes Waste 101

Unit 11 On Fake Commodities 103

Unit 12 How to Succeed in a Job Interview 104

Unit 13 The City's Pollution Problem 106

Unit 14 Successful Language Learners 107

Unit 15 E-mail 109

Unit 16 The Significance of Agriculture 110

Unit 17 Importance of Self-confidence for Young Scientists 112

Unit 18 How to Study in University 113

Unit 19 Fight against Crimes 115

Unit 20 Aims in Life 116

Unit 21 On Knowledge 117

Unit 22 Is Diploma Everything? 119

Unit 23 Modern Industry 120

Unit 24 On Challenges 122

三、关键词作文 123

Unit 1 Different Social Customs between Americans and Chinese 123

Unit 2 The Profits of Keeping a Diary in English 125

Unit 3 On Health 126

Unit 4 Computer Games and Teenagers 128

Unit 5 On Thrift 129

Unit 6 Save Wild Animals 131

Unit 7 Money 132

Unit 8 Make Our Cities Greener 134

Unit 1 My View on Opportunity 136

四、情景作文 136

Unit 2 Should the Old Live with the Young? 137

Unit 3 Campus Love 139

Unit 4 Home Decoration 140

Unit 5 Urbanization in China 142

五、看图作文 143

Unit 1 Car Accidents Declining in Walton City 143

Unit 2 Film Is Giving Way to TV 145

Unit 3 Health Gains in Developing Countries 147

Unit 4 Bridge City's Revenues 148

六、命题作文 150

Unit 1 The Enjoyment of Shopping 150

Unit 2 Young People Should Have Ideals 151

Unit 3 Importance of Modern Transportation 153

Unit 4 Make the Most of Our School Days 154

Unit 5 Going ona Diet 156

Unit 6 Fight against Piracy 157

七、缩写和摘要写作 158

Unit 1 The“Generation Gap” 158

Unit 2 The Successful Interview 161

Unit 3 The Cost of Living in a Mechanical Age 164

八、应用文 166

Unit 1 A Letter to a Schoolmate 166

Unit 2 A Letter to the University President about the Canteen Service on Campus 168

Unit 3 A Letter to a Friend 169

Unit 4 A Letter of Applying for a Job 171

Unit 5 A Private Introductory Letter 173

附录 176

附录1 大学英语六级写作常用连接词和词组 176

附录2 大学英语六级写作常用句型 180