《中华针灸特定穴疗法 汉英对照》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:14 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:吴耀持主编
  • 出 版 社:上海医科大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7562706212
  • 页数:437 页

理论篇 On Basic Theories 2

第一章 针灸特定穴的定义及其应用 2

第一节 四肢部特定穴 2

1.五输穴及其应用 2

Chapter One Definition and Application of Specific Acupoints 3

Section One Specific Acupoints on the Limbs 3

Definition and application of Five Shu Points 3

2.原穴及其应用 8

Definition and application of Yuan-Primary Points 9

3.络穴及其应用 10

Definition and application of Luo-Connecting Points 11

4.郄穴及其应用 12

Definition and application of Xi-Cleft Points 13

5.八脉交会穴及其应用 14

Definition and application of Eight Confluent Points 15

6.下合穴及其应用 16

Definition and application of LowerHe-Sea Points 17

第二节 头身部特定穴 18

1.背俞穴及其应用 18

2.募穴及其应用 18

Section Two Specific Acupoints on the Head and Trunk 19

Definition and application of Back-Shu Points 19

Definition and application of Front-Mu Points 19

3.交会穴及其应用 20

Definition and application of Crossing Points 21

第三节 八会穴及其应用 22

Section Three Definition and Application of Eight Influential Points 23

第四节 特定穴汇总表 24

Section Four Itemized Tables of Specific Acupoints 25

第一节 四肢部特定穴 42

1.五输穴的定位与解剖 42

第二章 针灸特定穴的定位与解剖 42

Chapter Two Location and Anatomy of Specific Acupoints 43

Section One Specific Acupoints on the Limbs 43

Location and anatomy of Five Shu Points 43

2.原穴的定位与解剖 66

Location and anatomy of Yuan-Primary Points 67

3.络穴的定位与解剖 70

Location and anatomy of Luo-Connecting Points 71

4.郄穴的定位与解剖 76

Location and anatomy of Xi-Cleft Points 77

5.八脉交会穴的定位与解剖 82

Location and anatomy of Eight Confluent Points 83

6.下合穴的定位与解剖 86

Location and anatomy of Lower He-Sea Points 87

第二节 头身部特定穴 88

1.背俞穴的定位与解剖 88

Section Two Specific Acupoints on the Head and Trunk 89

Location and anatomy of Back-Shu Points 89

2.募穴的定位与解剖 92

Location and anatomy of Front-Mu Points 93

3.交会穴的定位与解剖 98

Location and anatomy of Crossing Points 99

第三节 八会穴的定位与解剖 132

Section Three Location and Anatomy of Eight Influential Points 133

1.五输穴的刺法与主治 138

第三章 针灸特定穴的刺法与主治 138

第一节 四肢部特定穴 138

Puncturing method and indications of Five Shu Points 139

Section One Specific Acupoints on the Limbs 139

Chapter Three Puncturing Method and Indications of Specific Acupoints 139

2.原穴的刺法与主治 154

Puncturing method and indications of Yuan-Primary Points 155

3.络穴的刺法与主治 158

Puncturing method and indications of Luo-Connecting Points 159

4.郄穴的刺法与主治 162

Puncturing method and indications of Xi-Cleft Points 163

5.八脉交会穴的刺法与主治 164

Puncturing method and indications of Eight Confluent Points 165

6.下合穴的刺法与主治 166

Puncturing method and indications of Lower He-Sea Points 167

第二节 头身部特定穴 168

1.背俞穴的刺法与主治 168

Section Two Specific Acupoints on the Head and Trunk 169

Puncturing method and indications of Back-Shu Points 169

2.募穴的刺法与主治 172

Puncturing method and indications of Front-Mu Points 173

3.交会穴的刺法与主治 174

Puncturing method and indications of Crossing Points 175

第三节 八会穴的刺法与主治 198

Section Three Puncturing method and Indications of Eight Influential Points 199

临床篇 On Clinical Pract ice 204

第四章 针灸特定穴的治疗概论 204

第一节 针灸特定穴的治疗法则 204

1.辨证与辨经 204

Pattern Identification and Meridian Identification 205

Section One Therapeutic Principles of Specific Acupoints 205

Chapter Four General Introduction of Specific Acupoints Therapy 205

2.治标与治本 206

3.调气与调神 206

Sign Treatment and Root Treatment 207

Qi Adjustment and Spirit Adjustment 207

第二节 特定穴的处方选取 208

1.特定穴的选取 208

Section Two Selection Methods of Specific Acupoints in Prescription 209

Selection of Specific Acupoints 209

2.特定穴的配穴运用 210

Point Combination of Specific Acupoints 211

第三节 特定穴与疾病诊断 212

Section Three Diagnostic Application of Specific Acupoints 213

1.急症 214

第一节 急症与传染性疾病 214

(1)高热 High fever 214

(2)昏迷 Coma 214

第五章 常见病的特定穴治疗 214

Section One Emergency and Infectious Diseases 215

Emergency diseases 215

Chapter Five Treatment of Common Diseases by Specific Acupoints 215

(3)晕厥 Syncope 216

(4)休克 Shock 216

(5)中暑 Heat Stroke 218

(6)惊厥 Convulsion 218

(7)抽搐 Tic 220

2.传染性疾病 222

(1)流行性感冒 Influenza 222

(2)流行性腮腺炎 Mumps 222

Infectious diseases 223

(3)肺结核 Pulmonary Tuberculo-sis 224

(4)病毒性肝炎 Viral Hepatitis 224

(5)细菌性痢疾 Bacillary Dysen-tery 226

(7)霍乱 Cholera 228

(6)伤寒 Typhoid Fever 228

(8)疟疾 Malaria 230

(9)细菌性食物中毒 Bacteroidal Food Poisoning 230

第二节 内科疾病 232

1.呼吸系统疾病 232

(1)肺炎 Pneumonia 232

Section Two Internal Diseases 233

Diseases of the Respiratory System 233

(3)支气管哮喘 Bronchial Asthma 234

(2)慢性支气管炎 Chronic Bron-chitis 234

(4)肺脓肿 Lung Abscess 236

2.循环系统疾病 238

(1)高血压病 Hypertension 238

(2)心律失常 Arrhythmia 238

Diseases of the Circulatory System 239

(3)冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病 Coronary Atherosclerosis Heart Disease 240

(5)低血压症 Hypotension 242

(4)病毒性心肌炎 Viral Myocardi-tis 242

(6)血栓闭塞性脉管炎 Thrombo-angiitis 244

3.消化系统疾病 246

(1)急性胃炎 Acute Gastritis 246

(2)慢性胃炎 Chronic Gastritis 246

Diseases of the Digestive System 247

(3)呃逆 Hiccup 248

(4)胃下垂 Gastroptosis 248

(5)消化性溃疡 Peptic Ulcer 250

(6)便秘 Constipation 250

(7)腹泻 Diarrhea 252

(8)肠道激惹综合征 Intestinal Ir-ritation Syndrome 254

(9)胆石症 Cholelithiasis 254

4.泌尿系统疾病 256

(1)急、慢性肾炎 Acute and Chro-nic Nephritis 256

Diseases of the Urinary System 257

(3)慢性前列腺炎 Chronic Prosta-titis 258

(2)尿路感染 Urinary Tract Infec-tion 258

(4)产后尿失禁 Postpartum Incon-tinence of Urine 260

(5)男性不育症 Male Infertility 262

(6)遗精 Seminal Emission 262

(7)阳痿 Impotence 264

5.造血系统疾病 264

(1)贫血 Anemia 264

Diseases of the Hemopoietic System 265

(2)白细胞减少症 Leukopenia 266

(3)原发性血小板减少性紫癜 Pri-mary Thrombocytopenic Pur-pura 268

(4)中性粒细胞功能紊乱 Neutro-phil Dysfunction 268

6.内分泌系统及代谢性疾病 270

(1)甲状腺功能亢进症 Hyperthy-roidism 270

(2)甲状腺功能减退症 Hypothy-roidism 270

Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases 271

(3)女性不孕症 Female Sterility 272

(4)性早熟 Sexual Precosity 272

(5)糖尿病 Diabetes Mellitus 274

(6)高血脂症 Hyperlipidemia 276

(7)痛风 Gout 276

(8)肥胖症 Obesity 278

(9)类风湿性关节炎 Rheumatoid Arthritis 280

7.神经、精神系统疾病 280

(1)头痛 Headache 280

Neural and Mental Diseases 281

(2)偏头痛 Migraine 282

(3)中风 Apoplexy 284

(4)失眠 Insomnia 286

(5)面神经损害 Lesions of Facial Nerve 288

(6)面肌痉挛 Facial Spasm 288

(7)三叉神经痛 Trigeminal Neu-ralgia 290

(8)记忆障碍 Dysmnesia 292

(9)共济失调 Ataxia 294

(10)癫痫 Epilepsy 294

(11)帕金森病 Parkinson's Disease 296

(12)小舞蹈病 Chorea Minor 298

(13)重症肌无力 Myasthenia Gra-vis 300

(14)视神经萎缩 Optic Atrophy 300

(15)腓总神经损伤 Lesion of the Common Peroneal Nerve 302

(16)桡神经、正中神经及尺神经损伤 Lesion of the Radial Nerve,the Median Nerve and the Ulnar Nerve 304

(17)坐骨神经痛 Sciatica 306

(18)股外侧皮神经炎 Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Neuritis 308

(19)更年期综合征 Menopausal Syndrome 310

(20)老年性痴呆症 Senile Demen-tia 312

第三节 运动系统疾病 314

(1)落枕 Torticollis 314

(2)颈椎病 Cervical Spondylosis 314

Section Three Diseases of the Motor System 315

(3)肩关节周围炎 Periarthritis of Shoulder 316

(4)肱骨外上髁炎 External Humeral Epicondylitis 318

(5)肱骨内上髁炎 Internal Humeral Epicondylitis 318

(7)急性腰扭伤 Acute Lumbar Sprain 320

(6)桡骨茎突狭窄性腱鞘炎 Tenosy-novitis Stenosans 320

(8)腰肌劳损 Lumbar Muscle Strain 322

(9)腰椎间盘突出症 Herniated Lum-bar Intervertebral Disc 322

(10)原发性尾骨痛 Primary Coccyalgia 324

(11)股骨头缺血性坏死 Ischemic Nec-rosis of Femoral Head 326

(12)半月板损伤 Lesion of the Menis-cus 328

(13)踝关节扭伤 Sprain of Ankle 328

(14)跟痛症 Calcaneodynia 328

(15)骨质疏松症 Osteoporosis 330

第四节 外科与皮肤科疾病 332

(1)疗疮 Furucle 332

(2)急性乳腺炎 Acute Mastitis 332

Section Four Surgical and Dermatological Diseases 333

(3)颈部淋巴结结核 Cervical Lymph-oid Tuberculosis 334

(4)褥疮 Beb Sore 334

(5)直肠脱垂 Proctoptosis(Prolapse of the Rectum) 336

(7)阑尾炎 Appendicitis 338

(6)痔疮 Hemorrhoid 338

(8)带状疱疹 Herpes Zoster 340

(9)寻常疣与扁平疣 Common and Flat Warts 340

(10)荨麻疹 Urticaria 342

(11)神经性皮炎 Neural Dermatitis 342

(12)斑秃 Alopecia 344

(13)腋臭 Hircismus 346

(14)乳腺增生病 Hyperplasia of Mam-mary Glands 346

(1)急性结膜炎 Acute Conjunctivitis 348

(2)白内障 Cataract 348

第五节 五官及口腔科疾病 348

Section Five Diseases of Five Sense Organs and Stomatologic Diseases 349

(3)近视 Myopia 350

(4)斜视 Strabismus 352

(5)色盲 Monochromattism 352

(6)麦粒肿 Stye 354

(7)过敏性鼻炎 Allergic Rhinitis 354

(9)梅尼埃病 Meniere's Disease 356

(8)咽部神经官能症 Pharyngeal Neu-rosis 356

(10)耳鸣、耳聋 Tinnitus and Deafness 358

(11)聋哑 Deaf-mutism 360

(12)急、慢性咽喉炎 Acute and Chron-ic Pharyngitis and Laryngitis 360

(13)颞颌关节功能紊乱 Disorder of Temporomandibular Joint 362

(14)牙痛 Toothache 362

第六节 妇产科疾病 364

(1)子宫内膜异位症 Endometriosis 364

Section Six Gynecological and Obstetric Diseases 365

(2)子宫脱垂 Prolapse of Uterus 366

(3)胎位异常 Malposition of Fetus 368

(4)痛经 Dysmenorrhea 368

(5)子宫肌瘤 Hysteromyoma 370

(6)带下病 Leukorrhagia 370

(7)盆腔瘀血症 Pelvic Blood stagna-tion 372

(8)产后乳少 Puerperal Insufficient Lactation 374

(9)经前期紧张综合征 Premenstrual Tension Syndrome 374

(10)外阴瘙痒 Pruritus of Vulva 376

第七节 小儿科疾病 378

(1)小儿疳积 Infantile Malnutrition 378

(2)百日咳 Whooping Cough 378

Section Seven Paediatric Diseases 379

(3)斜颈 Infantile Wryneck 380

(4)惊风 Infantile Convulsion 380

(5)婴儿腹泻 Infantile Diarrhea 382

(6)遗尿症 Enuresis 384

(7)脑性瘫痪 Cerebral Palsy 386

(8)小儿麻痹症 Poliomyelitis 388

(9)抽动-秽语综合征 Tourette's Syn-drome 388

(10)小儿多动症 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 390

附篇 Appendix 396

Ⅰ.针灸特定穴定位图谱(Illustrative Figures on the Location of Specific Acupoints) 396

Ⅱ.近二十年特定穴文献一览(Documents on Specific Acupoints in Recent 20 Years) 417

Ⅲ.参考书目(References) 436