Study Session 4 Economics:Macroeconomic Analysis(经济学:宏观经济分析) 1
一、学习任务(Reading Assignments) 1
二、学习要求(Learning Outcome Statements,LOS) 1
三、学习精要(Study Notes) 2
14.Economic Fluctuations,Unemployment,and Inflation(经济波动、失业与通货膨胀) 2
15.Fiscal Policy(财政政策) 10
16.Money and the Banking System(货币与银行系统) 25
17.Modern Macroeconomics:Monetary Policy(现代宏观经济学:货币政策) 34
18.Stabilization Policy,Output,and Employment(稳定政策、产量与就业) 48
四、宏观经济学预备知识 55
P1.Taking the Nation's Economic Pulse(把握国家的经济脉搏) 56
P2.Working with Our Basic Aggregate Demand/Aggregate Supply Model(应用基本的总需求—总供给模型) 67
P3.Keynesian Foundations of ModernMacroeconomics(现代宏观经济学的凯恩斯主义基础) 76
Study Session 5 Economics:Microeconomic Analysis(经济学:微观经济分析) 84
一、学习任务(Reading Assignments) 84
二、学习要求(Learning Outcome Statements,LOS) 84
三、学习精要(Study Notes) 86
19.Demand and Consumer Choice(需求与消费者选择) 86
20.Costs and the Supply of Goods(成本与商品供给) 97
21.Price Takers and the Competitive Process(价格接受者和竞争过程) 107
22.Price-Searcher Markets with Low Entry Barriers(低进入壁垒的价格搜寻者市场) 117
23.Price-Searcher Markets with High Entry Barriers(高进入壁垒的价格搜寻者市场) 124
24.The Supply of and Demand for Productive Resources(生产资源的供给与需求) 133
25.The Financial Environment:Markets,Institutions,and Interest Rates(金融环境:市场、机构以及利率) 140
四、微观经济学预备知识 148
P1.Supply,Demand,and the Market Process(供给、需求和市场过程) 149
P2.Supply and Demand:Applications and Extensions(供给和需求:应用与扩展) 158
Study Session 6 Economics:Global Economic Analysis(经济学:世界经济分析) 166
一、学习任务(Reading Assignments) 166
二、学习要求(Learning Outcome Statements,LOS) 166
26.Gaining from International Trade(从国际贸易中获益) 167
三、学习精要(Study Notes) 167
27.Foreign Exchange(外汇) 181
28.Foreign Exchange Parity Relations(汇率平价关系) 203
Study Session 18 Portfolio Management(资产组合管理) 223
一、学习任务(Reading Assignments) 223
二、学习要求(Learning Outcome Statements,LOS) 223
三、学习精要(Study Notes) 224
76.The Investment Setting(投资概论) 224
77.The Asset Allocation Decision(资产配置决策) 231
78.An Introduction to Portfolio Management(资产组合管理介绍) 238
79.An Introduction to Asset Pricing Models(资产定价模型介绍) 263