ContentsLesson Texts17 A.A Day at the Fair 1
B.Disaster18 A.Clarissa 16
B.A Visit to London19 A.Sailing the Atlantic Alone 32
B.The Fastnet Disaster20 A.A Job Interview 49
B.Am I All Right21 A.Building a House 63
B.The Rich and the Poor22 A.Death on the Nile 80
B.A Clear Conscience23 A.Katherine Mansfield 97
B.R udyard Kipling24 A.George Orwell 113
B.Marilyn Monroe25 A.Welcome to Sydney 131
B.New Zealand26 A.Our World 149
B.Rich Countries and Poor Countries27 A.Hot Snake 167
B.After the Fire28 A.The Olympic Games 184
B.Life in the Future29 A.Crime and Punishment 202
B.A Trip to Mars30 A.An Explorer 220
B.The Camel Lady31 A.The Slow Train to China 237
B.Sri Lanka32 A.Marston Hall 255
B.Seeing Hands附录1:自学辅导材料 273
附录2:词汇总表 380