《对外贸易基础英语 第3册》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:应兆兰
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国对外经济贸易出版社
  • 出版年份:1987
  • ISBN:7800040232
  • 页数:250 页

Lesson One Text:A Letter of Enquiry 1

Contents 1

Sentence Patterns:定语从句句型 14

Grammar:定语从句 14

Word Study:appoint,supply, 14

appreciate,close 14

Lesson Two Text:A Letter of Offer 14

increase,quote 25

Lesson Three Text:Specifications and Packing 25

Grammar:主语从句 25

Word Study:examine,approach, 25

Sentence Patterns:主语从句句型 25

Sentence Patterns:被动语态句型 38

Grammar:被动语态(三) 38

Word Study:fold,dispose,demand 38

Lesson Four Text:The Story of a Blouse 38

Lesson Five Text:Meeting a Foreign Guest 51

Word Study:dress,answer,pick,address 51

Sentence Patterns:过去进行时句型 51

Grammar:过去进行时 51

Sentence Patterns:将来进行时句型 64

Grammar:将来进行时 64

Word Study:fly,attend,check,conclude 64

Review Exercises(LL 1-5) 64

Lesson Six Text:Coming Across a Friend in aHospital. 69

Sentence Patterns:现在完成进行时句型 83

间接引语句型 83

Grammar:Ⅰ.现在完成进行时 83

Ⅱ.直接引语和间接引语(一) 83

Word Study:consult,recover,improve, 83

forget 83

Lesson Seven Text:Will People Buy It? 83

Word Study:plan,introduce,read,deal 96

Ⅱ.直接引语和间接引语(二) 96

Lesson Eight Text:Letters of Enquiry and Offer 96

Sentence Patterns:反身代词句型 96

Grammar:Ⅰ.反身代词 96

Sentence Patterns:分词结构句型 111

Grammar:分词(一) 111

Word Study:send,know,keep,receive 111

Lesson Nine Text:Counter Offer………………………Sentence Patterns:分词结构句型Grammar:分词(二)Word Study:get,give,offerLesson Ten Text:An Interview at the Fair 127

Word Study:come,like,hear,mind 140

Review Exercises(LL 6-10) 140

Grammar:动名词 140

Sentence Patterns:动名词结构句型 140

Leeson Eleven Text:Sir Isaac Newton Dines OffNothing 146

Sentence Patterns:过去将来时句型 161

过去完成时句型 161

Grammar:Ⅰ,过去将来时 161

Ⅱ,过去完成时 161

Word Stucly:see,go,cover,begin 161

Lesson Twelve Text:Price Negotiation 161

Lesson Thirteen Text:Seeing a Foreign Guest Off 173

Word Study:find,work,leave 173

Grammar:状语从句(二) 173

Sentence Patterns:状语从句句型 173

Sentence Patterns:复合宾语句型 188

倒装句型 188

Grammar:Ⅰ.复合宾语 188

Ⅱ.倒装 188

Word Study:look,call,mean 188

Lesson Fourteen Text:Terms of Payment 188

Word Study:talk,think,agree 204

Lesson Fifteen Text:Letters on Order and Confirmation 204

强调“it”句型 204

Grammar:先行“it”和强调“it” 204

Sentence Patterns:先行“it”句型 204

Sentence Patterns:同位语从句句型 216

Grammar:同位语从句 216

Word Study:wish,turn,state,return 216

Review Exercises(LL 11-15) 216

附录:一、不规则动词表 223

二、词汇表 224