《英语扩充词汇阶梯阅读 精通1000词汇》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:刘文英等编
  • 出 版 社:西安:西安交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1996
  • ISBN:7560508138
  • 页数:158 页

1 A T elevision Advertisement一则电视广告 1

2 Post Last Year’s Christmas Cards迟发的圣诞卡 3

3 He Ran for His Health他为健康而跑 5

4 In Another Country在外国 7

5 The Police Dog Jack警犬杰克 9

Review Exercise One 10

6 A“Seeing-Eye”Dog导盲犬 11

7 Mr Russell’s New Heart拉塞尔先生的第二颗心脏 13

8 Rain on a Monday Morning星期一早晨的雨 16

9 The Ancient Romans古罗马人 17

10 A Letter to a Teacher给老师的一封信 19

Review Exercise Two 20

11 If I Don’t Do Anything Else如果我不干别的事 21

12 Little John’s prayers小约翰的祈祷 23

13 “It’s Raining Cats and Dogs!”猫狗从天降 25

14 The Little Star小星星 27

15 What Is So Strange About the Echo There那儿的回声何等奇妙 29

Review Exercise Three 30

16 Talking Big吹牛 31

17 I Have Seen Santa Claus in Summer我在夏天见到了圣诞老人 33

18 Can We Eat Paper?纸能吃吗? 35

19 Ireland:A Cottage and an Acre爱尔兰的农舍和宅边地 37

20 Epigrams·Mottoes·Sayings(Ⅰ)警句·名言·谚语(一) 39

Review Exercise Four 40

21 Fighting the Shark勇斗鲨鱼 41

22 That Cat Could Talk会说话的猫 43

23 Baseball in America棒球在美国 45

24 The Best Player(Ⅰ)最佳球星(一) 47

25 The Best Player(Ⅱ)最佳球星(二) 49

Review Exercise Five 50

26 How Did You Lose Your Way There?怎么会迷路? 51

27 All Plants Love Music所有植物爱听音乐 53

28 April Fool’s Day愚人节 55

29 The Cruel King残酷的国王 57

30 The Driver’s Excuse驾驶员的狡辩 59

Review Exercise Six 60

31 Lucky Dad幸运的爸爸 61

32 Wave to Everybody挥手致意 63

33 An Evening in Harlem哈莱姆之夜 65

34 The Biggest and the Gentlest温柔的庞然大物 67

35 Soap and Water肥皂和水 69

Review Exercise Seven 70

36 A Day for Kites放风筝 71

37 New Neighbors新邻居 73

38 One Drink,Six Bills生财有道 75

39 A Friend in Need(Ⅰ)患难见真交(一) 77

40 A F riend in Need(Ⅱ)患难见真交(二) 79

Review Exercise Eight 80

41 Epigrams·Mottoes·Sayings(Ⅱ)警句·名言·谚语(二) 81

42 Humorous Stories about Famous Men名人幽默故事 83

43 The Origin of Pen笔的起源 85

44 Different Views on Education Costs有关教育收费的不同观点 87

45 A Good Way to Make Friends交友之妙法 90

Review Exercise Nine 91

46 The Wedding Dress婚纱风波 92

47 The“Golden Gate”金门大桥 94

48 Grey Owl—British or Indian?格瑞·奥——英国人还是印第安人? 96

49 When Were You Born生辰与性格 98

50 The Red Cross红十字会 100

Review Exercise Ten 101

51 Newspapers and Facts新闻报导与事实 102

52 Come with Me,Sir先生,请跟我来 104

53 Types of Blood血型 106

54 Warm and Cool Colors冷暖色 108

55 Color Associations颜色的联想 110

Review Exercise Eleven 112

56 The Magic Hairing Cream神奇的生发灵 113

57 Work Is What You Make It(Ⅰ)工作就是创造(一) 115

58 Work Is What You Make It(Ⅱ)工作就是创造(二) 117

59 His Just Reward罪有应得 119

60 Mosquito蚊子 122

Review Exercise Twelve 123

61 High Style时髦的高底鞋 124

62 Three Against One巧渡 126

63 Alexander’s Horse(Ⅰ)亚力山大驯马记(一) 128

64 Alexander’s Horse(Ⅱ)亚力山大驯马记(二) 130

Review Exercise Thirteen 131

译文 132

Key to Exercises and Review Exercises 153