《中国区域地质 8》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:《中国区域地质》编辑部编辑
  • 出 版 社:北京:地质出版社
  • 出版年份:1984
  • ISBN:15038·新1017
  • 页数:148 页


《中国区域地质》8 1

The geotectonic evolution of Sichuan Zhao Younian,Li Chunsheng and Lai Xiangfu 1

Achievement in Regional Surveys 1

·区调成果· 1

四川省大地构造及其演化 赵有年等 1

重砂普查方法的新方向 肖新元摘译 22

江西区域变质岩及其变质作用 张惠众 23

Regional metamorphic rocks and their metamorphism in Jiangxi Zhang Huizhong 23

The late Proterozoic stratigraphy of southern Jilin Liu Eryi,Xu Gongyu and Li Yun 33

吉林省南部晚元古代地层 刘尔义等 33

黔北含祁阳蚌地层及其时代讨论 肖伟民 51

A discussion of the strata containing the Qiyangia fauna in northern Guizhou and their age Xiao Weimin 51

从四射珊瑚试论新疆天山地区早一中石炭世的过渡层及其时代归属 蔡土赐 59

The Early-Middle Carboniferous transition zone and its age assignment in the Tianshan Mountains region,Xinjiang,discussed in the light of tetracorals Cai Tuci 59

·专题研究· 71

西藏南部的中生代变形构造 曲景川、陈国铭 71

Mesozoic deformation structures in southern Tibet Qu Jingchuan and Chen Guoming 71

Thematic Research 71

Microstructures of algal phosphorites in the Doushantuo Formation and their genetic characteristics Zhao Dongxu 81

陡山沱组藻磷块岩的显微结构和生成特点 赵东旭 81

Remote Sensing Techniques 91

甘萧省洒勒山构造——重力滑坡的研究 李瑾焕等 91

·遥感技术· 91

A study of the structural-gravity landslides in the Sale Mountain,Gansu Province Li Jinhuan et al. 91

·区域工作介绍· 100

贵州省1:20万区调工作概况 甘朝勋 100

金属矿产成矿规律——预测图的编制原则和方法 耿树方 101

The principles and methods for preparing metallōgenic-prognostic maps of metallic ore deposits Geng Shufang 101

Research into Work Methods 101

·工作方法研究· 101

前寒武纪变质岩系角度不整合特点 徐朝雷 徐有华 117

Characteristics of angular unconformities in Precambrian metamorphic rock series Xu Chaolei and Xu Youhua 117

黔中陡山沱时期含磷地区及磷块岩研究的新进展 王砚耕、朱士兴 129

·区调新知· 129

New Knowledge of Regional Surveys 129

New progress in the study of the Doushantuo-aged phosphatic strata and phosphorites in central Guizhou Wang Yangeng and Zhu Shixing 129

安微巢县老虎洞白云岩的时代 李玉发等 130

The age of dolomite of the Tiger Cave in Chaoxian,Anhui Li Yufa et al. 130

“科马提岩”鬣刺结构的发现及其特征 崔秀石 131

The discovery of the spinifex texture of komatiite in the Mesozoic plate subduction zone in the Natanhata Mountains Cui Xiushi 131

阿尔金山晚石炭世地层及其地质意义 李天德等 134

The Late Carboniferous in the Altun Mountains and its geological significance Li Tiande et al. 134

·国外科技动态· 140

近年来国外地质研究概况 肖增起、陈克强编译 140

Trends of Science and Technology Abroad 140

A brief account of the geological study abroadtranslated and compiled by Xiao Zhengai and Chen Keqiang 140