
  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:地质矿产部岩石圈构造与动力学开放研究实验室编
  • 出 版 社:北京:地质出版社
  • 出版年份:1996
  • ISBN:7116021353
  • 页数:199 页

祝贺庄培仁教授七十华诞 1

Celebration of the 70th anniversary of Professor Zhuang Peiren birthday 2

研究动态 Research Activities 4

全球构造研究的简要回顾 王鸿祯 4

中国西北的大陆构造 葛肖虹等 9

Continental tectonics of Northwest China Ge Xiaohong et al. 12

东亚大陆各地块中、新生代运动学特征研究 万天丰 朱鸿 19

Study on the kinematics of eastern Asian continental blocks 21

in Meso-Cenozoic Wan Tianfeng and Zhu Hong 21

华南地区重力异常与地壳厚度的相关性研究 曾华霖 张庆合 30

south China Zeng Hualin and Zhang Qinghe 34

Cross-Correletion between gravity anomaly and crustal thickness, 34

东北亚中、新生代构造演化 林建平 45

Meso-Cenozoic tectonic evolution of Northeastern Asia Lin Jianping 51

南美西部安第斯山新生代构造应力场研究 王根厚 66

Study on the Cenozoic tectonic stress field in the Andes of the west 69

of South America Wang Genhou 69

美国西部拉拉米造山带与中国北部燕山造山带某些构造特征的比较及板内变形动力学意义 张长厚 77

Laramide orogen in Western United States and Yanshan orogen in 81

North China:Comparison of some tectonic features and the significance to 81

geodynamics of intraplate deformation Zhang Changhou 81

碰撞事件引起冈瓦纳大陆裂解吗? 张舜新 92

Did the impacts result in the breakup of Gondwanaland? Zhang Shunxin 95

白垩纪末期浅海相生物灭绝的原因——从西藏到全球 万晓樵 105

Causes of the Latest Cretaceous extinction in the shallow marine realm: 109

From Tibet to globe Wan Xiaoqiao 109

微玻璃陨石撞击导致始新世末太平洋板块改变运动方向的可能性及动力学探讨 尹延鸿 万天丰 116

The possibility and dynamics of a microtektite impacted the Pacific plate 122

and caused the change of its moving direction in the end of Eocene Yin Yanhong and Wan Tianfeng 122

陨星撞击对地幔对流和板块运动的可能影响 石耀霖 133

Possible effects of meteorite impact on mantle convection and plate motion 136

Shi Yaolin 136

中国东部中生代早期盆山耦合关系及其与北美西部的对比 刘少峰 柯爱蓉 146

Early Mesozoic coupling relation between basin and mountain in eastern China andits comparison with the western North America Liu Shaofeng Ke Airong 151

冈瓦纳古陆裂解的运动学特征 陈廷愚 161

Kinematic features of the breakup of Gondwanaland Chen Tingyu 165

板块构造动力学与微玻璃陨石撞击事件——工作假说 万天丰 张长厚 176

Dynamics of plate tectonics and microtektite impact event: 181

A working hypothesis Wan Tianfeng and Zhang Changhou 181

简报 第2号 192

构造地质研讨会活动,1995 193

The activities of tectonic seminar,1995 194

新书预告 New Book 195

断裂构造研究 庄培仁 常志忠 195

Research on fault structures Zhuang Peiren and Chang Zhizhong 196

Formation and evolution of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone ……………… 198

Wan Tianfeng et al. 198