《美国轶事趣闻集锦 英汉对照》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:李国林译注
  • 出 版 社:成都市:四川大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1986
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:232 页

Contents目录Ⅰ.Anecdotes of Notables名人轶事 1

1.The Uglier Man假如我比你还丑陋 1

2.Lincoln and a Woman林肯与妇人 3

3.How Lincoln Felt林肯谈感想 4

4.Lincoln on Bagging Prairie Chickens林肯谈捕杀松鸡 4

5.Lincoln and the Whetstone林肯和磨刀石 7

6.On the Lord s Side站在上帝一边 11

7.The Art of Making Enemies树敌的艺术 12

8.Message to Moscow跟莫斯科通电话 13

9.Roosevelt s Greatness罗斯福伟大 14

10.Washington s Guard华盛顿的卫兵 15

11.Washington s Notebooks华盛顿的笔记本 16

12.Old Jake and President Cleveland老杰克和克利夫兰总统 17

13.Astronomical Toasts为宇宙伟人干杯 22

14.Franklin and the Stamp Act富兰克林和印花税法案 23

15.How Taft Stopped a Through Train塔夫脱是如何让过路火车停站的 26

16.Franklin s Advice富兰克林的建议 27

17.Jefferson and the Landlord杰菲逊和店主 28

18.Revising the Sign修改招牌 31

19.Short Rations给养不足 35

20.Einstein Explains the Theory ofRelativity爱因斯坦解释相对论 36

21.Grover Cleveland s Advice格罗弗·克利夫兰的建议 38

Ⅱ.Politics and Law政治法律 39

22.Farmer-Governor Chittenden农夫州长奇坦登 39

23.Wendell phillips and the Waiter温德尔·菲利普斯和侍者 41

24.Jim Ferguson s Defense吉姆·弗格森的辩词 42

25.John Marshall,Errand Boy约翰·马歇尔当差仆 43

26.Politic s in Wyoming怀俄明的政治 45

27.Winning Statehood for New Mexico为新墨西哥赢得州的地位 47

28.Teddy Roosevelt and Moses特迪·罗斯福和摩西 51

29.The Successful Candidate成功的候选人 54

30.The Great Man伟人 55

31.Polite Phillips彬彬有礼的菲力普斯 58

32.Black,White,and Blue黑人、白人和烦恼 60

33.Rum and Rain饮洒和下雨 61

34.Why He Was a Democrat他为什么加入民主党 64

35.Prospects of Northern Lawyer inthe South北方律师在南方的前景 66

36.Advice to a Young Lawyer对年青律师的忠告 67

Ⅲ.War and Military Affairs战争军事 69

37.The Hero英雄 69

38.An Indian s Parable印第安人的比喻 71

39.War and Peace战争与和平 72

40.“Old Wolf”Tests the BritishMajor s Courage“老狐狸”考验英军少校的胆量 73

41.Stonewall Jackson in Heaven斯通沃尔·杰克逊在天堂 77

42.Arkansas and the Civil War阿肯色州与内战 78

43.Two Chances两种可能性 79

Ⅳ.Industry and Commerce实业生意 81

44.Stolen Flour偷面粉 81

45.A Letter of Recommendation一封推荐信 82

46.Justice公道 84

47.Jack of All Trades全才 85

48.The lndispensable Man回避不了的人 87

49.Rabbit Sandwiches兔肉三明治 88

50.How Roy Bean Colletced for the Beer罗伊·比恩怎么收啤洒钱 91

51.Blundering upon Wealth发横财 94

52.Straining the Milk过滤牛奶 96

53.The Safest Safe最保险的保险柜 97

54.Tin Lizzie铁皮汽车 99

55.The Cake蛋糕 100

56.Gum Starter嚼开口香糖的人 102

57.New England,There She Stands!伟哉,新英格兰 103

58.How Two Santa Fe Brothers Solda Keg of Whisky圣菲两兄弟是怎么把一桶威士忌洒卖掉的 105

59.The promoter and the Banker矿山创办人和银行家 108

60.The Cab Driver s Story一位出租汽车司机讲的故事 110

61.Greeley s Handwriting格里利的手书 112

Ⅴ.Farming and Country农业乡村 114

62.Country Fools versus Town Fools乡下的傻瓜对城里的傻瓜 114

63.North Dakota Baby北达科他婴儿 115

64.Missourians versus Arkansawyers密苏里人对阿肯色人 116

65.Kansas versus Maine堪萨斯州对缅因州 119

66.How They Raise Men in Georgia佐治亚人如何养儿子 122

67.Bird of Paradise in West Texas西德克萨斯的天堂鸟 123

Ⅵ.Communications and Tourism交通旅游 125

68.Webster and the Stage Driver韦伯斯特和公共马车夫 125

69.Private John Allen in New York二等兵约翰·艾伦在纽约 126

70.John Randolph and the Landlord约翰·伦道夫和店老板 130

71.Great-Coats and Children外套和生孩子 132

72.Chinese Philosopher in the Subway中国哲人乘地铁 134

73.Calling Dalton s Bluff逼多尔顿摊牌 135

74.Non-Transferable不得转让 137

75.The Quaker and the Dashing Buck公谊会教徒和衣着时髦的纨袴子弟 140

76.Wonders of America美国的奇迹 141

77.Deceiving Distances骗人的距离 142

78.Vermonters versus Summer Visitors弗蒙持人对夏季旅游者 144

79.By Buffalo骑水牛 146

80.The Chalk Line粉笔线 148

Ⅶ.Social Contact and Friendship交往友谊 148

81.Why the Old Farmer Wouldn t Tell theDrummerthe Time of Day老农夫为什么不肯告诉旅行推销商时间 153

82.The Traveling Man s Acquaintance旅行推销员的相识 156

83.The Lawyer and the Poodle律师和长卷毛狗 160

84.The Rescue救人 161

85.The Three Dreams三个梦 163

86.Dreaming-Match比赛做梦 165

87.Givin -Away Liquor送情洒 168

88.Good Enough够好的了 169

89.“Come and Eat”“来吃饭” 171

90.The Silent Vermonter沉默寡言的弗蒙特人 172

91.Toothpick Shortage牙签没有了 173

Ⅷ.Family and Love家庭爱情 175

92.The Letter信 175

93.The Proposal提亲 177

94.What He Found in the Fish他在鱼肚里发现了什么 178

95.Even Stephen公平交易 180

96.Making Friends交朋友 181

97.It Could Have Been Worse还可能更糟 183

98.Bringing in the Log把木头拿进来了 185

99.The Shivaree闹房 187

100.Longevity长寿 188

Ⅸ.Sports and Recreation体育娱乐 190

101.The Compromise妥协 190

102.The Dude from Memphis孟菲斯城的花花公子 191

103.Les Hathaway and the Game Warden莱斯·哈撒韦和渔猎监督员 192

104.Barnstorming游览飞行 194

105.Callahan Makes Up His Mind卡拉汉下决心 195

106.The Fertile Gondolas下崽的平底船 197

107.Crossed Tracks会合的足迹 198

Ⅹ.Religious Belief宗教信仰 200

108.Praying to the Lord向上帝祷告 200

109.Religion in Suburbia郊区的宗教生活 202

110.In Partnership with the Lord与上帝合伙 203

111.Denominational Differences教派的差异 204

112.Nearly Out of Bible《圣经》快用完了 205

113.Raising the Minister s Salary给牧师加薪水 206

114.The Skinflint吝啬鬼 207

115.The Millerite耶稣再临派的信徒 208

116.A Letter to the Lord一封寄给上帝的信 209

117.“P.C.”“P.C.” 213

118.Nothing Wrong in Heaven天上什么都不会错 214

119.Learning the Creator s Tongue学习上帝的家乡话 216

Ⅺ.Miscellaneous其他 218

120.The Limits of Telegraphy电报技术的局限性 218

121.Bounding the United States给美国划边界 220

122.The Glanders马鼻疽 222

123.What to do to be an American怎么才算是美国人 223

124.Southern Virtues南方的美德 224

125.What Sweetens the Tea是什么使茶变甜的 225

126.Taking Up Where He Left Off把他未完成的事进行下去 226

127.Daniel Webster at School丹尼尔·韦伯斯特在学校 228

128.“Melancholy”McCullon“使人丧气的”麦卡伦 229

129.Why He Talked to Himself他为什么自言自语 231