
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:许小萍等编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国医药科技出版社
  • 出版年份:1990
  • ISBN:7506701677
  • 页数:203 页

第一章 经络与腧穴 1

一、经络 1

二、十四经穴 9

三、经外重点奇穴 32

第二章 耳针与头针 35

第三章 针灸治疗原则 43

第四章 常见病证治疗 46

一、内科疾病 46

1.中风 46

2.中暑 47

3.咳嗽 47

4.哮喘 48

5.呕吐 48

8.便秘 49

7.泄泻 49

6.噎膈 49

9.淋证 50

10.癃闭 50

11.遗精 50

12.阳痿 51

13.失眠 51

14.惊悸 52

15.癫证 52

16.眩晕 53

17.黄疸 53

18.水肿 54

19.头痛 54

20.胁痛 55

21.胃脘痛 55

23.腰骶痛 56

22.腹痛 56

24.痹证 57

25.痿证 57

26.多发性神经炎 58

27.面瘫 58

28.坐骨神经痛 59

29.三叉神经痛 59

30.烟毒综合征 59

31.肥胖症 60

二、妇科、儿科疾病 60

1.月经不调 60

2.痛经 61

3.经闭 61

4.缺乳 61

7.小儿遗尿 62

6.盆腔炎 62

5.胎位不正 62

三、外科、皮肤科、五官科疾病 63

1.乳痈 63

2.扭伤 63

3.落枕 64

4.湿疹 64

5.斑秃 64

6.眼病 65

7.耳病 65

8.鼻病 66

9.牙痛 66

10.咽喉炎 66

1.The Channels and Collaterals 67

Chapter One:Channels,Collaterals and Acupoints 67

2.Points of Fourteen Channels 79

3.Significant Extraordinary Points 121

Chapter Two:Auricular Acupuncture and Scalp Acupuncture 125

Chapter Three:The Methods and Rules of Treatment with Acupuncture and Moxibustion 140

Chapter Four:Treatment of Common Diseases 144

Ⅰ.Diseases of Internal Medicine 144

(1) Windstroke 144

(2) Sunstroke 145

(3) Cough 145

(5) Vomiting 146

(4) Asthma 146

(6) Dysphagia 147

(7) Diarrhea 147

(8) Constipation 148

(9) Lin Syndrome(Drination Disturbance) 148

(10) Dysuria 149

(11) Seminal Emission 149

(13) Insomnia 150

(12) Impotence 150

(14) Palpitation and Anxiety 151

(15) Insanity 151

(16) Dizziness 152

(17) Jaundice 152

(18) Edema 153

(19) Headache 153

(21) Epigastric Pain 154

(20) Hypochondriac Pain 154

(22) Abdominal Pain 155

(23) Lcmbosackal pain 155

(24) Bi Syndrome(Arthralgia-syndrome) 156

(25) Wei Syndrome(Flaccidity Syndrome) 156

(26) Multiple Neuritis 157

(27) Facial Paralysis 157

(28) Ischias 158

(29) Trigeminal Neuralgia 158

(30) Tabacosis Syndrome 159

(31) Obesity 159

Ⅱ.Gynecolofical and Pediatric Diseases 160

(1) Menoxenia 160

(2) Dysmenorrhea 160

(3) Amenorrhea 161

(4) Lactation Insufficiency 161

(5) AbnorFeal Position of Fetus 162

(6) Pelvic Inflammation 162

(7) Infantile Enuresis 163

Ⅲ.Diseases of Surgery,Dermatology and The Five Sence Organs 163

(1) Acute Mastitis 163

(2) Sprain 164

(3) Stiffness of Neck 164

(4) Eczema 165

(5) Alopecia Areata 165

(7) Ear Diseases 166

(6) Eye Diseases 166

(8) Diseases of the Nose 167

(9) Toothache 167

(10) Laryngopharyngitis 167

Ⅰ.Technical Terms in Treatment with Acupuncture and Moxibus-tion(including Pin Yin) 168

Appendixes 168

附录 168

一、针灸治疗技术日常用语 168

Ⅱ.The Natural Anatomical Marks on Body 174

二、人体自然解剖标志 174

三、腧穴定位法 182

Ⅲ.Methods of Locating Points 184

Figures 188

Ⅰ.Distribution of Points of Fourteen Channels 188

一、十四经穴图 188

附图 188

Ⅱ.Distribution of Auricular Points 200

二、耳穴图 200