《大学英文写作 第3册》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:丁言仁编
  • 出 版 社:南京:南京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1997
  • ISBN:7305029971
  • 页数:246 页

Unit 1 Learning about learning to write 1

Unit 2 Keep a Reading Diary 5

Unit 3 Begin with a Formal Letter 8

List of the Professional and Student Writings 16

What I Have Lived For,by Bertrand Russell 16

Unit 4 Arguing Can Be Fun 16

Unit 5 Have a Balanced View on a Quotation 19

Unit 6 Write for a Real Purpose 24

Dozing Off to a Land of English,by Li Ming 25

Unit 7 Examine the Issues Around Us 28

Letter to the Editor of China Daily,by Don Cochrane 28

Women Discourage Other Women's Ambitions,by Susan Brownmiller 30

Letter to the Editor of China Daily,by John Plotz 34

A Major Problem in China's Foreign Language Teaching,by David Crooke 35

Unit 8 Read Your Way into Writing 38

The Commencement Speech You'll Never Hear,by Jacob Neusner 39

College:An All-Forgiving World,by Ida Timothee 44

Unit 9 Writing Against the Clock 46

Letter to the Editor of China Daily,by Toy Adams 47

Unit 10 From In-Class to Take-Home 56

Residential Life,A Step Into the World,by Shao Zongwei 58

Unit 11 Be a Little More Theoretical 63

Selection from Unpopular Essays by Bertrand Russell 64

Dragon and Eagle,by Zheng Zhen 71

Dragon or Hawk?by Wang Yiman 74

Unit 12 Borrowing Words into the Diary 77

Unit 13 Talk About a Work 79

His Mother's Mate,by Henry Lawson 79

Expectations,by Jia Yun 82

NoTitle,by Chen Li 84

Unit 14 Writing About OthersWriting (Ⅰ) 86

Physical Exercises Seen Through Glasses,by Jiang Li 91

Unit 15 Writing About Others'Writing (Ⅱ) 98

Pursuit,by Wang Liyun 98

Priority,by Zhang Xie 99

A Young Man's Life,by Mu Qian 100

Ode to Dignity,by Wang Yiman 106

American Recalls W.W II Spirit of Communists,by Dong Bei 109

Unit 16 How Others Write Reviews 109

Book Review on A Small Town Called Hibiscus by Gu Hua,by Carol Walker 110

Book Review on Mao Dun's The Vixen by Carol Walker 112

A Tragedy With No Ending:Lemann's Passionately Argued Promised Land',by Randall Kennedy 113

Unit 17 Write Your Own Review 116

The Black Sun 731:A History Lesson?by Jia Yun 124

Unit 18 What Other Students Have to Say 124

Unit 19 Search for Meaning:Towards a Critical Analysis 130

Unit 20 Write Your Way into Western Literature 138

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty,by James Thurber 139

Unit 21 Let Your Opinion Be Heard 146

Cat in the Rain,by Ernest Hemingway 147

Symmetry in"Cat in the Rain,"by John V.Hagopian 152

Reality and Illusion,by Zhang Zheng 155

Unit 22 GroupReading Diary 157

Unit 23 Put Your Faculties to Work 159

A Proposal to Abolish Grading,by Paul Goodman 159

The Shoeshine Boy,by Malcolm X 163

Old Man at the Bridge,by Earnest Hemingway 167

The Solipsist,by Fredric Brown 170

Returning to"Nature":"The Moon and Sixpence,"by Bao Yufeng 173

Unit 24 Strengthen Yourself with Quotations 173

Unit 25 Read Closely Before You Write 177

Unit 26 Revise Your Draft and Deepen Your Thesis 182

Unit 27 Trace the Poet's Stance 187

Money-Madness,by D.H.Lowrence 188

We Die Together,by D. H Lowrence 189

An Irish Airman Foresees His Death,W.B.Yeats 191

Futility,by Wilfred Owen 192

London,by William Blake 194

Seaman's Ditty,by Gary Snyder 195

The Lost Generation:a Farewell to the Sun,by Zhang Zheng 197

Unit 28 Compare Two Works 197

Uncle Tom's Roots,Meg Greenfield 199

What True Education Should Do,by Sydney J Harris 204

Unit 29 Respond to a Comment 204

When Idealists Run Amok,by Mary Talbot 206

Cultural Difference?on"When Idealists Run Amok,"by Wang Tao 209

Bloody Grain,by Jeffrey Hantover 211

Who is"morally Ambiguous"?by He Yan 213

Unit 30 Do I Agree with the Author? 215

Harrison Bergeron,by Kurt Vonnegut 215

The Rock,by E.M Forster 223

AHero or an Idiot? by Ding Ye 227

Unit 31 Study Contemporary Works 229

The Debutante,by Leonora Carrington 230

The Black and White,by Harold Pinter 234

Last to Go,by Harold Pinter 238

Unit 32 Conclusion How Do I Write? 242

The Art of Authorship,by Mark Twain 243

APPENDIX Use Correct Documentation Citations and Bibliography 246