英语常用介词表 1
about 1
above 8
across 11
after 13
against 17
along 20
alongside 24
amid(st) 24
among(st) 25
around 26
at 29
before 45
behind 48
below 52
beneath 53
beside 54
besides 56
between 57
beyond 60
but 63
by 69
despite 82
down 82
during 87
except 88
for 90
from 107
in 115
inside 140
into 141
like 146
near 150
of 153
off 164
on 172
opposite 187
out of 188
outside 198
over 200
past 208
round 209
regarding 209
since 216
through 219
throughout 226
till 227
to 229
toward(s) 239
under 240
underneath 246
until 247
up 249
upon 257
with 259
within 272
without 274