
  • 购买积分:21 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:(清)孙洙原编;吴钧陶主编
  • 出 版 社:长沙:湖南出版社
  • 出版年份:1997
  • ISBN:7543813955
  • 页数:774 页

37.On hearing Dong's Playing Lute—A Poem to Minister Fang (9 3

目录骆宾王(619?622?640?—684?)Luo Binwang1.在狱咏蝉并序 4

1.Hearing Cicadas in Prison 5

Du Shenyan2.和晋陵陆丞早春游望 10

2.In Reply to Lu's Poem:An Excursion in Early Spring 11

王勃(648?649?650?—667?676?)Wang Bo3.杜少府之任蜀州 14

3.County Subprefect Du Appointed to Leave for Shuzhou 15

宋之问(656?—712?713?)Song Zhiwen4.题大庾岭北驿 18

4.Inscribed on the Wall of the North Courier's Hostel at Dayu Peak 19

沈佺期(656?—713?714?715?)Shen Quanqi5.杂诗 22

5.Miscellany 23

6.独不见 24

6.A Wish in Solitude 25

陈子昂(659?661?—700?702?)Chen Zi-ang7.登幽州台歌 28

7.A Song of Ascending on Youzhou Terrace 29

He Zhizhang8.回乡偶书 32

8.A Casual Homecoming Song 33

张旭(675?—750?)Zhang Xu9.桃花溪 36

9.The Peach Blossom Valley 37

Zhang Jiuling10—13.感遇(四首) 40

10.—13.Thoughts 41

14.望月怀远 44

14.Thinking of My Dear One Far Away While Watching the Moon 45

唐玄宗(李隆基)(685—762,712—756在位)Emperor Xuanzong(Li Longji)15.经鲁祭孔子而叹之 48

15.Sacrificing to Confucius and Mourning Him When Passing Through Lu 49

Wang Han16.凉州曲 52

16.A Liangzhou Ditty 53

18.出塞 56

Wang Zhihuan17.登鹳雀楼 56

17.On the Stork Tower 57

18.The Frontier,a Military Song 57

Meng Haoran19.岁暮归南山 60

19.Returning to the South Mountain at the Year's End 61

21.宿桐庐江寄广陵旧游 62

20.留别王维 62

21.To My Old Friend in Yangzhou from a Boat Moored at Night on the Tonglu River 63

20.Parting Words to Wang Wei 63

22.宿建德江 64

23.宿业师山房待丁大不至 64

22.Spending the Night in a Boat on the Jiande River 65

23.Waiting in Vain for Ding,the Eldest Among His Brothers,When Lodging in Buddhist Priest Ye's Mountain Hut 65

24.秋登兰山寄张五 66

24.To Zhang,the Fifth Among His Brothers,When Mounting Orchid Mountain on an Autumn Day 67

25.夏日南亭怀辛大 68

25.Thinking of Xin,the Eldest Among His Brothers,in South Pavilion on a Summer Day 69

26.夜归鹿门歌 70

26.A Song of Returning to Deer-Gate Mountain at Night 71

27.与诸子登岘山 72

27.Mounting Xian Mountain with Friends 73

28.临洞庭上张丞相 74

29.过故人庄 74

29.Visiting an Old Friend on His Farm 75

28.To Prime Minister Zhang from the Bank of Dongting Lake 75

31.春晓 76

30.早寒有怀 76

31.Spring Dawn 77

30.Thoughts on a Day When Cold Winds Come Early 77

32.秦中寄远上人 78

32.To Buddhist Priest Yuan from Chang-an 79

33.宴梅道士山房 80

33.Dining in Taoist Priest Mei’s Mountain Hut 81

李颀(690?—754?)Li Qi34.古意 82

34.Ancient Feelings 83

35.送陈章甫 86

35.Farewell to Chen Zhangfu 87

36.琴歌 88

36.Enchanting Melody 89

37.听董大弹胡笳兼寄语弄房给事 92

38.听安万善吹觱篥歌 98

38.Enjoying An Wanshan's Playing Tartar Pipe 99

39.古从军行 102

39.Ancient Warrior 103

40.送魏万之京 104

40.Seeing Wei Wan Off to Chang-an 105

綦毋潜(692?—749?755?)Qiwu Qian41.春泛若耶溪 108

41.Boating on the Ruoye Stream in Spring 109

王昌龄(698?—756?)Wang Changling42.同从弟南斋玩月忆山阴崔少府 112

42.Enjoying the Moonlight with My Cousin in the South Study and Thinking of My Friend Prefect Cui in Shanyin 113

44.塞下曲 114

43.塞上曲 114

43.A Song of the Frontier 115

44.A Frontier Song 115

45.春宫怨 116

46.闺怨 116

45.Spring Court Plaint 117

46.A Lady’s Vexation 117

47.芙蓉楼送辛渐 118

47.Seeing Xin Jian Off at Hibiscus Pavilion 119

48.出塞 120

48.Beyond the Border Pass 121

49.长信怨 122

49.A Murmur from Chang Xin Palace,or Palace of Lasting Faith 123

王维(698?700?701?—759?761?)Wang Wei50.青溪 126

50.Blue Brook 127

51.终南别业 128

52.渭川田家 128

51.My South Mountain Villa 129

52.Tillers by the Weiehuan River 129

53.送别(下马饮君酒) 130

53.Farewell 131

54.送綦毋潜落第还乡 132

54.Seeing Qiwu Qian Off to His Native Country After His Failure in the Examination 133

55.西施咏 136

55.A Song of Xi Shi 137

56.老将行 138

56.Life of an Old General 139

57.桃源行 144

57.Visits to the Land of Peach Blossoms 145

58.洛阳女儿行 148

58.The Maid of Luoyang 149

59.辋川闲居赠裴秀才迪 152

59.To Pei Di,During My Retirement in Wangchuan 153

60.山居秋暝 154

60.Autumn Evening in My Mountain Abode 155

61.归嵩山作 156

61.Retiring to the Songshan Mountains 157

62.终南山 158

62.The Zhongnan Mountains 159

63.过香积寺 160

63.Paying Visit to Incense Storing Temple 161

64.送梓州李使君 162

64.Seeing Off Prefect Li of Zizhou 163

65.汉江临眺 164

65.Viewing the Han River 165

66.积雨辋川庄作 166

66.Wangchuan After a Long Spell of Rain 167

68.杂诗 168

67.送别(山中相送罢) 168

67.Seeing My Friend Off 169

68.A Random Poem 169

70.相思 170

69.九月九日忆山东兄弟 170

70.Red Beans 171

69.On Double Ninth Day Thinking of My Brothers at Home 171

71.酬张少府 172

71.Responding to Subprefect Zhang 173

72.奉和圣制从蓬莱向兴庆阁道中留春雨中春望之作应制 174

72.An Excusion for Enjoying Spring Rain—Replying to the Emperor's poem 175

73.和贾至舍人早朝大明宫之作 176

73.An Early Levee at Daming Palace—Replying to Jia Zhi's Poem 177

74.赠郭给事 178

74.A Poem to the Court-Affair Administrator Guo 179

76.鹿柴 180

75.竹里馆 180

75.Amid the Bamboos 181

76.Deerpark Village 181

77.渭城曲 182

78.秋夜曲 182

78.An Autumn Nocturne 183

77.A Song of Wei City 183

祖咏(699—746?)Zu Yong79.望蓟门 184

79.Looking at Jimen Pass from a Distance 185

80.终南望余雪 186

80.Looking at the Remaining Snow on the ZhongnanMountain 187

Li Bai81.下江陵 190

81.Leaving the White Emperor Town at Dawn for Jiangling Town 191

82.渡荆门送别 192

83.送孟浩然之广陵 192

82.A Farewell When Leaving the Thorn-Gate Mount 193

83.Seeing Meng Haoran Off To Guangling 193

84.夜泊牛渚怀古 194

85—86.长干行 194

84.Thinking of General Xie by Niuzhu Mount on Board at Night 195

85.—86.The Ballad of Changgan 195

88.关山月 200

87.赠孟浩然 200

88.The Moon Above the Mount and Pass 201

87.To Meng Haoran 201

89.金陵酒肆留别 202

89.Parting at an Inn in Jinling 203

90.蜀道难 204

90.Difficult is the Way to Shu 205

91—93.清平调(三首) 210

91.—93.The Tune of Delicacy and Gentleness—Written for Lady Yang 211

94.下终南山过斛斯山人宿置酒 212

94.Visiting the Hermit Husi to Have a Drink After Descending Zhongnan Mountain 213

95.月下独酌 214

95.Drinking Alone Under the Moon 215

96—98.行路难(三首) 216

96.—98.Hard Goes the way 217

99.将进酒 222

99.Carouse,Please 223

100.梦游天姥吟留别 226

100.Traveling Tianmu Mountain in a Dream:A Parting Song 227

101.宣州谢眺楼饯别校书叔云 230

101.Bidding Farewell with Feast to Decreed Editor Uncle Yun on Xie Tiao Tower in County Xuan 231

102.听蜀僧浚弹琴 234

102.Listening to Monk Jun from Shu Plucking His Lute 235

103.庐山谣寄卢侍御虚舟 236

103.Ballad of Mount Lu,Sent to Lord Attendant Lu Xuzhou 237

104.登金陵凤凰台 242

104.Ascending the Phoenix Terrace of Jinling City 243

105—106.长相思(二首) 246

105.—106.Long Drawn Yearning,Two Poems 247

108.静夜思 250

107.玉阶怨 250

108.Homesickness in a Silent Night 251

107.Bitterness on Marble Steps 251

109.送友人 252

110.怨情 252

109.Saying Goodbye to My Friend 253

110.Forlornness 253

111.春思 254

112—115.子夜吴歌(四首) 254

111.Longings in Spring 255

112.—115.The Song of Wu by Zi Ye,Four Poems 255

金昌绪(玄宗685—762时人)Jin Changxu116.春怨 258

116.A Vernal Grumble 259

Cui Shu117.九日登望仙台呈刘明府 260

117.To Magistrate Liu—Ascending the Watching for the Immortal Tower on the Ninth Day of the Ninth Moon 261

丘为(701—796?)Qiu Wei118.寻西山隐者不遇 262

118.Failing to Find the Hermit of West Hill at home 263

Gao Shi119.送李少府贬峡中王少府贬长沙 268

119.Seeing Off Prefect Li Degraded to Xiazhong and Prefect Wang Degraded to Changsha 269

120.燕歌行有序 270

120.Song of the Northern Frontier 271

Cui Hao121.行经华阴 278

121.Passing Huayin 279

122.黄鹤楼 280

122.Yellow Crane Tower 281

123—124.长干行(二首) 282

123.—124.A Song of Long Vale,Four Poems(Two Selections) 283

Qian Qi125.谷口书斋寄杨补阙 284

125.Written in My Study at Gukou to the Honourable Yang,Officer of Persuasion 285

126.送僧归日本 286

126.Bidding Farewell to a Buddhist Monk Returning to Japan 287

127.赠阙下裴舍人 288

127.To Master Pei,a Palace Official 289

Du Fu128.望岳 292

128.Looking at Mountain Tai 293

129.兵车行 294

129.A Song of Chariots 295

130.丽人行 298

130.A Song of Fair Ladies 299

131.哀王孙 302

131.Mourning for a Prince 303

132.哀江头 306

132.Mourning by the Winding River 307

133.月夜 310

133.The Moonlit Night 311

135.春宿左省 312

134.春望 312

134.A Spring View 313

135.Lodging atthe Yamen to the Left of the Imperial Palace on a Spring Night 313

136.至德二载,甫自京金光门出,间道归凤翔。乾元初,从左拾遗移华州掾,与亲故别,因出此门,有悲往事 314

136.In the Second Year of Zhide,I Escaped Through the Golden-Lights Gate to Fengxiang Along a Narrow Footpath。Now,at the Beginning of the First Year of Qianyuan,Demoted from the Post of Left-Hand Imperial Adviser to an Official of Huazhou County,an 315

137.赠卫八处士 316

137.To Hermit Wei,the Eighth Among His Brothers 317

138.佳人 318

138.The Surpassing Beauty 319

139—140.梦李白(二首) 322

139.—140.Dreaming of Li Bai,Two Poems 323

141.月夜忆舍弟 324

141.Thinking of My Brothers on a Moonlit Night 325

142.天末怀李白 326

142.Thinking of Li Bai at the End of the Sky 327

143.蜀相 328

143.The Temple of the Prime Minister of Shu 329

145.野望 330

144.客至 330

144.Receiving a Guest 331

145.Viewing the Wilds 331

146.奉济驿重送严公四韵 332

146.Four Rhymes to Lord Yan Wu When Once Again Seeing Him Off at the Courier Station of Fengji 333

148.别房太尉墓 334

147.闻官军收河南河北 334

148.Upon Leaving the Tomb of Grand Military Governor Fang 335

147.Upon the News of the Recapture of Henan and Hebei by the Imperial Armies 335

150.丹青引 赠曹将军霸 338

149.登楼 338

150.Ode on a Painting—To General Cao Ba 339

149.On the Tower 339

151.韦讽录事宅观曹将军画马图 344

151.Looking at a Painting of Steeds by General Cao in Recorder Wei Feng’s House 345

152.宿府 350

152.Lodging at the Yamen 351

153.旅夜书怀 352

153.Nocturnal Reflections While Travelling 353

154.The Eight-Battle-Formations 353

155.古柏行 354

154.八阵图 354

155.The Ancient Cypress 355

156—160.咏怀古迹(五首) 356

156.—160.Contemplations on the Historical Sites,Five Poems 357

161.阁夜 366

161.A Night in a Chamber 367

162.To Imperial Adviser Han Zhu 367

162.寄韩谏议注 368

163.登高 372

163.Mounting 373

164.观公孙大娘弟子舞剑器行并序 374

164.Watching a Sword Dance Performed by the Pupil of the Elder Sister of Gongsun—with a Prelude 375

165.登岳阳楼 378

165.Ascending the Yueyang Tower 379

166.江南逢李龟年 380

166.Coming Across Li Guinian in the Southland 381

王湾(712前后)Wang Wan167.次北固山下 384

167.Mooring Under Baigushan Hill 385

刘长卿(714?—790?)Liu Changqing168.新年作 388

169.送李中丞归汉阳别业 388

169.Valedictory to Lord Li,Retired and Returning Home in Hanyang 389

168.Composed on New Year While in Banishment 389

170.秋日登吴公台上寺远眺 390

170.Distant Scene in Autumn from a Ruined Temple on Top of Duke Wu Terrace 391

172.饯别王十一南游 392

171.寻南溪常道士 392

171.Calling on the Taoist Hermit Chang of the South Stream 393

172.Farewell Dinner in Honour of Wang the Eleventh 393

173.江州重别薛六柳八二员外 394

173.Parting Again with Lords Xue and Liu at Jiangzhou 395

174.长沙过贾谊宅 396

174.Passing by Jia Yi’s Abode During His Banishment to Changsha 397

175.自夏口至鹦鹉洲望岳阳寄元中丞 398

176.弹琴 398

176.Listening to the Zither 399

175.To Chancellor Yuan:Looking Toward Yueyang City at Sunset,When Voyaging from Xiakuo to the Parrot Isle 399

178.送灵澈 400

177.送上人 400

177.Seeing Off a Monk 401

178.Seeing Off Linche,a Monk 401

岑参(715?717?—769?770?)Cen Shen179.逢入京使 404

179.Coming Across the Messenger Going to the Capital 405

180.与高适薛据登慈恩寺浮图 406

180.Climbing the Pagoda at Ci’en Temple with Gao Shi and Xue Ju 407

181.走马川行奉送封大夫出师西征 408

181.Song of the Horse Cantering Plain—To General Feng on His Western Expedition 409

182.轮台歌奉送封大夫出师西征 410

182.Song of Luntai—To General Feng on His Western Expedition 411

183.白雪歌送武判官归 412

183.Song of White Snow—To Secretary Wu Returning to the Capital 413

184.寄左省杜拾遗 414

184.To Censurer Du Fu 415

185.和贾至舍人早朝大明宫之作 416

185.An Early Levee at Daming Palace—Replying to Jia Zhi’s Poem 417

皇甫冉(716?717?—769?770?)Huangfu Ran186.春思 418

186.Spring Thoughts 419

裴迪(716—?)Pei Di187.送崔九 422

187.Farewell to Cui Jiu 423

Yuan Jie188.贼退示官吏 有序 426

188.To Officers After the Retreat of the Raiders 427

189.石鱼湖上醉歌 并序 430

189.A Song of Intoxication on the Stone Fish Lake 431

李端(?—785?)Li Duan190.听筝 436

190.Enjoying the Zither 437

皎然(720—800前后)Jiao Ran191.寻陆鸿渐不遇 440

司空曙(720?—790?)Sikong Shu 441

191.Not Finding Lu Hongjian at Home 441

192.贼平后送人北归 442

192.Seeing Off My Friend to the North After Putting Down a Rebellion 443

193.云阳馆与韩绅宿别 444

193.Parting with Han Shen After Staying Together in an Inn at Yunyang 445

194.喜外弟卢纶见宿 446

194.Happy to Have My Cousin Lu Lun Stay in My House for the Night 447

顾况(725?727?—814?816?)Gu Kuang195.宫词 450

195.Palace Song 451

常建(727前后)Chang Jian196.宿王昌龄隐居 452

196.Overnight Tarry in Wang Changling’s Hermitage 453

197.破山寺后禅院 454

197.In the Rear Buddha Hall of the Broken Hill Temple 455

Dai Shulun198.江乡故人偶集客舍 458

198.Chance Meeting of Fellow Provincials at an Inn 459

刘昚虚(733前后)Liu Shenxu199.阙题 460

199.A Poem Without a Title 461

韦应物(737—792?793?)Wei Yingwu200.郡斋雨中与诸文士燕集 466

200.Entertaining Literary Scholars in My Official Residence on a Rainy Day 467

202.寄全椒山中道士 468

201.初发扬子寄元大校书 468

202.For the Mountain Hermit of Quanjiao 469

201.On Setting Out on the Yangtze:For Secretary Yuan 469

204.夕次盱眙县 470

203.长安遇冯著 470

203.On Meeting Feng Zhu at Chang-an 471

204.Mooring at Dusk in Xuyi County 471

205.东郊 472

205.The Eastern Suburbs 473

206.送杨氏女 474

206.To My Daughter,on Her Marriage into the Yang Family 475

207.淮上喜会梁州故人 476

208.赋得暮雨送李曹 476

207.Happy Meeting on the Huai with an Old Friend from Liangzhou 477

208.A Valediction:To Li Cao,in an Evening Drizzle 477

209.寄李儋元锡 478

209.To Li Dan 479

210.秋夜寄丘员外 480

211.滁州西涧 480

211.The West Vale of Chuzhou 481

210.To Ministry Councillor Qiu on an Autumn Night 481

刘方平(742—779前后)Liu Fangping212.月夜 482

212.The Moonlit Night 483

213.春怨 484

213.Spring Resentment 485

卢纶(748?—799?800?)Lu Lun214.送李端 486

214.Seeing Li Duan Off 487

216—219.塞下曲(六首选四) 488

215.晚次鄂州 488

215.Night Stopover at Wuchang 489

216.—219.Below the Border Pass,Six Poems(Four Selections) 489

李益(748—827?829?)Li Yi220.喜见外弟又言别 494

221.江南曲 494

220.Delighted to Meet My Cousin,Only to Bid Good-bye Again 495

221.A Southern Tune 495

222.夜上受降城闻笛 496

222.On Hearing the Flute While Ascending the Shouxiang City at Night 497

Meng Jiao223.列女操 500

224.游子吟 500

224.A Roving Son’s Song 501

223.A Faithful Widow 501

张继(753前后)Zhang Ji225.枫桥夜泊 502

225.Mooring at Night by Maple Bridge 503

韩翃(754前后)Han Hong226.酬程近秋夜即事见赠 504

226.Responding to Cheng Yan’s Poem on Autumn Night 505

227.同题仙游观 506

227.Composed for Xianyou Temple 507

228.寒食 508

228.Cold Food Days 509

权德舆(758?759?—815?818?)Quan Deyu229.玉台体 512

229.A Song After the Yutai Style 513

柳中庸(766前后)Liu Zhongyong230.征人怨 514

230.A Soldier’s Complaint 515

Zhang Ji231.没蕃故人 518

231.To an Old Friend Lost in Tubo 519

232.新嫁娘 522

232.A Bride’s Song 523

Han Yu233.山石 526

233.The Mountain Rocks 527

234.八月十五夜赠张功曹 528

234.To Zhang,Chief Official of Protocol and Election,on the Moon Festival 529

235.谒衡岳庙遂宿岳寺题门楼 534

235.An Inscription on the Entrance Gate of Hengshan Mountain Temple 535

236.The Lay of the Stone Drums 539

236.石鼓歌 540

Liu Yuxi237.蜀先主庙 554

237.At the Temple of the Late Sovereign 555

238.西塞山怀古 556

238.Thinking About the Past at Xisai Mountain 557

239.乌衣巷 558

239.The Black Clothes Lane 559

240.春词 560

240.Ode to Spring 561

Bai Juyi241.长恨歌 564

241.Song of Everlasting Woe 565

242.琵琶行并序 578

242.Song of Pi-pa the Tartarian Lute 579

243.草 590

243.Grasses 591

244.自河南经乱,关内阻饥,兄弟离散,各在一处。因望月有感,聊书所怀,寄上浮梁大兄、于潜七兄、乌江十五兄兼示符离及下邽弟妹 592

244.Feelings from Watching the Moon—Both Rebellion in Henan and Famine Around Chang-an Made Us Brothers and Cousins Disperse。Now I Watch the Moon and Some Feelings Occur,So I Compose This Poem and to All My Brothers and Cousins 593

245.问刘十九 594

245.Requesting Mr.Liu,the Nineteenth 595

246.宫词 596

246.Song of the Palace 597

Liu Zongyuan247.晨诣超师院读禅经 600

247.A Morning Visit to the Buddhist Chao to Read the Chan Scriptures 601

248.溪居 602

248.Living by a Brook 603

249.渔翁 604

249.A Fisherman 605

250.登柳州城楼寄漳汀封连四州刺史 606

251.江雪 606

251.The Snowbound River 607

250.Ascending the Liuzhou Wall Tower—To the Prefects of Zhangzhou,Tingzhou,Fengzhou and Lianzhou 607

杜秋娘(宪宗778—820时人)Du Qiuniang252.金缕衣 610

252.Raiment of Golden Thread 611

Yuan Zhen253—255.遣悲怀(三首) 614

253.—255.Lament for My Deceased Wife,Three Poems 615

256.行宫 616

256.An Imperial Palace Away from the Capital 617

Jia Dao257.寻隐者不遇 620

257.Missing the Hermit When Visiting Him 621

张祜(782?—859?)Zhang Hu258.何满子 624

259.赠内人 624

258.He Manzi 625

259.To a Palace Maid 625

260—261.集灵台(二首) 626

260.—261.Long-Life Terrace,Two Poems 627

262.题金陵渡 628

262.Written on the Wall of Jinling Ferry-House 629

Xu Hun263.早秋 630

263.Early Autumn 631

264.秋日赴阙题潼关驿楼 632

264.Inscribed on the Post House at Tong Pass on an Autumn Trip to the Capital 633

Du Mu265.将赴吴兴登乐游原 634

265.Composed on Pleasure Height Before Departing for Wuxing 635

266.赤壁 636

266.Song of Red Cliff 637

268.寄扬州韩绰判官 638

267.泊秦淮 638

267.Berthed at Qinghuai River 639

268.Composed to Han Chuo,An Officer of Yangzhou 639

269—270.赠别(二首) 640

269.—270.For Parting,Two Poems 641

271.金谷园 642

272.旅宿 642

272.A Night at an Inn 643

271.Golden Valley Garden 643

273.遣怀 644

273.Self-thought 645

274.秋夕 646

274.An Autumn Night 647

陈陶(803?812?—879?885?)Chen Tao275.陇西行 650

275.Visit to Longxi 651

温庭筠(812?—866?870?)Wen Tingyun276.送人东游 654

277.利州南渡 654

277.At the South Ferry at Lizhou 655

276.Seeing a Friend Returning to the East 655

278.苏武庙 656

278.The Temple of Su Wu 657

279.瑶瑟怨 658

279.Plaints from the Gemmed Harp 659

Li Shangyin280.韩碑 662

280.Epitaph Written by Han Yu 663

281.无题(昨夜星辰昨夜风) 668

281.No Title 669

282.寄令狐郎中 670

283.落花 670

282.To Official Linghu 671

283.Falling Flowers 671

284.瑶池 672

285.贾生 672

285.Jia Yi 673

284.Jade Court 673

287—288.无题(二首)(来是空言去绝踪) 674

286.夜雨寄北 674

286.A Poem to My Home in the North on a Rainy Night 675

287.—288.No Title 675

289.无题(相见时难别亦难) 676

289.No Title 677

290.蝉 678

290.To a Cicada 679

291—292.无题(二首)(凤尾香罗薄几重) 680

291.—292.No Title 681

294.锦瑟 682

293.筹笔驿 682

294.Zither 683

293.An Ancient Posthouse—In Memory of Zhuge Liang 683

295.为有 684

296.春雨 684

296.Spring Rain 685

295.Since There Is 685

297.凉思 686

297.Longing for a Friend on a Cold Night 687

298.风雨 688

299.隋宫(乘兴南游不戒严) 688

299.The Palace of Sui Dynasty 689

298.Wind and Rain 689

301.嫦娥 690

300.隋宫(紫泉宫殿锁烟霞) 690

300.The Palace of Sui Dynasty 691

301.Chang-er,the Lady in the Moon 691

302.北青萝 692

303.登乐游原 692

302.North Qing Lo—Visiting a Monk Friend 693

303.Climbing Pleasure Plateau 693

Li Pin304.渡汉江 696

304.Crossing the Han River 697

郑畋(823?824?—882?886?)Zheng Tian305.马嵬坡 700

305.At Ma Wei Hillside 701

朱庆余(826前后)Zhu Qingyu306.宫中词 702

306.Palace Sadness 703

307.近试上张水部 704

307.A Bride’s Bashfullness 705

杜审言(645— 708

Wei Zhuang308.章台夜思 708

308.Night Thoughts at Zhantai 709

309.金陵图 710

309.A Picture of Jinling 711

薛逢(841前后)Xue Feng310.宫词 712

310.Palace Song 713

Han Wo311.已凉 718

311.Chilly It Is 719

马戴(844前后)Ma Dai312.灞上秋居 720

312.Living in a Riverside Cabin in Autumn 721

313.楚江怀古 722

313.A Meditation of the Past by the Xiang River 723

杜荀鹤(846—904?907?)Du Xunhe314.春宫怨 728

314.A Court Maid’s Complaint in Spring 729

张乔(860前后)Zhang Qiao315.书边事 732

315.Written at the Frontier 733

王翰(687— 735

秦韬玉(882前后)Qin Taoyu316.贫女 736

316.The Poor Girl 737

崔涂(888前后)Cui Tu317.除夜有怀 738

317.Written on a New Year’s Eve 739

崔曙(?— 739

张九龄(678— 740

318.孤雁 740

孟浩然(689— 740

318.A Solitary Wild Goose 741

王之涣(688— 742

Zhang Bi319.寄人 742

319.To Someone 743

贺知章(659— 744

西鄙人Xi Bi Ren(A Western Pauper)320.哥舒歌 744

320.Song of Geshu Han 745

无名氏Anonymous321.杂诗 746

321.Random Lines 747

附录一 蘅塘退士孙洙原序 748

Appendix ⅠPreface by the Original Editor Sun Zhu(1680—1747) 749

附录二 蘅塘退士孙洙小传两则 750

Appendix Ⅱ Two Biographical Sketches of Sun Zhu the Retired 751

附录三 唐代官制及官衔 753

崔颢(704?— 754

Appendix Ⅲ The Civil Service System and Official Titles of the Tang Dynasty 758

李白(701— 762

高适(699?700?701?702?706?— 765

杜甫(712— 770

元结(715?719?— 772

钱起(722— 780

戴叔伦(732— 789

孟郊(751— 814

柳宗元(773— 819

韩愈(768— 824

张籍(766?767?768?772?—829? 830

元稹(779— 831

王建(766?767?—830? 832

Wang Jian 832

刘禹锡(772— 842

贾岛(779— 843

白居易(772— 846

杜牧(803— 852

许浑(788?791?— 858

李商隐(811?812?813?— 858

李频(818?— 876

韦庄(836?847?857?860?— 910

韩偓(842?844?— 923

张泌(937— 975