
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:丁往道,吴冰主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:1984
  • ISBN:7560001823
  • 页数:239 页

Contents 1

Part One Diction 1

Ⅰ.The Appropriate Word 1

1.Standard and Nonstandard English 2

2.The Core of English Vocabulary 2

3.Formal,Unmarked,and Colloquial English 3

4.Slang 6

5.Archaisms,Obsolete Words,and Anach-ronisms 6

1.Connotation and Denotation 7

Ⅱ.The Exact Word 7

(1)Synonyms 8

(2)Derogatory Terms and Euphemisms 9

2.Specific and Concrete Words 11

3.Idioms and Collocations 14

(1)Idioms 14

(2)Collocations 15

Ⅲ.The Dictionary 16

1.The Use of a Dictionary 16

(1)Dictionaries Intended for the Foreign Learner 18

2.Some Good Dictionaries 18

(2)Abridged Dictionaries 19

(3)Unabridged Dictionaries 20

Part Two The Sentence 22

Ⅰ.Sentence Sense 22

1.Elements of a Sentence 22

2.Sentence Fragments 22

3.The Comma Fault and Run-on Sentences 24

2.Simple,Compound,Complex,and Compound-Complex Sentences 25

1.Declarative,Interrogative,Imperative,and Exclamatory Sentences 25

Ⅱ.Types of Sentences 25

3.Loose,Periodic,and Balanced Sentences 28

4.Long and Short Sentences 31

Ⅲ.Effective Sentences 35

1.Unity 35

2.Coherence 35

(1)Parallel Constructions 36

(2)Pronoun Reference 38

(3)Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers 39

(4)Confusing Shifts 42

(5)Mixed and Incomplete Constructions 44

3.Conciseness 45

4.Emphasis 47

(1)Subordination 47

(2)Word Order 48

(3)Short,Balanced,and Periodic Sentences 50

(4)The Verb    50

(6)Repetition 51

(5)The Active Voice 51

(7)Emphatic Words,Phrases,and Structures 52

5.Variety 53

Part Three The Paragraph 56

Ⅰ.General Remarks 56

1.Unity 56

2.Coherence 58

3.Transition 59

4.Length    60

1.Planning a Paragraph 61

Ⅱ.Ways of Developing Paragraphs 61

2.Development by Time 62

3.Development by Process 64

4.Development by Space 65

5.Development by Detail 67

6.Development by Example 68

7.Development by Generalization 69

8.Development by Comparison and Con-trast 71

9.Development by Cause and Effect 74

10.Development by Classification 75

11.Development by Definition 77

12.Climactic Sequence 79

13.Development by a Combination of Me-thods 80

Part Four The Whole Composition 82

Ⅰ.Steps in Writing a Composition 82

1.Planning a Composition 82

2.Types of Outlines 84

4.Revising the First Draft 87

3.Writing the First Draft 87

5.Making the Final Copy 89

Ⅱ.Organization 90

1.Some Principles 90

2.The Beginning 90

3.The End 93

Ⅲ.Types of Writing 93

1.Description 93

2.Narration 103

3.Exposition 108

4.Argumentation 114

Part Five The Summary 122

Part Six The Research Paper 131

Ⅰ.Steps         131

1.Choosing a Subject 131

2.Collecting Material 133

3.Reading 134

4.Taking Notes      135

(2)Documentation of Notes 136

(1)Content of Notes 136

(3)Kinds of Notes 137

(4)Quotation of Sources 137

(5)Putting Notes in Order 139

5.Organizing Your Ideas 142

(1)Facts and Views 142

(2)Writing an Outline 143

6.Writing the Paper 143

(1)Using Your Own Words 143

(2)Some Advice on Style 146

Ⅱ.Format 147

1.Structure of a Paper 147

2.Use of Quotations 148

3.Use of Footnotes 151

(1)Avoiding Plagiarism 151

(2)Footnote Forms 154

4.Bibliography 159

(1)The Book Catalogue 159

(3)Bibliography Cards for Books 160

(2)Making Bibliography Cards 160

(4)Bibliography Cards for Other Kinds of Sources 164

(5)Final Bibliography 165

Ⅲ.A Sample Research Paper 167

Part Seven Letters 179

Ⅰ.Form   179

Ⅱ.Language 181

Ⅲ.Addressing an Envelope 181

Ⅳ.Models 182

2.Indentation 187

3.Capitalization 187

Part Eight Mechanics 187

1.Margins 187

Ⅰ.Arrangement 187

4.Italics 189

5.Syllabification 190

Ⅱ.Punctuation 190

1.Period 190

2.Question Mark 191

3.Exclamation Mark 192

4.Comma 193

5.Colon 197

6.Semicolon 198

7.Dash 199

8.Quotation Marks 200

9.Parentheses 201

11.Apostrophe 203

10.Brackets 203

12.Hyphen 204

13.Virgule 205

Exercises 207

Ⅰ.Diction 207

Ⅱ.The Sentence 216

Ⅲ.The Paragraph 230

Correction Symbols 237

Bibliography 239