《现代美国社会与文化 第2卷 VOLUME2》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:邓炎昌主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
  • 出版年份:1989
  • ISBN:7040028026
  • 页数:252 页
图书介绍:《现代美国社会与文化》分为2卷共25个单元,每单元由3-5篇文章组成。全书共选用90多篇文章。题材广泛,语言地道,浅显易懂。本书为第2卷,可用做高等院校英语专业高年级美国概况教材,同时也适用于具有大专程度英语水平的广大读者使用。 &nbs


Unit 13 Science,Technology and Society 1

43.America's Scientific Institutions 2

44.The Social Control of Science and Technology 7

45.The Poisoning of Michigan 11

46.Computer Crime 14

Unit 14 Poverty,Welfare 15

47.Definition of Poverty 20

48.Welfare in America—Is It a Flop? 22

49."Sleeping Rough"in the Big City 29

50.Social Security 31

Unit 15 Sexual Inequality,Women's Liberation 35

51.Women's Liberation 36

52.The Problem That Has No Name 40

53.Women in the Economy 43

54.Women,Work and Pay in Other Countries 47

Unit 16 Race and Ethnic Relations 51

55.Are There Superior and Inferior Races? 52

56.A Nation Apart 53

57.Chinese Americans Today 59

58.The Costs of Prejudice and Discrimination 61

Unit 17 Crime 65

59.Urban Crime 66

60.An Overview of Organized Crime 71

61.White-Collar Crime 75

62.Thirty-eight Who Saw Murder and Didn't Call the Police 77

Unit 18 Health and Medical Care 83

63.Health and Society 84

64.Health and Medical Care in the U.S. 87

65.The American Health Care System 93

66.Drug Abuse 99

Unit 19 The Elderly 105

67.Aging 106

68.Age and Youth...In Action 115

69."Gray Revolution"Replaces"Baby Boom" 118

Unit 20 Youth 125

70.Youth on the Move 126

71.Young People in the U.S.—A Turn Back to Traditional Values 128

72.The Causes of Student Protest 133

73.Viewpoints on the Impact of the Youth Revolution of the 1960s 137

74.Meet Today's Young American Worker 139

Unit 21 The Constitution,Political Principles 147

75.The Constitution 148

76.The Constitution as Supreme Law 150

77.Constitutional Democracy in America 157

78.Constitutional Principles:the Paradox of Ideals 162

Unit 22 Government 171

79.The Forms of Government 172

80.Congress 176

81.The Executive Branch of the American Government 179

82.State Government 184

Unit 23 Law and Justice 191

83.The Legal System 192

84.The Case of John T.Crook 195

85.The Police,Courts,Corrections 199

86.How Just Is Our System of Justice? 203

Unit 24 Elections,Political Parties,Political Power 209

87.Choosing the Nation's President 210

88.Political Parties in the United States 215

89.Political Parties 217

90.Political Power in America 220

91.Who Rules? 225

Unit 25 Social Change 235

92.The Process of Social Change 236

93.The Causes of Change 237

94.Global Developments 240

95.The Social Effects of Modernization 243

Appendix Ⅰ Important Dates 249

Appendix Ⅱ The Presidents 252