Ⅰ.Socializing社交惯用语 1
1.Starting a Conversation 3
2. Introducing Oneself 5
3. Introducing Someone 8
4.Answering an Introduction 11
5.Greeting Someone 16
6.Asking How Someone Is 18
7.Saying How You Are 20
8.Giving Someone Your Good Wishes 24
9.Giving Someone Good Wishes On a Special Occasion 28
10.Inviting Someone 32
11.Accepting An Invitation 35
12.Declining an Invitation 38
13.Making Offers and Responding to Offers 41
14.Thanking Someone and Responding to Thanks 47
15.Complimenting 51
16.Congratulating 56
17.Apology 59
18.Showing Sympathy 62
19.Leaving Someone Politely for a Short Time 67
20.Ending a Conversation 70
Situational Dialogues 73
Ⅱ.Communicating Effectively 保持联系用语 85
1.Asking Someone to Repeat Something 87
2.Checking That You Have Understood 91
3.Saying Something Again 95
4.Showing That You Are Listening 97
5.Taking up a Point 100
6.Giving Yourself Time To Think 103
7.Changing the Subject 106
8.Summing up 109
Sltuational Dialogues 112
Ⅲ.Expressing Opinions and Feelings 表达意见和感受用语 121
1.Showing You Are Certain about Something 123
2.Talking About What Might Happen 126
3.Expressing Likes and Dislikes 129
4.Asking for Other's Opinion 135
5.Giving Your Own Opinion 138
6.Showing You Are Worried or Frightened 141
7.Agreeing or Disagreeing 144
8.Giving Reasons 150
Situational Dialogues 153