前言 1
使用说明(Notes on the use of the lexicon) 1
(1)预备1—2级词表(Pre-bands 1—2 Wordlist) 1
(2)1—4级词表(Bands 1—4 Wordlist) 284
(3)5—6级词表(Bands 5—6 Wordlist) 564
(4)总词汇表(College English Wordlist) 700
附录(Appendices) 761
附录Ⅰ 常用拉丁语缩写词(Appendix Ⅰ Common 761
Abbreviations of Latin Words) 761
附录Ⅱ 不规则动词表(Appendix Ⅱ List of IrregularVerbs) 762
附录Ⅲ 词组表(Appendix Ⅲ List of Phrases) 770
主要参考书目(Main References) 777