《驻外经济商务人员培训手册 英文版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:诺斯编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国对外经济贸易出版社
  • 出版年份:1990
  • ISBN:7800041964
  • 页数:388 页


Chapter1 The commercial representative 2

A.Commercial representation as a profession 2

B.The tasks of a commercial representative 2


Chapter 2 Diplomatic protocol , representational activities and the prob l emof language 6

A.Diplomatic protocol 6

B.Representational activities 7

C.Language 9

Chapter 3 Relations with your exporting community 10

A.Introduction 10

B.Know your products 10

C.Know your markets 11

D.Know what is involved in bringing products and markets together 13


ContentsNote 15

preface 16

Chapter 4 Getting to know your territory 16

A.The basic country survey 16

C.Sources of information 21

B.Special contacts 21

E.Entertainment 22

D.Public speaking 22

F.Tours and travel 23

Chapter 5 Commercial intelligence 28

A.What is market intelligence 28

B.Basic reference material on your country 29

C.Documentation on your territory 29

D.Setting up a commercial library 29

G.Import promotion offices as sources of information 35

E.Non-documentary information 35

F.Miscellaneous information records/files 35

H.Computerized foreign trade data 36

Annexes:Ⅰ.Classi fication of information on import control measures 37

Ⅱ.Exporters’register 39

Chapter 6 Commercial reporting 40

A.Target audiences 40

B.Basic rePorts 40

C.Basic guidelines 41

E.Major export inquiries 42

D.Urgent reporting 42

F.Report writing in general 43

Chapter 7 Pre-written multi-purpose reports 44

A.Market review or trade digest 44

B.Visitors’information brief 46

C.Market surveys for products 48

D.Information brief for business visitors to your country 48


B.What is market research 50

A.Why market research? 50

Chapter 8 Preliminary research 50

C.Stages of research 52

D.Contingencies 59

E.Distribution 59

Chapter 9 Desk research 60

A.Sources and guides 60

B.The basic routine 66

C.Evaluation of soUrces 66

D.Paths to information 67

A.Planning your field research 68

Chapter 10 Field research 68

B.Techniques of field research 70

Chapter 11 Questionnaires and sampling 76

A.Questionnaires 76

B.Sampling 81

Chapter 12 Interviewing techniques 85

A.Basic types of interviews 85

B.Arranging and preparing for interviews 86

C.Conducting the interview 88

D.The interview write-up 90

E.Follow-up 91

Chapter 13 Data analysis and forecasting 92

A.Preparing data for analysis 92

B.Identifying and explaining observed differences 92

C.Forecasting 94

Chapter 14 The market research report 97

A.Report organization 97

B.Drafting the report 101

C.Oral presentation 102


A.Preparing for a visit 104

Chapter 15 Individual business visitors 104

B.Need for personal service 109

Chapter 16 Trade missions 110

A.Introduction 110

B.Advantages of trade missions over visits by individual businessmen 110

C.Types of mission 111

D.Proposing missions 111

E.Budget 113

F.Servicing a trade mission 113

A.Introduction 122

Chapter 17 Sales representation 122

B.Sources of information 123

C.Proposing agents 124

Annex-Index of local agents for home firms 131

Chapter 18 Trade inquiries 132

A.Types of inquiries 132

B.Local trade inquiries 132

C.Trade inquiries from home 135

A.Advantages 138

B.Encouraging business visits 138

Chapter 19 Visitors to Your country 138

C.Group travel 139


Chapter 20 The uses of publicity 142

A.Why publicity? 142

B.Publicity methods 143

C.Advantages of publicity 143

A.Specialized publications 145

B.What to look for in publications 145

Chapter 21 Press relations 145

C.Press releases 146

D.Press conferences and receptions 148

Chapter 22 Producing and distributing publications 151

A.Trade opportunity circular 151

B.General newsletter 152

C.Export promotion publications from home 153

D.Distributing publications 153


Chapter 23 The appropriate trade fair 156

A.Introduction 156

B.Deciding to enter a fair 158

C.Planning participation in a trade fair 166

Chapter 24 Trade fair participation-before during,and after and after 174

A.Planning 174

B.Freight clearing and forwarding agent 177

C.Shipping arrangements 178

D.Exhibition construction 179

E.Photographs 180

F.Recording contacts and follow-up 180

H.Using the record of inquiry form 182

G.Record of inquiry forms 182

I.Promoting the stand 183

J.Managing the stand 184

K.The stand staff 185

L.Additional staff requirements 185

M.The exhibitor’s responsibilities 186

N.Briefing exhibitors 188

O.Evaluation and reporting 189

P.Reporting the event 193

AnnexesⅠ.Record of inquiry form 195

Ⅱ.Exhibitor’s report form 196

A.Factors to consider 197

Chapter 25 Solo exhibitions 197

B.Planning a solo exhibition 198

B.Attracting visitors to a solo 199

Chapter 26 Trade centres and office shows 201

A.The trade centre 201

B.Office shows 202

Chapter 27 Store promotions 203

A.What is a store promotion? 203

C.Role of the commercial representative 204

B.Factors to consider in planning a store promotion 204

D.Arrangements for store promotions 205

E.Follow-up 206


Chapter 28 Investment promotion 208

A.Definition of terms 208

B.Forms of foreign direct investment 208

C.The role of the commercial representative 210

D.Evaluation of investment projects 212

E.Investment in your territory 213

Annex-UNIDO Investment Promotion Services(IPS) 215

Chapter 29 Motivating the foreign investor 217

A.The psychology of investment 217

B.Investment factors 217

C.Check-list for investors 218


Chapter 30 Project marketing of goods and services 221

A.Action on arrival at your post 222

B.Setting up your trade intelligence network 223

C.“Planned Project List” 224

D.Submitting advance project information 225

E.Pre-qualification of bidders 225

F.The tender documents 226

G.Submission of tender documents to your country 226

H.The evaluation process 227

I.Follow-uP 228

J.Subcontracting 228

K.Philosophy of the tender process 228

L.Financing 231

A.Overview 232

Chapter 31 Internationally financed aid projects 232

B.The“project marketing web” 234

c.The short list of tenderers 235

D.Recommended publications 236

E.Data bases 237

AnnexesⅠ.List of international procurement or financing agencies/donors/funds 238

Ⅱ.Sources of information 244

Chapter 32 The marketing of consulting services 245

A.Scope of consulting services 245

B.The role of the commercial representative in marketing consulting services 246


Chapter 33 Identifying and priefing potential suppliers 250

A.Setting your priori ties 250

B.Why import procurement? 251

C.Identifying suppliers 251

D.Briefing potential suppliers 252

Chapter 34 Commercial intelligence for procurement 254

A.Introduction 254

B.Information to be collected 254

C.Data sources 255

E.The commerciai brief 256

D.Unofficial intelligence 256

F.Timing 257

Chapter 35 Tendering and project procurement 258

A.Introduction 258

B.Project procurement 258

C.Project definition 259

D.Alternative project models 260

E.Contractual obligations-some definitions 261

F.Procurement procedure 262

A.Activities 269

Chapter 36 The role of the commercial representative in major procurement projects 269

B.“Buyers’feedback” 271

C.Contract administration 272

D.Trade disputes 272


Chapter 37 Terms of delivery 274

A.Overview 274

B.Terms of delivery 274

A.The need for cargo insurance 281

B.Who should insure 281

Chapter 38 Cargo insurance 281

C.International insurance contracts 282

D.How to insure 283

E.Kinds of coverage 283

F.“Average”terms 284

G.Types of insurance 285

Chapter 39 Export documentation 287

A.Transport documents 287

D.Certifieate of origin 289

E.Health and sanitarv certificates 289

C.Customs declarations 289

B.ExPort licence 289

F.Certificates of inspection 290

G.Quality control certificates 290

H.Commercial invoice 290

I.Packing list 290

J.Customs invoices 291

K.Consular invoices 291

L.Certificate of insurance 291

A.Introduction 292

B.Shipping and forwarding agents 292

Chapter 40 Transport of goods 292

C.Types of shipping 293

D.Choosing the right transport means 295

Chapter 41 Packing for export markets 297

A.Factors to consider 297

B.Packing problems 297

C.Causes of damage 298

D.Marking requirements 298

F.Handling 299

E.Labelling 299

G.Product and package presentation 301

Chapter 42 Costing,pricing and price quotations 302

A.production costs 302

B.Selling and delivery costs 302

C.Break-even price 302

D.Marginal costing 303

E.Creative pricing 306

F.Managing the export price decision 307

G.Quoting a price 308

H.The export contract 310

I.Conditions of sale 311

Chapter 43 Payment collection and financing 313

A.The export invoice 313

B.Terms of payment 313

C.Problems of credit 314

D.Methods of payment 314

E.Export finance 322

F.Need for exPort credit insurance 324

G.Foreign exchange 324


Chapter 44 The role of the commercial representative in legal matters in legal matters 328

A.Legal framework at home 328

B.Legal framework in your territory 328

Chapter 45 Contracts 330

A.Definition and formation of a contract 330

B.Types of contracts 330

Chapter 46 Trade disputes 336

A.Amicable settlement 336

B.Conciliation 336

C.Arbitration 336

D.Arbitration institutions and international agreements 337

E.Content of an arbitration clause 339

F.Enforcement of awards 340

G.Costs of arbitration 340

H.Court proceedings and arbitration compared 341

Chapter 47 The role of the commercial representative in trade disputes in trade disputes 342

A.Introduction 342

B.Guidelines for initial activity 342

C.Kinds of complaints and how to deal with them 343

A.Domestic law 351

Chapter 48 National legal systems and internatioal harmonization 351

B.International law 352


Chapter 49 Annual report and annual work programme 358

A.Introduction 358

B.The annual report 359

C.Annual work programme 361

D.Periodic reports 365

AnnexesⅠ.Annual work programme post capacity sheet 366

Ⅱ.Annual work programme(fiscal year)programme summary sheet 367

Ⅲ.Annual work programme summary sheet of planned post activities for fiscal year 368

Ⅳ.Annual work programme implementation timetable 369

Chapter 50 Financial management 370

A.Budgetary estimates 370

B.Accounting records 372

C.Ordering and purchasing goods and services 374

Chapter 51 Office systems and procedures 376

A.Office manual 376

B.Chronological file system 376

G.Records security-“commercial confidential” 378

F.Bring forward(B/F)system 378

E.Diary and dispatch register 378

D.Trade office filing system 378

C.Official diary 378

H.Staff meetings 379

I.Computerized systems 379

AnnexesⅠ.Trade office filing system 380

Ⅱ.Computerized systems 381

Chapter 52 Locally recruitde office staff 385

A.Secretarial staff 385

B.The commercial assistant/marketing officer 386

C.Job specification 386