
  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:李雾逊编
  • 出 版 社:南京:江苏科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:1985
  • ISBN:7196·046
  • 页数:193 页

ability,capacity 1

accept,receive 1

accurate,exact,correct,right 2

achieve,obtain,effect,accomplish 2

across,through 3

active,activate,excite 3

actually,rcally,truly 4

admit,introduce 4

adopt,take over,accept,put into use 5

affect,effect 6

agitated,turbulent 6

ago,before 7

agree,accord,conform,comply,consistent 7

along,down,up 8

also,too 8

altitude,height 9

always,usually,often,frequently 9

among,between 10

answer,reply 11

appear,look,seem 12

apply,put on 12

apply,use,utilize 13

area,region 14

arise,happen,occur,take place 14

around,round,about 15

as many...as,as much...as 16

at,on,in 17

at the corner,on the corner,round the corner,in the corner 18

at the back of,at one s back 18

at the back of,behind 18

attain,achieve,reach 19

attend,join(in),take part(in) 20

attribute,ascribe 22

augment,boost,amplify 22

automobile,motor-car,car,bus,coach,truck, lorry 24

avoid,escape 24

base,basis,foundation 25

be sure to,be sure of 26

be covered by,be covered with 26

because,since,as 27

before long,long before 27

begin,start,commence 28

below,under,beneath 29

beside,by 30

big,large,great 30

bike,bicycle 31

break out,break down 31

bring,take 32

bring about,produce,cause,give rise to 32

business,employment,occupation, 33

profession,trade 33

can,may 34

care about,care for 35

carry,convey,transport 35

centre,middle 36

clinic,hospital 37

climate,weather 37

close,turn(switch,put)off 38

collect,gather 38

college,institute,university 38

combine with,combine into,combination 39

compare with,compare to 39

complete,finish 40

complete,perfect 40

complicated,complex 41

condense,compress 42

concept,idea 42

connect,combine,likne 43

connect...to...,connect...with 43

considerable,substantial,appreciable,material 44

contain,consist,comprise,constitute,include 44

contaminate,pollute 45

continuously,continually 46

control,regulate 46

count,calculate 47

country,countryside 47

correspond to,correspond with 47

cry,cry out 48

data,datum 48

decide,determine,be determined to,make 49

up one s mind 49

defect,fault 50

deflect,refract,reflect 51

delusion,illusion 52

degree,extent 52

derive,obtain 53

deposit,put down 53

device,instrument,tool,implement,means, utensil 54

devise,device,instrument,apparatus 55

differ,different,distinguish 57

dilute,diffuse,disperse 58

discover,find,find out 59

display,show 59

do,make 60

dissolve,melt 60

doubt,wondet 61

dress,wear,put on,have on 61

drill,train 62

due to,owing to,because of 62

each,every 63

each other,one another 64

eatable,edible 64

economical,economic 64

either,neither 65

effective,efficient 65

eliminate,get rid of 66

emit,emanate 66

enable,allow,permit,cause,let,make 67

energy,power 68

entire,whole,total 68

environment,surroundings 69

equip,install 69

equipment,apparatus 70

error,mistake 71

erode,corrode 71

every day,everyday 72

except,besides 72

except,except for 73

expel,exhaust,eject,discharge 73

exploit,utilise,employ 74

fabric,fibre 74

factory,mill,plant,works 75

fairly,rather 76

fast,rapid,swift,quick 77

farmer,peasant 77

farther,further 77

female,feminine 78

few,a few 78

fewer,less 78

fill...with,be filled with 79

finally,at last,in the end 79

fire,ignite 80

for ever,forever 80

gear,teeth 81

for example,for instance 81

gain,get 81

give orders for,give an order for 82

good with,good at 82

govern,determine,fix,decide 82

have,possess 83

have,there be 84

have to,must 85

help,assist,facilitate 86

hear of,hear 86

high,tall 87

hope,expect 87

house,accommodate 88

house,home,family 88

how many,how much 89

if,whether 90

impinge on,encounter 91

improve,improve on(upon) 91

in front of,in the front of 92

in contact with,make contact with,in touch with 92

in future,in the future 93

in order to,so as to 93

in the case of,in case of,in case 93

in the course of,in course of 94

in the face,in the face of 94

in time,in time of 94

include,embrace 95

induce,aspirate,suck,draw 95

instead,instead of 96

injure,wound 96

instead of,in place of 97

interested,interesting 97

involve,entail 98

involve,include 98

join,join to 99

journey,trip 99

just,already,yet 100

kind of,kinds of 100

laminar,laminated 102

knob,pushbutton 102

learn,study 103

light,bright 104

like,as 104

likely,liable,susceptible 104

limit,restrict,impair,impose 105

liquid,fluid 106

listen,hear 107

little,small 108

little,a little 108

live on,live by 109

living,live,alive 109

look,see 110

lots of,a lot of 110

machine,machinery 111

majority,plurality 112

manage to,try to 112

matter,material,substance 112

means,method,way 114

mean,average 114

melt,smelt 115

measure,measurement 115

meter,metre 116

move,motion,movement 116

name,surname,first name,full name 117

nearly,almost 117

need,require 117

neither,nor,neither...nor 118

next,the next 119

north of,to the north of,on the north of,in thenorth of 120

no,not 120

not all...,all...not 121

nought(naught),zero 121

nucleus,nuclear 122

number,digit 122

obtain,get 122

on,over,above 123

on the face of,on the face of it 124

opportunity,chance 125

one day,some day 125

only a few,a few 125

ordinary,common,general,usual 126

parade,procession,demonstration 126

part of,a part of,parts of 127

people,the people,peoples,person 127

per cent,percentage 128

place,put 129

plastic,plastics 129

pipe,tube 129

plenty of,enough 130

powerful,strong 131

precision,accuracy 131

predict,forecast 132

prior to,before 132

proceed,procedure,process 132

process,method,way 133

propagate,distribute 134

produce,product,production 134

provide...for,provide...with 135

provided(that),providing(that) 136

put on,wear 136

quality,property,nature,character 136

question,problem,issue 137

quiet,silent,still 138

realize,recognize 139

rely on(upon),depend on(upon) 139

research on,research into 140

require,demand 140

residue,remain,remainder 141

resist,withstand 141

revolve,turn,travel,move,circle,orbit 142

result,take place,happen 142

result in,result from 143

rise,raise 144

road,street 144

run,go 145

rope,string,cord,thread,line,wire 145

run,drive,turn 145

run out of,run out 146

say,speak,talk,tell 147

search for,look for 148

seldom,rarely 148

separate,separate from 149

several,some 149

since,after 150

shape,size,magnitude,volume 150

so...that,such...that 151

some time,sometime,sometimes 151

soon,no sooner...than,as soon as 152

special,particular 153

speed,rate 154

spend...on,spend...in 154

spoil,damage 155

spread,diffuse,scatter 155

stage,section,phase 156

state,condition 157

step,walk 158

stop,cease 158

store,keep 160

subject,submit,undergo 160

substitute,replace 161

such as,as such,as that 162

sufficient,enough 163

supply,provide 163

technique,technology 164

take,send 164

tend,apt,inclined 165

though,although,as 165

times,time 166

tin,can 166

too,so 167

town,city,village 167

transformation,conversion 167

true,be true of,hold true,come true 168

transmit,transfer,transport 168

universe,space 169

until,till 169

used to,be used to 170

usual(ly),normal(ly),ordinary(ordinarily) 171

various,different 172

velocity,speed 173

very,much,very much 173

when,as,while 174

weatherman,forecaster 174

visibility,vision 174

will,can,may 175

wish,hope 177

withdraw,extract,abstract 178

work,function,operate,run 179

work at,work on 179

索引 180

主要参考书 193