1 Get productive with C#:Visual Applications,in 10 minutes or less 1
2 It's All Just Code:Under the hood 43
3 Objects Get Oriented:Making code make sense 85
4 Types and References:It's 10:00.Do you know where your data is? 123
C# Lab 1:A Day at the Races 163
5 Encapsulation:Keep your privates...private 173
6 Inheritance:Your object's family tree 205
7 Interfaces and abstract classes:Making classes keep their promises 251
8 Enums and collections:Storing lots of data 309
C# Lab 2:The Quest 363
9 Reading and writing files:Save the byte array,save the world 385
10 Exception handling:Putting Out Fires Gets Old 439
11 Events and delegates:What Your Code Does When You're Not Looking 483
12 Review and preview:Knowledge,Power,and Building Cool Stuff 515
13 Controls and graphics:Make it pretty 563
14 Captain Amazing:The Death of the Object 621
15 LINQ:Get control of your data 653
C# Lab 3:Invaders 681
appendix i:Leftovers 703