
  • 购买积分:15 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:穆凤良编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:国防工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787118062397
  • 页数:496 页

UNIT 1 Introduction 1

Ⅰ Description of Translation Course 1

Ⅱ What Is Translation? 4

Ⅲ Historical Review 7

Ⅳ Theoretical Divergences and Different Translations 12

Reflections and Practice 19

UNIT 2 Mismatch 24

Ⅰ Reviewing What Translation Is 25

Ⅱ Mismatches and Poor-practice 26

i Mismatches 28

ii Mismatches in Tsinghua University English Proficiency Test Ⅰ 37

iii Mismatches in Tsinghua University English Proficiency Test Ⅱ 39

iv Matches and mismatches in grade eight test for English majors 40

Ⅲ Chewing Process in Translating 44

Ⅳ Mismatch on Purpose 48

Ⅴ How to Avoid Unacceptable Mismatches? 51

Reflections and Practice 52

UNIT 3 Translation Norm 56

Ⅰ Issues 57

Ⅱ Who or What Are the Authorities? 58

i The ring of philosophy 58

ii The ring of linguistics 60

iii The ring of culture 61

iv Translation proper 63

Ⅲ Meta-theory and Indefinite Outputs in Translation 67

Ⅳ Translation Skills and Cases 68

Ⅴ Some Trade Ethics:Top 8 Lessons for Translators 73

Reflections and Practice 75

UNIT 4 The Minimal Translation Unit:Diction 83

Ⅰ The Magic of Words:Arbitrariness vs.Iconicity 84

Ⅱ Eight Approaches to Translate at Word Level 91

i Image-based characters 91

ii Symbol-based translation 92

iii Sound-based translation or transliteration 92

iv Free translation 93

v Literary translation 94

vi Translation with substituted cultural images 94

vii Explanation 95

viii Zero translation 96

Ⅲ Easily Confused E-C and C-E Word Level Correspondence 96

Ⅳ Translatable vs.Untranslatable 100

Ⅴ Canonization 102

Reflections and Practice 103

UNIT 5 The Principle of Causality 112

Ⅰ Causal Relationship 113

Ⅱ Causal Sequence 114

Ⅲ The Causal Model:"Because-therefore"Information Sequence in Chinese 117

Ⅳ Application of the Principle of Causality 121

Reflections and Practice 123

UNIT 6 The Principle of Sequence 129

Ⅰ Adverbial Clause of Time 131

Ⅱ Adverbial Clause of Condition 135

Ⅲ Adverbial Clause of Purpose 137

Ⅳ Adverbial Clause of Concession 139

Ⅴ Deductive vs.Inductive 140

Reflections and Practice 143

UNIT 7 The Principle of Size and the Principle of Importance 148

Ⅰ The Principle of Size 149

i Subordinate clause is before main clause in Chinese 151

ii Antecedent as a form subject in English should not be translated 152

iii More application with the principle of size 153

Ⅱ The Principle of Importance 155

i Which is important:time or place? 156

ii More spatial orders 157

iii Psychological orders 158

Reflections and Practice 160

UNIT 8 The Principle of Rhythm and Rhyme and the Principle of Parallel Coupling 166

Ⅰ The Principle of Rhythm and Rhyme 166

Ⅱ The Principle of Parallel Coupling 177

Ⅲ Poetry Translation Appreciation 184

Reflections and Practice 188

UNIT 9 The Principle of Phrase Coagulation and the Principle of Abstract and Concrete 193

Ⅰ The Principle of Phrase Coagulation 194

i Syntactic adjustments from Chinese into English 195

ii Syntactic adjustments from English into Chinese 200

Ⅱ The Cause of Abstraction and Specification 201

i Noun-centered English vs.verb-centered Chinese 201

ii Static vs.dynamic 201

iii English modification and Chinese predication 202

iv Subject-prominent English vs.topic-prominent Chinese 203

v On predicate 205

vi English in tree structure vs.Chinese in bamboo structure 207

Ⅲ The Principle in Dealing with Cases of Abstract and Concrete 209

i Abstraction vs.specification 210

ii Specification by turning abstract subjects into attributives,predicates or predicatives 210

iii Specification by adding a specific noun to the abstract noun 211

iv Specification by adding a noun to the specific noun 212

v Specification by adding a verb to noun or adjecfive 213

Reflections and Practice 214

UNIT 10 Logical Connotation in Tenses,Articles,Moods,Negation and Punctuation 221

Ⅰ Different People,Different Feelings,Different Presentation 222

Ⅱ Sequential Time vs.Synchronic Time 224

Ⅲ Physical and Virtual Space 227

Ⅳ Definite and Indefinite Articles in Translation 229

Ⅴ Negation & Affirmation 231

Ⅵ Punctuation 234

Reflections and Practice 235

UNIT 11 Translation of Literature 240

Ⅰ Humanity 242

Ⅱ Ideological Attitude 243

Ⅲ Manipulative Nature of Language 249

Ⅳ Sense and Sensitivity 251

Ⅴ Some Translation Approaches 254

i To be graceful in translating 255

ii To be logical in translating 257

Ⅵ Title Translation 268

Reflections and Practice 269

UNIT 12 Translation of Scientific Writings 273

Ⅰ Art and Science 274

Ⅱ English of Science and Technology 277

i English technical terms 279

ii Specialize 280

Ⅲ Characteristic Syntax of EST and Translation 280

i Splitting the long and complicated sentences 280

ii Merging 282

iii The post-position of the attributive 289

iv Complex compounds 290

v Extensive use of impersonal passive voice 294

vi More non-finite forms of the verb 301

vii Different uses of the tense 301

Ⅳ Logic-based translation in science and technology 302

Reflections and Practice 316

UNIT 13 Translation of Advertisement 326

Ⅰ Duality in Advertisement 327

Ⅱ Quality of Advertisement 331

i Easy to remember 331

ii Advertisement by a model copy 332

Ⅲ Domestication of Advertisement 333

Ⅳ Stylistic Features in Advertisement 333

i Positive adjectives 333

ii Strange coined words for curiosity 334

iii Violation of grice paradigm at surface but abiding in practice 334

iv Acronym and complex compound words 335

v Either graceful or colloquial 335

vi More shorter sentences 336

vii More parataxis 336

viii More ellipsis 336

ix More imperatives 336

x More active voice and present tense 337

xi Rhetorical means 337

Ⅴ Soft-sale Advertisement 339

Ⅵ Hard-sale Advertisement 340

Ⅶ Lonely Hcarts Ads 341

Reflections and Practice 344

UNIT 14 Discourse Contrast of English and Chinese in Letter Correspondence 348

Ⅰ Thinking Contrast 348

Ⅱ Making Sense of Letters 350

i A covering letter 350

ii A covering letter in better format 351

iii A personal statement 351

iv A recommendation letter 359

v A case from Radio Australia 361

vi A case from mitch 363

vii The fire ignited by English 364

viii Formal letter to an editor 365

ix Transfer application 366

Reflections and Practice 371

UNIT 15 From Translation to Interpretation 392

Ⅰ The Difference between Translation and Interpretation 392

Ⅱ Training for Professional Interpreting and Note-taking 393

Ⅲ Simultaneous Interpreting vs.Speech Making 396

Ⅳ Practical Cases from CCTV 05-07 398

Ⅴ Interpreting Jokes and Speeches 404

Reflections and Practice 414

Appendix Keys to Reflections and Practice 422

Bibliography 491