《实用电子技术英语 下》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:13 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:陈崇铁主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:电子工业出版社
  • 出版年份:1993
  • ISBN:7505319558
  • 页数:361 页

Lesson Twenty-one Stereo Headphones 1

Grammar 构词法 6

Lesson Twenty-twe Electric Record Players 15

Grammar 学查字典 21

Lesson Twenty-three Refrigerators 27

Grammar 科技英语翻译技巧 33

第一讲 词义的选择 33

第二讲 词义的引伸 36

Lesson Twenty-four Vacuum Cleaners 39

Grammar 第三讲 词序的处理 46

Lesson Twenty-five Ferrite-Rod Antenna 53

Grammar 第四讲 词的增删 61

一、词的增译 61

Lesson Twenty-six Magnetic Tape Recorders 68

Grammar 第四讲 词的增删 76

二、词的省译 76

Lesson Twenty-seven Magnetic Tape 84

Grammar 第五讲 词类的转换 92

Lesson Twenty-eight Digital Electronic Watches 98

Grammar 第六讲 句子成分的转换 105

Lesson Twenty-nine Air Conditioners 110

Grammar 第七讲 科技术语的翻译 117

Lesson Thirty Superheterodyne Radio Receivers 121

Lesson Thirty-one Television Receivers 131

Lesson Thirty-two Television Receivers(Continued) 141

Lesson Thirty-three Satellite Television 150

Lesson Thirty-four Frequency Measurements 160

Lesson Thirty-five Digital Multimeters(DMMs) 169

Lesson Thirty-six Video Tape Recording 178

Lesson Thirty-seven FM Stereo Radio Receivers 187

Lesson Thirty-eight Color Television 197

Lesson Thirty-nine Test Gear for Color TV Service 210

Lesson Forty Safety Guidelines 223

APPENDIX 1 Supplementary Readings 234

APPENDIX 2 Vocabulary 248

APPENDIX 3 Key to the Exercises(Text) 287

APPENDIX 4 Key to the Exercises(Grammar) 321

APPENDIX 5 课文参考译文 328

APPENDIX 6 补充读物参考译文 350

上、下册参考文献 360