
  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:杨晓斌编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787811343311
  • 页数:301 页

Section 1 读写指南Learning Business Writing in English 1

Section 2 公司介绍Introducing Your Company 9

Section 3 产品信息Product Description and Manuals 18

Section 4 书信规范Formatting Your Business Letter 26

Section 5 信誉调查Status Enquiry 34

Section 6 业务关系Business Relations 43

Section 7 募资融资Raising Finance 52

Section 8 市场调查Market Research 60

Section 9 报盘还盘Offers and Counteroffers 68

Section 10 接单生产Orders and Their Fulfillment 76

Section 11 促销之道Pushing Sales 85

Section 12 产品包装Packing 93

Section 13 各类单证Documents 101

Section 14 付款方式Payment Terms 110

Section 15 催款清欠Debt Settlement and Collection 118

Section 16 保险事项Insurance 126

Section 17 货物运输Shipment 135

Section 18 代理事宜Agency 144

Section 19 投诉索赔Complaints and Claims 153

Section 20 客户服务Customer Service and Settling Claims 162

Section 21 广告策略Advertising Strategy 171

Section 22 合资合作Joint-venture and Co-operation 179

Section 23 合同条款Contract Terms 189

Section 24 补偿贸易Compensation Trade 198

Section 25 招聘解聘Personnel Wanted and Dismissal 206

Section 26 求职任职Job-seeking and Curriculum Vitae 215

Section 27 辞职与个人发展Resigning and Individual Development 224

Section 28 备忘记录Memos and Minutes 232

Section 29 通知通告Notice and Announcement 241

Section 30 道歉慰问Apology and Sympathy 249

Section 31 祝贺致谢Thank-you Letters and Congratulations 258

Section 32 邀请申请Invitations and Applications 266

Section 33 问卷调查Questionnaire Survey 274

Section 34 公司管理Company Management 282

Section 35 杂务写作Other Forms of Writing 290

Bibliography 299