Basic CommunicationPre-Unit Getting to Know You 1
Introduce yourself and greet your friendsWrite about yourselfIdentify educational goalsNice to meet you!Tell your story.Are you college bound?ContractionsPresent tenseSimple past 1
1 Balancing Your Life 1
Make a scheduleIdentify goals,obstacles,and solutionsWrite about your goalIdentify study habitsIdentify time-management strategiesEveryday lifeThe futureGoals,obstacles,and solutionsStudy habitsTime managementAdverbs of frequencyWhen in the futureConsumer Economics 1
2 Consumer Smarts 21
Identify places to purchase goods and servicesInterpret advertisementsCompare productsIdentify and compare purchasing methodsMake a smart purchaseShopping for goods and serviesAdvertisementsMaking comparisonsCash or charge?Think before you buyget+past participle(causative)Comparative adjectivesSuperlative adjectivesModals:have to and mustTransition words 21
3 Housing 41
Interpret classified adsMake decisions about housingArrange and cancel utilitiesMake a budgetWrite a letter to a landlordHouse huntingTime to movePaying the billsHow much can we spend?Tenant rightsComparatives and superlatives using nounsYes/No questions and answersInformation questionsPast continuousPast continuous with whileCommunity Resources 41
4 Our Community 61
Ask for informationInterpret charts and compare informationInterpret a road mapIdentify daily activitiesWrite about a placePlaces in your communityThe bank,the library,and the DMVFinding placesGetting things done!My townInformation questionsImperativesAdverbial clauses withbefore,after,and whenEditingHealth 61
5 Health 81
Identify parts of the bodyCommunicate symptoms to a doctorIdentify health habitsInterpret nutrition informationInterpret fitness informationThe human bodyIllnesses and symptomsHealth habitsNutrition labelsHealthy livingModal shouldPresent perfectFuture conditionalImperativesPresent perfect with for and sinceOccupational Knowledge 81
6 Getting Hired 101
Identify job titles and skillsIdentify job skills and preferencesInterpret job advertisementsFill out a job applicationInterview for a jobJobs and careersWhat can you do?Help wantedEmployment historyWhy do you want to work here?Simple presentInfinitives and gerundsGerunds and nouns after prepositionsWould rather 101
7 On the Job 121
Compare employee behavior and attitudesInterpret a pay stubInterpret benefit informationIdentify safe workplace behaviorCommunicate at workAttitudes at workIt's pay day!What are the benefits?Workplace safetyGood job!Possessive adjectives and pronounsModals:could and mightPolite requestsAppendicesGlossary 1 141
Glossary 2 155
Irregular Verb List 169
Grammar Reference 170
Listening Scripts 175
Photo Credits 180