
  • 购买积分:8 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:P.M.Jolley,Joseph编
  • 出 版 社:广州:广州外语音像出版社
  • 出版年份:2000
  • ISBN:7884821818
  • 页数:126 页

CHAPTER 1:News(1) 1

LESSON 1.Bombing In Bali——180 People Killed 3

LESSON 2.Manhunt For An Amok Man 4

LESSON 3.A Governor In North Korea Arrested 5

LESSON 4.Nuclear Weapons Program In North Korea 6

LESSON 5.USA Is To Compromise On Iraq 7

LESSON 6.A Kuwaiti Terrorist Arrested 8

LESSON 7.Lawmakers Urging For A Solution On North Korea 9

LESSON 8.A Compromise Is To Be Presented 10

LESSON 9.Rebels Sign Cease Fire Agreement 11

LESSON 10.Violence Between Israel And Palestine 12

CHAPTER 2:Agriculture Report 13

LESSON 11.An Introduction To Aquaculture 15

LESSON 12.Soybeans——A Valuable Food Supply 16

LESSON 13.UN Concerns About Hunger Problem 17

LESSON 14.Black Farmers Demonstrating In Washington 18

LESSON 15.USDA Blamed For Unfair Treatment Of Blacks 19

LESSON 16.Products Of Beans 20

LESSON 17.Use Of Beans 21

LESSON 18.How To Harvest Fish 22

LESSON 19.Food Crisis Added To Debate 23

LESSON 20.Reaction To Genetically Engineered Food 24

CHAPTER 3:Science Report 25

LESSON 21.The West Nile Virus 27

LESSON 22.W.N Virus In America 28

LESSON 23.A Meningitis Spreading In Africa 29

LESSON 24.A New Effect Of Folic Acid Confirmed 31

LESSON 25.USA Develops A Plan Against Smallpox 32

LESSON 26.The Treatment Of Prostate Cancer 34

LESSON 27.Studies For Breast Cancer Carried Out In USA 35

LESSON 28.About Prostate Cancer 36

LESSON 29.A Genetic Change Associated With Cancer Discovered 37

LESSON 30.A Cause To Cancer 38

CHAPTER 4:News(2) 39

LESSON 31.A New Proposal On Iraq 41

LESSON 32.Bombing In Philippines 42

LESSON 33.USA Begins Diplomatic Efforts 43

LESSON 34.USA Promises To Protect Israel From Missile 44

LESSON 35.Bombing In Israel 45

LESSON 36.A Spy-Suspected Man Jailed In Iran 46

LESSON 37.Shooting In Washington Being Investigated 47

LESSON 38.Resources Being Stolen In DRC 48

LESSON 39.EU Expansion Plan Approved 49

LESSON 40.Strike In Venezuela 50

CHAPTER 5:This Is America 51

LESSON 41.Songs For Labor Movement 53

LESSON 42.Joe Hill 54

LESSON 43.Labor Songs To Today's Americans 55

LESSON 44.Agricultural Fair In America 56

LESSON 45.The New York State Fair 57

LESSON 46.Book Clubs 58

LESSON 47.Different Kinds Of Book Clubs 59

LESSON 48."Oprah's Book"Book Club 60

LESSON 49.The Use Of Patents 61

LESSON 50.The History Of American Patents 62

CHAPTER 6:Education Report 63

LESSON 51.To Study In USA,Plan Early 65

LESSON 52.A New TV Program In USA 66

LESSON 53."Liberty's Kids"Program 67

LESSON 54.The Content Of The Program 68

LESSON 55.Ways To Follow Foreign Students In USA 69

LESSON 56.USA Uses A Number Of Ways To Follow Foreign Visitors 70

LESSON 57.Get College Information In E.A.C 71

LESSON 58.About The Degrees 72

LESSON 59.Online Education 73

LESSON 60.Online Universities In USA 74

CHAPTER 7:Environment Report 75

LESSON 61.Save The Dead Sea 77


LESSON 63.Solar Decathlon Competition Held in USA 80

LESSON 64.The Mystery Of Geckos Resolved 82

LESSON 65.How Geckos Perform Sticking Ability 83

LESSON 66.Officials Plan To Save The Dead Sea 85

LESSON 67.The Water Project 86

LESSON 68.Strongpoints And Shortcomings Of SUVs 87

LESSON 69.Shortcomings Of SUVs 88

LESSON 70.Solar-powered House 89

CHAPTER 8:Development Report 90

LESSON 71.APEC Conference Held In Mexico 91

LESSON 72.About Malaria 93

LESSON 73.Malaria Control Program 94

LESSON 74.Roll Back Malaria Program 96

LESSON 75.About Leishmaniasis 98

LESSON 76.Selling Kidney 99

LESSON 77.Leishmaniasis 100

LESSON 78.Methods Of Controlling Leishmaniasis 101

LESSON 79.The Evil Consequence Of Selling Kidney 102

LESSON 80.People's Attitude Towards Kidney Selling 103

CHAPTER 9:The Making Of A Nation 104

LESSON 81.Kennedy's Competition With Nixon For President 105

LESSON 82.John Kennedy's First 100 Days As President 106

LESSON 83.How Johnson Became President 107

LESSON 84.Johnson's Road In The Political Circles 108

LESSON 85.Johnson's Success In Civil Rights 109

LESSON 86.Hostility To The Blacks In Arkansas 110

LESSON 87.Martin Luther King's Demonstration 111

LESSON 88.Johnson Lost Popularity For The War In Vietnam 112

LESSON 89.Johnson Beaten By McCarthy In The Run 113

LESSON 90.The Nominating Convention 115

CHAPTER 10:Science In The News 116

LESSON 91.Anthrax 117

LESSON 92.Phages 118

LESSON 93.The El Nino 119

LESSON 94.Ginkgo 120

LESSON 95.The Lion's Mane 121

LESSON 96.A Surprising Side Effect Of A Cancer-treating Drug 122

LESSON 97.Reeve Recovering From His Injury 123

LESSON 98.The Importance Of Exercise To Women's Heaith 124

LESSON 99.Trees In California Infected With Deadly Disease 125

LESSON 100.About The NobeI Prize 126