
  • 购买积分:18 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:吴瑾瑾主编
  • 出 版 社:上海市:华东理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787562824961
  • 页数:636 页

1.about,on 1

2.about to do,not about to do 1

3.above,over 1

4.absolute,complete,thorough 2

5.accompany by,accompany with 2

6.according to,in accordance with 3

7.accustom to,acquaint with,familiarize/-ise with,be/get/become acquainted with,be/get/become familiar with,be familiar to 3

8.ache,pain,pang,throe 4

9.achieve,accomplish,fulfill,complete 5

10.acknowledge,admit,confess,concede 6

11.across,over 6

12.across,through 7

13.actual,actually,real,really,in(actual)fact,in point of fact,as a matter of fact,in effect,for(all)practical purposes,in actuality,in reality,in(all)truth,virtual,virtually 7

14.adhere to,cleave to,cling onto,cling to,hold by,hold on to,hold to,insist,keep on,keep to,persevere,persist,stand by,stand on,stay with,stick by,stick to 9

15.admission,admittance 13

16.admit of,allow of,permit of 14

17.adorn with,bedeck with,deck with,decorate with,festoon with,ornament with 14

18.adventure,venture 15

19.affect,effect,influence 15

20.afraid,fear 17

21.after,afterwards,later 17

22.age,years,old,etc 18

23.ago,before 19

24.agree,consent,assent,concur,go all the way with 20

25.aim to do,aim at doing 22

26.sin't(going),ain't gonna 22

27.all,all of 23

28.all,every 24

29.all,whole 24

30.all one to,all the same to 24

31.allow,permit,let 25

32.almost,nearly 25

33.along,beside,by 27

34.aloud,loudly,loud 28

35.already,ail ready 28

36.also,as well,too,either 28

37.alternately,alternatively 30

38.although,though 30

39.altogether,all together 31

40.always,all ways 31

41.among,amidst,between 32

42.amount to,add up to,come to,bring to,reach,run into/to,run up to 33

43.andc,or 34

44.another,the other 36

45.anyone,any one,anybody 36

46.anyway,any way 37

47.appliance,instrument,equipment,implement,device 37

48.aren't I,ain't I 38

49.argue about/over,bicker about/over,quarrel about/over,squabble about/over,wrangle about 38

50.arise,rise,raise 38

51.around,round,about 39

52.arouse,rouse 40

53.as,because,since,for 41

54.as,for 42

55.as,though,although 43

56.as,when,while 43

57.as...as,not as...as,not so...as 44

58.as from,as of 45

59.as if,as though 45

60.as/so long as,on condition that,provided that,providing that 46

61.as well as,not only...but also 47

62.ask,ask for,inquire/enquire 47

63.ask of,demand from,demand of,expect from/of,request from/of,require of 49

64.at all,in the least 50

65.at the cost of,at the expense of,at the price of,at the sacrifice of 51

66.attribute to,ascribe to,assign to,impute to,owe to,put down to,refer to,set down to 51

67.awake,awaken,wake(up),waken 53

68.awfully,terribly,frightfully,dreadfully,terrible,terrific 54

69.back of,at the back of,in back of,in the back of,on the back of 55

70.bare,bald,naked,nude 56

71.bath,bathe 56

72.be,be+being 57

73.be,do be 57

74.be gone,have gone 57

75.be+to do sth.,be+to have done sth 58

76.be/get/become/grow used/accustomed/habituated to,be used/accustomed to do,get the feel of 58

77.beach,shore,coast,bank,seashore,seaside 59

78.bear,have,deliver(of),to be delivered of,give birth to,produce,lay,spawn,hatch 60

79.bear away,bear off,carry away,carry off 61

80.bear on/upon,have a bearing on/upon,touch on 62

81.beat,lose,win,get 62

82.be at pains to do sth.,go to great pains to do sth.,take pains/trouble over(doing)sth.,take pains/trouble/doing/to do sth.,go to...trouble doing/to do sth.,go to...trouble for,go to the trouble of doing sth.,take trouble over sth 63

83.be beyond/past caring,get beyond/past caring,go beyond/past caring 64

84.be beyond/past endurance,get beyond/past endurance,go beyond/past endurance 64

85.become of,come of,disappear to,get to,go to 64

86.be cut out for,be cut out to be 65

87.been,gone 65

88.before,in front of 65

89.begin,start,commence 66

90.begin with,commence with,start with 67

91.be in hot water/the soup,be in a jam,be in deep/rough water,be in the mire,get into deep water,get into hot water/a jam 67

92.be in sight/view,be within sight/view,bring sth. into sight/view,come into sight/view,come within sight/view(of),disappear from sight/view,get out of sight/view,go out of sight/view,get within sight(of),keep sth.in sight,keep sight of,lose sight of 68

93.believe,convince 69

94.belong in,belong to,belong with 70

95.beneficent,beneficial,benevolent,benign,benignant 71

96.bend before/to,bow before/to,bow down(to) 71

97.bend over backwards,lean over backwards,fall over backwards 72

98.benefit by/from,profit by/from 72

99.be out of favor with(sb.),fall from grace,fall out of favor with,lapse from grace,lose favor with 72

100.beside,besides 73

101.besides,except,but 74

102.bet on,gamble on,stake on,wager on 75

103.big,large,great,huge 76

104.blossom forth,blossom out,blossom into 78

105.boast about/of,brag about/of 78

106.bode ill/well for sb./sth.,augur ill/well for sb./sth 78

107.border,frontier,boundary 79

108 both,both of 79

109.break in on/upon,break into,burst in on,burst on/upon,cut in on,cut into 80

110.bring,take,fetch 81

111.bring home to(sb.),come home to(sb.),drive home to(sb.),get home to(sb.) 82

112.bring in the new year,play in the new year,play out the old year,ring in the new year,ring out the old year,see the new year in,see the old year out 82

113.bring out/forth,call out/forth,draw out/forth,fetch out,show up 83

114.bring sth./sb.to mind,call sth./sb.to mind,recall sth./sb.to mind,(sth./sb.)come to mind,go out of sb.'s mind 84

115.bring up,raise,rear,grow,grow up,educate,foster,breed,nurture,drag up 84

116.(Great)Britain,the British Isles,the United Kingdom 85

117.Britisher,Briton,British,English,Englishman 86

118.broad,wide 86

119.burst out,break into,break out in,burst into,bust out,crack out 87

120.but for,but that,except for,apart from,aside from 88

121.bv,before 90

122.by,near,close to/by 91

123.by,with 91

124.by means of,by doing sth.,by sth.,by way of 92

125.can,could 93

126.can,could,be able to(表示“能力”) 93

127.can,could,may,might(表示“可能”) 95

128.can,could,may,might(表示“许可”) 97

129.cannot bring oneself to do sth.,cannot(very)well do sth 98

130.can't help doing,can't help/choose but do,cannot but do,cannot help sb./sth.doing 98

131.care(about),care for,look after,take care of,mind,attend to,attend upon/on,have/get/take charge of 99

132.ceremonious,ceremonial 100

133.close,shut 100

134.clothes,cloth(s),clothing,costume,dress,garment 101

135.compare to,compare with,equate to,equate with,liken to,contrast with 102

136.compel,impel 103

137.compete against/with,contend against/with,contest against/with,vie with,compete for,contend for 104

138.complex,complicated,intricate,involved 104

139.compliment,complement,supplement 105

140.compliment on,congratulate on/upon,felicitate on/upon 106

141.comply with,abide by,conform to/with 107

142.comprehensible,comprehensive,understandable,understanding 107

143.condemn to,destine to,doom to,sentence to 108

144.condescend to,demean oneself,descend to,lower oneself,sink to,stoop to 108

145.connive with,conspire against,conspire with,intrigue against,intrigue with,plot against,plot with 110

146.conscious,consciousness,conscience,conscientious 110

147.consist in,consist of,consist with 111

148.consist of,constitute,compose,comprise,comprehend,include,make up,be made up(out)of 111

149.constrain,restrain 113

150.continual,continuous,continually,continuously 113

151.contrary,opposite 114

152.cook,cooker 114

153.cop out(of),fight shy of 115

154.costume,custom,customs 115

155.country,nation,state,land 115

156.cross out,cross off,score out,scratch out,scrub out,strike off,strike out,strike through 116

157.crow over,exult at/in,exult over,gloat over,revel in 116

158.cruel,brutal,inhuman,savage,barbarous,fierce,ruthless 117

159.dangerous,hazardous,risky 118

160.dare,venture 119

161.debit against,debit to,debit with,credit to,credit with 120

162.decide against,decide for,decide in favor of,find against,find for 120

163.delete from,erase from,expunge from,expurgate from,leave out,miss out,omit from 121

164.depart,deviate,diverge,divert 122

165.disinterested,uninterested 123

166.dismiss,discharge,fire,lay off,retire,sack 123

167.dissolve,melt 124

168.distribute,dispense,divide,allocate 124

169.disturb,agitate,perturb,make havoc of/with,upset 125

170.divorce,marry 126

171.do by,do for,do with 126

172.do(to others)as you would be done by,do unto others as we would have others do unto us 128

173.do so,do it,do 128

174.dress,wear,put on,be in,have on 129

175.drive sb.mad,drive sb.crazy,drive(sb.)out of his mind,frighten sb.out of his senses,go/be berserk,send sb.berserk,go crazy,go mad,go out of one's mind,go/be out of one's senses,lose one's senses,run amok/amuck,take leave of one's senses 130

176.drunk,drunken,drunkard 132

177.each other,one another 132

178.effective,effectual,efficacious,efficient 132

179.elder,eldest,older,oldest 133

180.element,component,constituent,ingredient 133

181.else,or else 134

182.enjoy,take pleasure in,get/take(a)delight in 135

183.enter,enter into,enter on/upon,come/go into 135

184.enter for,be down for,be in for,go in for,put down for,put.in(for),send in(for),volunteer for 136

185.entrance,exit,way in,way out,gateway,doorway,wicket 137

186.enviable,envious,jealous 137

187.envy,be envious of,be jealous of 137

188.equip for,equip with,be equipped for,be equipped with 138

189.escape,flee,fly,run(away),desert,get away(off),take to one's heels,take to flight 139

190.especial/especially,special/specially 140

191.even,even if,even though,even as,even so 140

192.even off/out,even up,level down/up,level off/out 141

193.ever,already,yet 142

194.ever,always,once 144

195.every,everybody,everyone,each,each of(作主语) 146

196.everyday,every day 146

197.everyone,every one 147

198.exact from,exact of,levy on/upon 147

199.exam,examination,test 147

200.except,but 148

201.excuse me,sorry,pardon me,I beg your pardon 149

202.fairly,quite,rather,pretty 150

203.far,a long way 150

204.farther,further 151

205.fasten one's hope on,hang one's hopes of...on,have(high)hopes for,lay one's hopes on,pin one's hopes on,place one's hopes on,put one'shopes on,set one's hopes/heart on/upon 151

206.fawn on/upon,toady to,curry favor with 152

207.feel cheap,feel small,look small,think small 152

208.feel(like)oneself,look oneself 153

209.female,feminine,male,masculine 153

210.fewer,less 153

211.finally,at last,at length,eventually,in the end 154

212.fit,appropriate,apt,apposite,fitting,proper,suitable 154

213.fit,suit 156

214.flash,glean,glance,glint,glisten,sparkle 160

215.flock,herd,pack,swarm,school 160

216.for,from...to,from...till/until,since,ago 160

217.for always,always,forever/for ever,for good,for good and all,once and for all,once for all 162

218.forget,leave(遗忘) 163

219.fort,fortress,bastion,stronghold 163

220.forward,forwards 164

221.frighten sb.out of his wits,frighten/scare sb.to death,scare/terrify sb.out of his mind/wits,scare sb.stiff/to death,have/keep one's wits about one 164

222.(in)front of,in/at the front of 165

223.gait,pace,step,stride,walk 165

224.generally,generally speaking,speaking generally,in general,as a whole,on the whole,all in all,by and large,altogether,in all,for the most part,in the main 166

225.generous,liberal,extravagant 167

226.get,become,turn,go(表示变化) 168

227.get down,get off,get out,alight,descend,disembark 169

228.get on,get in/into,go by,get/go on board,mount(on),ride on/in,embark,board 169

229.get/want one's own way,have/go/take one's own way,have everything/it one's own way 170

230.get+p.p.(过去分词),be+p.p.(过去分词) 171

231.gigantic,titanic,gargantuan,prodigious,immense,enormous,colossal 172

232.give(me,us)the word,give one's word,say/speak the word 173

233.go bankrupt,go broke,go bust 173

234.go easy(on/with),go slow,slow down/up,take it/things easy 174

235.go+-ing,come+-ing,do+-ing 174

236.go to sea,go out to sea,go to the sea/seasied 175

237.go on doing sth.,go on to do sth.,go on with,keep on,keep on doing sth.,keep doing sth.,keep on with sth.,continue doing sth.,continue to do sth.,proceed to do sth 176

238.going to,shall/will,be+-ing 177

239.gold,golden 179

240.grasp,grip,seize 179

241.grateful,gratified,thankful,obliged(to) 180

242.grow out of,result in,result from 181

243.habitation,dwelling,residence 181

244.half a,a half,half of 182

245.(in)half,into halves,into/in two 182

248.happen,occur,take place 183

247.hard,hardly 185

248.hardly...when,scarcely...when,no sooner...than,barely...when 185

249.have full assurance of success,have the game in one's hands 185

250.have,take(=drink,eat,receive) 186

251.have a good time,have a pleasant time,enjoy oneself,amuse oneself 186

252.have+object+do,have+objeet+doing,get+object+to do,get+object+doing 187

253.have+object+done,get+object+done 187

254.have to/have got to,must 188

255.have/bandy words with,have/get/receive word(from sb.),have one's word,have/like a word(with sb.),have/like a word with,have/like a few words(with sb.),have/like a word in sb.'s ear,have no words for/to,have/get/say the last/final word,exchange words with 189

256.he,she,it等(表示性别的代词) 191

257.hear,listen to 192

258.here's,there's(接复数主语) 192

259.high,highly 192

260.high,tall 193

261.hill,mount,mountain 193

262.hire,rent,let 194

263.hit,beat,strike 194

264.hold fast,hold firm,stand fast,stand firm,stand pat,stick fast 196

265.holiday,holidays,leave,vacation 196

266.home,homely 197

267.home,house,family,household 197

268.hope,wish,wish for,want,desire 198

269.how,what 200

270.How came...to...?How come...?How comes it that...?How did it come that...?How is it(that)...?Why is it(that)...? 200

271.How do you do!How are you?Goodbye,Good morning/afternoon/evening/night! 201

272.however,no matter how,whatever,no matter what,whoever,whomever,no matter who,no matter whom,whichever,no matter whicht whosever,no matter whose 202

273.human,humane,humanitarian 203

274.idea,ideology,concept,conception,notion,opinion,thought,view,point of view 203

275.if,as/so long as,assuming that,provided(that),providing(that),supposing(that),on condition that 206

276.if it were not for...,if it had not been for,only for,only that 206

277.if so,if not 207

278.if you/he/it/they...will...,if I/he/it,you...should...,if I/you/he/they...would 207

279.ignorant,illiterate,unlettered,uneducated 208

280.illuminate,illumine.bring to light,cast/shed/throw light on/upon,give light on,light up 209

281.illusion,delusion 210

282.immediately,the moment,the minute,the instant,the second 210

283.immunity,impunity 210

284.improve in,improve on/upon 211

285.in,into 211

286.in,inside(of),within 212

287.in behalf of,on behalf of,on one's behalf 212

288.in case that,in case of,in the case of,in the event(that),in the event of 213

289.(in)duty hound,(in)honor bound 214

290.in the evening,on the evening of,towards evening,on the eve of 214

291.in the field,in the fields,at the field,on the field 215

292.in the north,on the north,to the north,at the north 216

293.in spite of,despite,for all,for all that,with all,notwithstanding,regardless of,without regard for/to,without distinction of,without reference to,without respect to/of 216

294.in the street(s),on the street(s) 218

295.in view of,with...in view,with a view to,with a/the view of,considering(that),on account of,seeing that,taking into account/consideration,in hopes of,in the hope(of) 218

296.in(the)water,above water,on the water,on the waters,out of(the)water,over the water,under water 220

297.incident,accident,event 221

298.incline,intend,tend 221

299.income,revenue,earning,proceeds 222

300.indeed,really 223

301.indorse/endorse,approve,consent 224

302.inn,hotel,pub,restaurant 224

303.instead of,in one's stead,in one's place,in(the)place of,for 225

304.intent,intention,purpose,aim 226

305.It is...for sb./sth.to do sth.,It is...of sb.to do sth 227

306.It's nice to do sth.,It's...that,It's...for+object+to do sth.,It seems that,It appears that,It is...doing sth.,It is as if/though,It looks as if/though,It occurred to sb that,It is...that...should 228

307.It's no use doing,There's no use(in)doing,etc 231

308.It is(high)time sb.did sth.,It is time(for sb.)to do sth 231

309.It is said(that),It says,They/People say(that),I'm told that...,I hear(that)...,the story/saying goes(that) 232

310.job,work,position,situation,place 232

311.join,combine,connect,associate,link,unite 234

312.jump the green light,jump a stop light,pass through the red light,run the red light,go through the red light,drive through a red light 235

313.just,just now a moment ago,a few moments ago,a short time ago 235

314.keep one's bed,keep one's/the house,take to one's bed,be laid up,be confined to bed,be(ill)in bed(with a disease),be down(with a disease),come down(with a disease),go down(with a disease) 235

315.kill,assassinate,murder 236

316.kind,sort,class,description,nature,manner,type 236

317.kind of,sort of 238

318.know,know of,know about,know from,be known to,knowing to 238

319.known as,known by,known for 238

320.lack,want,need 239

321.lark about/around,horse about/around,ramp about/around,romp about/around 240

322.last,the last,the past 241

323.last,latest 241

324.late,later,latest,latter,last 242

325.lately,late,of late,recently 243

326.later,later on 243

327.leave,depart,go off,set off,set out,start,start off/out 244

328.leave,remain,stay 245

329.less,lesser 252

330.like,as 252

331.like,would like 254

332.limit,confine,restrict 255

333.live,live by,live off,live on,feed off,feed on/upon,dine off,eat off 255

334.locate,find,look for,seek for,seek out,search for 256

335.long,for a long time 257

336.lose ground to,lose out(to),lose to 257

337.lose heart,lose hope,lose one's heart to,be/feel let down 258

338.make as if,make a pretance of 258

339.make fun of,poke fun at,make mock/sport of,make game of,make a mockery/travesty of 258

340.make of,make out of,make up of,make from,make into,make sth.of sb./sth 259

341.make good/effective use of,make full use of,make the best of,make the most of,make the best of it/of/a bad job 260

342.manage to do,succeed in doing,attempt to do,try to do,was/were able to do,(be)capable of 260

343.many,much,a lot(of),lots(of),plenty(of),a great deal(of),a large number(of) 262

344.the matter(with),wrong(with) 263

345.mature,ripe 263

346.may/might well(do),may/might as well(do),may as well...as,might as well...as 263

347.meanwhile,meantime,in the meanwhile,in the meantime,at the same time,simultaneously 264

348.meet,meet with,meet up with,bump into,bang into,barge into,knock up against,run into,run up against,chance on/upon,come/run/drop across,happen on/upon,come on/upon,encounter,stumble across/on/upon/onto,tumble on/upon 265

349.mix,blend,mingle,merge 267

350.more often than not,as often as,as often as not,often as,once too often,every so often 268

351.much/still more,even/much/still less 268

352.must do,must have done 269

353.mustn't,don't need to,needn't,don't have to,be to 270

354.name after,name for,name...as...,name...to 270

355.near,nearby 271

356.near(to),next door to,next to,not far from,close on/upon,close to/by 272

357.nearly,not nearly,nowhere near,far from 273

358.neglect,ignore,disregard,overlook 274

359.neglectful,negligent,negligible 274

360.neighborhood,vicinity 275

361.neither,nor 275

362.never...but,never/not...without,hardly...but 277

363.new,novel,original 277

364.next,the next 278

365.no,none 278

366.no,none(of),neither,noone,not any(of),not one(of) 279

367.no better than,not better than 280

368.no...but,not...but,nothing so...but 280

369.no less than,no fewer than,not less than 281

370.no longer,not any longer,no more,not...any more 281

371.no more...than,not...any more than,not more...than 282

372.no other than,no other but,none other than,no less a person than,who/what...but 283

373.no wonder,it's no wonder,(it's)small wonder,it's not surprising 283

374.not a bit,not a little,not...in the least,not the least,not/no at all,not the less 284

375.not only...but(also),as well as,both...and 284

376.not/no...till/until,not...before 286

377.not to mention,not to speak of,to say nothing of,not to say,still/even/much less,much/still more needless to say,let alone 287

378.now that,seeing/considering that,since 288

379.nowadays,today 288

380.obligate,oblige,compel,force,make 289

381.obscure,vague,ambiguous,unclear,dim 290

382.often,frequently 291

383.old,olden 291

384.on to,onto 292

385.one,you 292

386.one's own,of one's own,on one's own 293

387.only,alone,lone,lonely 294

388.only(ad.),but,mere,merely 295

389.only that,only for,except that,except for 296

390.only too,all too,but too,much/far too 296

391.open,opened 297

392.opportunity,possibility,probability 297

393.oppose,object,be(up)against,not approve of 298

394.originate from,originate in,originate with 299

395.outstanding,foremost,prominent,eminent 299

396.overcome,conquer,win 300

397.owing to,due to,on account of,on(the)grounds of 300

398.pair,couple 301

399.part,part from,part with,separate 301

400.part,portion,proportion 302

401.pass,pass away,pass by,elapse,go by,spend,kill 303

402.percent,per cent,percentage 304

403.perhaps,most/very likely,as likely as not,possibly,probably,maybe 305

404.pile,stack,heap 305

405.pleasant,pleasing,pleased,agreeable 306

406.popularize,extend,impart,promulgate,propagate,publicize 307

407.praise,applaud,commend,recommend 308

408.preceding,former,previous,prior 309

409.prepare,prepare against,prepare for,be prepared,make preparations for,get/make sth.ready(for),be ready,fit(sb.)for,fix,provide for 309

410.prestige,privilege 310

411.price,cost,expense,expenditure 311

412.priceless,invaluable,valueless,worthless 312

413.prisoner,captive,convict,criminal 312

414.problem,question,issue 312

415.produce,product,production,yield,output 313

416.prone,liable,apt,inclined,susceptible,subject 314

417.propose,suggest 316

418.provide,supply 317

419.purposely,deliberately,intentionally,on purpose 318

420.quality,property,feature,characteristic,peculiarity,trait,attribute 318

421.question,ask,inquire,interrogate 319

422.queue,line,row 321

423.quick,fast,speedy 321

424.quiet,calm,still,tranquil,sedate,placid 322

425.quite a few,a good few,not a few,a considerable number of,a good many,many a,quite a little,quite a good deal(of) 323

426.quote,cite 324

427.raise,boost,elevate,enhance,heighten,lift,rise 325

428.rare,scarce,scant 326

429.rarely,seldom,not(very)often 327

430.rather,fairly 327

431.ratify,approve,confirm,endorse,sanction 328

432.rational,reasonable 329

433.reach,reach after,reach for,reach to/towards,arrive in/at,get at,get to 330

434.read over,read through,go through,be through 331

435.real,actual,genuine,true 332

436.recall,recollect,remember,remind,memorize 333

437.recede,retreat,withdraw,retire 335

438.receive,accept 336

439.recommend,introduce,commend 337

440.recover,restore,be well again,get well,get/be over,recuperate 338

441.reduce,decrease,diminish,dwindle,lower,wane 340

442.reform,convert,transform,remould/remold 342

443.refuse,decline,reject,repel,turn down,turn away 343

444.regret,be sorry,feel sorry,pardon,excuse me,apologize 344

445.reiterate,repeat,reaffirm 345

446.relax,loose,loosen,slack,slacken 345

447.release,relieve 347

448.repair,mend,fix 348

449.reply,respond,answer 349

450.representative,delegate,deputy 350

451.repudiate,refute,criticize,condemn,denounce 350

452.request,beg,plead,ask,implore,require 352

453.rescue,save,deliver,salvage 353

454.result,effect,consequence,outcome,upshot 354

455.result from,result in,arise from,lead to,originate with/from/in 355

456.rich,abundant,opulent,affluent,wealthy,well-to-do,well off 355

457.right,rightly,wrong,wrongly 356

458.right away,right off,right now,right along 357

459.risk,danger,hazard,jeopardy,peril 357

460.rob,steal,deprive,loot,plunder,rifle,relieve of,run away with 359

461.rough,rude,impolite 360

462.same,similar,identical,like,alike 361

463.satisfactory,satisfied,content,contented 362

464.say,speak,talk,tell,utter,state,remark,observe,comment 363

465.scan,see,look,have/take a look(at),peek,have/take/get a peek/peep at,peep,peer,watch,gaze,glimpse,stare,view,glance,eye 365

466.scene,sight,view,scenery,landscape 368

467.sea,ocean 369

468.search,search for,search out,look for,look out,iook out for,feel for,hunt(for),hunt down,hunt high and low for,hunt out,fish for,fish out,scour for,scout for,scout about/around for,quest for,seek after,seek for 370

469.seasonal,seasonable 372

470.seat,sit,take the weight off one's feet/legs 373

471.see in(in作副词),see in(in作介词) 373

472.see sb.off,see sb.out,see sb.to(a place),give a send-off,send sb.off,send sb.packing, send sb.about sb.'s business,take/see sb.home,see sb.up 374

473.see(to it)that,look to it that,take notice that,take care that,make sure(that),be sure(that) 375

474.seem,appear,sound,look 375

475.send for,go for,rush for 378

476.(be)sensible of,(be)sensible to,(be)sensitive to,(be)susceptible of,(be)susceptible to 378

477.servant,waiter,attendant 379

478.session,conference,congress,convention,meeting,rally,assembly 379

479.set up,build,establish,found,put up 381

480.severe,stern,strict,rigid,rigorous,harsh,hard 382

481.shake,shiver,shudder,tremble,convulse,quake,quiver,vibrate 384

482.shape.form 386

483.sharp,acute,keen 386

484.shortcoming,error,mistake,fault,flaw,blemish,defect,blunder 388

485.show,display,exhibit,illustrate,indicate,produce,reveal 389

486.shun,escape,avoid,evade,get around/round,get away from,get away with,elude,keep/stay away from,keep/stay off(from),keep/stay/remain clear of,stand clear of,steer clear of,shirk 392

487.sick of,tired of,fed up(with) 394

488.sickness,illness,ailment,complaint,disease,trouble,indisposition,disorder,infirmity 395

489.sin,crime,guilt,delinquency,offence 396

490.sit up,stay up 397

491.situate,stand,lie,locate,sit 398

492.slam to,pull to,draw to,push to,shut to,shove to 399

493.slim,slender,slight,thin,lean 399

494.slip,slide,glide 400

495.slow,slowly 401

496.smell,scent,flavor,fragrance,odor 401

497.snatch,grab,grasp,grip,seize,catch,clutch,hold,clench,clasp 402

498.sneak into,worm one's way/oneself into 406

499.so(as)can,so...as to,so as to/not to,in order to/not to,in order that,so that,so...that,such...that,such that,such as to,such...as to 407

500.so do/am/can/will I,so I do/am/can/will 409

501.so far,until now,up to now,thus far,to date 410

502.soil,earth,clay 410

503.would/had sooner(than),would/had rather(than),would/had(just)as soon...(as),would/had/might better,had best,would as soon as not 411

504.space,universe,room 413

505.speech,address,lecture,talk,report 414

506.spend,cost,take 415

507.spin,turn,revolve,rotate,pirouette,circle 416

508.stand,bear,brook,endure,tolerate,suffer,put up with,live with 417

509.statesman,politician 418

510.station,stop,terminal 419

511.stay,live,be living 419

512.stay(at/with),stop(at),stop off,put up at,visit at,lodge at/with 419

513.stay the night,stop the night,stop for the night 420

514.stay to/for,stop to/for 420

515.stop,cease,pause 420

516.stop...from,prevent...from,prohibit...from,protect...from/against,put a stop to,restrain from,shelter from,screen from,shade from,shield from,guard from,hinder from,keep from 421

517.stop out of(sth.),take out of,stop from 424

518.storey,floor 424

519.strike,hit,pat,pull,grasp,take,hold 425

520.substance,matter,material 425

521.sufficient,adequate,enough,ample 426

522.summit,top,peak,climax 427

523.sure,positive,certain 428

524.surprise,astonish,startle,start,shock,astound,amaze,stun,take aback,dumbfound,strike dumb 430

525.surrender,abdicate,give in,give up,give way,yield 432

526.surround,besiege,encircle,enclose,envelop 435

527.suspect,doubt,query,question 436

528.suspend,delay,postpone,put off,be off,hold back,hold off,hold up,retard 438

529.swallow,bolt,gobble,guzzle,wolf,gorge 440

530.swear,promise,pledge,undertake,guarantee,warrant,commit,vouch,vow,assure,ensure 440

531.sweep,mop,brush,dust 444

532.swell,inflate,blow up,expand,enlarge,magnify,amplify,exaggerate 445

533.swindle,blaekmail,cheat,deceive,defraud,take in,trick 448

534.switch,alter,change,transmute,turn,vary 449

535.switch off/out,be off/out,blow out,go off/out,let out,put off/out,shut off,snap off,snuff out,turn off/out 451

536.switch on,have on,put on,stick on,turn on,be on,come on,go on,keep on,leave on,remain on,stay on,stop on,snap on 453

537.sympathize/-ise,feel for,understand,commiserate,condole,console,solace 454

538.tackle,transact,be at,be busy,be up to,engage in,be engaged(in sth.),busy,be employed in 455

539.tailor to,adjust to,adapt to,attune to,acclimatize/-ise to 457

540.take/make a grab at,get a grasp of,have a(good)grasp of,keep a(firm)grasp on,take a grasp on,have/get a(good)grip of,get/take a(good)grip on,catch/get/grab/grasp/keep/lay/seize/take hold of 458

541.take ill/sick,be taken ill/sick,be taken worse,suffer from,fall ill/sick,be ill/sick,become ill,feel ill,look ill,sicken,sicken for,go down/come down/be down with(a disease) 459

542.take on,recruit,staff,hire,employ,engage 460

543.take one's word(for it),take one at one's word,mark my words,on my word of honor 461

544.take to,be fond of,be/become/grow attached to,be keen on 462

545.take(sb.)to court,go to law(against sb.),charge,accuse,lodge/make/bring an accusation against sb.,lay/lodge/bring/file/make a complaint against sb.,bring an action/a suit/a charge/a lawsuit against sb.,make/lodge a(legal)claim against sb.,make a claim at a court of law,prosecute,start a prosecution against sb.,proceed against sb.,commence/institute/start/take/undertake(legal)proceedings against sb.,sue 462

546.take a walk,go for a walk,have a walk,take sb.for a walk,be out for/on a walk,take a turn,to be away for a stroll/walk,go for/have/take a stroll,go for/have an outing,have an auto/a bicycle outing,take a long walk 464

547.talent,gift,ability,aptitude,competence,capacity,capability,accomplishment,facility 464

548.talk...into(doing)sth.,persuade/argue/reason...into(doing)sth.,coax...into(doing)sth.,lull...into(doing)sth.,lure...into(doing)sth.,coerce...into(doing)sth.,railroad...into(doing)sth.,frighten/scare/terrify/intimidate sb.into(doing)sth.cheat/deceive/t rick/delude sb.into(doing)sth., 466

549.talk to oneself,say to oneself,think to oneself,think aloud 468

550.tame,domesticate 468

551.taste,flavour/flavor,savour/savor 469

552.tasty,succulent,luscious,mouth-watering,delicious,appetizing/-sing,wholesome,tasteful 470

553.tawdry,inferior,shoddy,cheap,poor,valueless,worthless 471

554.tax,taxation,customs,duty,excise,levy,rate,revenue,toll 471

555.tear apart,take apart,pull apart,pull to pieces,rend to pieces,rip apart,rip sb./sth.to pieces/shreds,take...to bits/pieces,tear to bits/pieces/shreds 472

556.tear away,drag away,pull away 474

557.tear down,break to pieces,break up,demolish,destroy,dismantle,pull down 474

558.tear up,rip up,break 475

559.technical,technological 476

560.technique,technology 476

561.tedious,tiring,tiresome,troublesome,monotonous,dull,boring,weary.wearing 477

562.telegraph,telephone,televise,telex,transmit,tune in,beam,broadcast,cable,call up,dial,get,pick up,phone,radio,ring,receive,wire 478

563.tell against,weigh against,work against,charge against,count against,hold against 480

564.tell apart,tell from,distinguish between/from,differentiate between/from,discern between/from,discriminate between/from,know apart/from 481

565.tell of,hear tell of,tell about,tell on,inform of/about,inform against/on,notify of,notify to,report to 483

566.tempt from,entice from,entice away,seduce from,tempt/entice to 484

567.tend to,incline to,lcan towards/to,feel/be tempted to,dispose to,be/feel disposed to do sth 485

568.tendency,inclination,bias,leaning,propensity,bent,disposition 487

569.tender,tender-hearted,gentle,kind,kind-hearted,kindly,warm,warm-blooded,warm-hearted,well-disposed 488

570.terrible,terrific,horrible,dreadful,horrid,frightful,awful 489

571.thanks,thank you,I thank you,thank God/goodness/heavens,have(got)oneself to thank(for),I will thank you to(do)sth.,thank one's lucky stars 491

572.there is/are...doing sth.,there is/are...done,there is/are...to do 492

573.there being,there to be 493

574.there is no doing,there is no use/good/sense/point/harm(in)doing sth.,it is no use/good/sense/point/harm doing sth 494

575.thick,slow,stupid,retarded,dumb,backward,awkward,muddle-headed 494

576.thin down,thin out 495

577.think about/of,think on/upon,brood about/on/upon/over,dwell on/upon,linger on,meditate on,mull over/about,muse on/upon/over,pause on/upon,ponder on/upon/over,pore on/upon/over 496

578.think ahead,look ahead,see ahead 497

579.think back,look back 498

580.think(it)fit/good/proper/right(to do sth.),see fit 498

581.think nothing of,think nothing of it,think little/badly of,think highly/well of,think much/a great deal/a lot of,think ill/evil/badly of(sb.),think poorly of,think the world of,think meanly of,make light of,make light work of,make little of,make nothing of 499

582.think of,think up,dream of/about,dream up,make up 500

583.think out,think over,think through,think again,think twice,think better of 501

584.thirst for/after,hunger for/after,starve for 502

585.thoughtful,considerate,understanding 503

586.thrash,beat,whip,flog,lash,birch,cane 504

587.thrash about/around,toss about/around 504

588.thrash out,hash out 505

589.throng into/in/out(of),crowd into/in/out(of),crush into,file into/in/out(of),swarm into/in/out(of),cram into,jam into,pack into 505

590.throw cold water on,pour cold water on 506

591.throw in one's lot with,cast in one's lot with,fling in one's lot with 506

592.throw light on/upon,cast light on/upon,shed light on/upon,bring...to light 506

593.throw off/out,fling off,give forth/off/out,send forth,send out 507

594.throw/chuck/fling/hurl/toss one's money about/around,play ducks and drakes(with),play games with 507

595.throw/chuck/fling/hurl/toss one's weight about/around 508

596.(1)thrust one's way forward,elbow one's way forward,push one's way forward,shoulder one's way forward(2)thrust one's way through,elbow one's way through,push one's way through,shoulder one's way through 508

597.tide over,bridge over,pull through,pull round,help through,help out(of),help over,bring through,carry through 508

598.tired,tired out,exhausted,weary,done in,worn out,played out,shattered,all in 510

599.to and fro,from place to place,backwards and forwards,back and forth,up and down 511

600.toast,drink to,drink(to)one's health,propose a toast(to),propose sb.'s health 512

601.toil at/over,toil through,labor at/over,labor through,work at,work on/upon,work through,work one's way through 512

602.token,signal,sign,symbol,mark 514

603.topple down/over,tumble down/over,fall down/over,trip over,stumble over 515

604.toss into,fling into,hurl into,throw into 516

605.touch at,call at/in,call by,call on/upon,drop by/around/round,drop in,look in/on,look up,wait on/upon 517

606.tout about,tout around,tout as 518

607.towel down/off,rub down 518

608.toy with,fiddle with,fidget with,play with,play fast and loose(with),twiddle with,tinker with,dally with,trifle with,flirt with,sport with 519

609.trace...back(to),trace...to,track down(to),track...to,trail...to,go back(to),date back to/from 521

610.track,track in,track up 523

611.trade at,trade with,deal at,deal with,do business with,transact with,travel in 523

612.trade...down,trade in...for,trade up...for 524

613.trade for,exchange for,swap/swop for,change for 524

614.trade in,deal in,traffic in 524

615.trail,follow,chase,pursue 524

616.trail off/away,tail off/away,taper off 525

617.trample down,tread down,stamp down,trample(sb./sth.)under foot 526

618.trample on/upon,tramp on,stamp on,step on/upon,tread on,walk on,walk over 526

619.translate from,translate into,do into,render into,turn into,put into 527

620.tread on air,walk on air 528

621.tread on sb.'s toes/corns,step on sb.'s toes/corns 528

622.trifle away,idle away,fiddle away,fool/footle away,fritter away,frivol away,laze away,loaf away,loiter away,lounge away,piddle away,potter away 528

623.trigger off,set off,spark off,touch off 530

624.trip,travel,tour,voyage,outing,excursion,wandering,expedition,journey 530

625.trouble about/over,trouble one's head about,trouble with,worry about/over,worry oneself sick/silly about/over,bother oneself about/with,be bother about/with,bother one's head about/with 533

626.trouble to do sth.,bother to do sth.,trouble sb.to do sth.,bother sb.to do sth.,go out of one's way to do sth 534

627.trust in,trust to,trust with,depend on,bank on,build on/upon,calculate on/upon,count on,rely on/upon,rest on/upon,wager on 535

628.trusting,truthful,artless,innocent,naive,credulous 537

629.trustworthy,trustful,honest,reliable,straight,upright,candid,aboveboard,forthright,forthcoming,genuine,open,frank,straightforward 537

630.truth,truthfulness,reality,fact,actuality 539

631.try and do sth.,try to do sth.,try doing sth 541

632.twice as...(as),three times as...(as),twice/three times that size,etc 541

633.typical,characteristic,representative,symbolic,symptomatic 542

634.unavoidable,inevitable,inexorable,inescapable,ineluctable 543

635.unbosom oneself to(sb.),unburden oneself/one's heart to sb.,unload on/upon(sb.),open one's heart to(sb.) 544

636.uncover,disclose,discover,reveal,expose 545

637.under,beneath,underneath,below,down 546

638.underground,tube,subway,rail,railway,railroad 550

639.undermine,disrupt,destroy,wreck,ruin,obliterate,eradicate,annihilate,wipe out,stamp out,root out 550

640.unfasten,undo,untie,unlock,loose,loosen 552

641.unfit,unhealthy,unwell,ailing,ill,bad,diseased,poorly,sick,sickly,upset,run-down 553

642.unfit for,be unfit for,be unfit to do,be unsuitable for,be unsuited for 555

643.unfortunate,unlucky,unhappy,down on(one's)luck,inauspicious,out of luck 556

644.unfortunately,unluckily,as luck/ill luck would have it 557

645.unfriendly,unsociable,hostile,inimical,antagonistic,difficult,reserved,distant,cool,cold,aloof 558

646.unlawful,illegal,illegitimate,illicit,lawless 559

647. unmatchable,unmatched,matchless,unequal,unequaled/unequalled,unexampled,unexcelled,unparalleled,unprecedented,incomparable 560

648.unmeasurable,immeasurable 561

649.unorganized,disorganized 561

650.unqualified,disqualified 561

651.up to now/then,up till now/then,up to this/that moment,so far,yet,as yet,not just yet,by now/then,by this/that time,already 562

652.uptight,tense,tensed-up,uneasy,strained,ill at ease,nervous,nervy,jumpy,restless,highly-strung,strung up,overwrought 563

653.upward,upwards,upward(s)of,up to 564

654.urge along/forward/on,urge on/upon 565

655.use as,use for,utilize for,serve as,serve for,do as,do for 566

656.(be)useful to(sb.),(be)of no/any/much/great use to(sb.),sb.has no use for sth 566

657.usher in/out,show,direct, let in/out,admit,take,lead,guide,conduct,escort,accompany 566

658.usual,normal,habitual,customary,regular,routine,standard 568

659.vaccinate against,immunize against,inoculate against 569

660.vacillate between,hover between,waver between 570

661.value...as,value...for 570

662.vanish,disappear,fade 571

663.varied,various,different,differential,assorted,divers,diverse,diversified 571

664.variety,diversity 573

665.vary between...and...,vary from...to...,vary in,vary in...from...to...,range from...to/between...and...,run from...to 573

666.vent on/upon,take out on,take out of,visit on/upon,visit with,work off on 574

667.verge on/upon,be on the verge of,bring sb.to the verge of,border on/upon,be on the border of,touch on/upon,abut on/upon 575

668.very,much 576

669.vest in,be vested in,repose in,reside in,rest in,rest on/upon,rest with 577

670.via,by,by way of,through 578

671.visit(at),visit with,pay a visit to,pay a call on,call st,call by,call on/upon,come around/round/over,drop around/round/in/by/down/on/over/up,get around/round/over,look in,look up,stop in/by/off 579

672.vote against,vote down,vote out 582

673.vote in/into power,vote on/upon,vote onto,elect(as),elect to 582

674.vouch for,avouch for,guarantee 583

675.wade through,plough through,toil at/over,labor at/over,toil through,labor through,work at,work away,work on,work through,slave(away)at 584

676.wait,await,keep/have...waiting,hold on(a minute) 586

677.wallow in,roll in,welter in 587

678.waltz through,breeze through,romp through,sail through,sweep through,walk through 588

679.wander,stray,ramble,stroll 590

680.warn about/of,warn against,warn off,alert to,awake to,awaken to,wake to,waken to,caution against 590

681.wary,cautious,alert,observant,vigilant,watchful 592

682.wash off,wash out,come off,come out,get off,get out(of),take out(of) 593

683.watch for,watch out,watch out for,look out,look out for,be on the watch/look-out for,keep a good watch for,be watchful of,be watchful against,be watchful for,guard against,keep(a close)guard on,be on one's guard against 595

684.way,entirely 597

685.welcome,welcomed 597

686.well,feel good,fine,in good/excellent health,in the best of health,fit,healthful,healthy,sound,bracing 597

687.well-bred,refined,sophisticated,courteous,well-mannered,civil,polite,cultivated,cultured 599

688.What do you think of...?How do you like...?How do you think of...? 600

689.What if...?What though...?Suppose(that)...?Supposing(that)...?Assuming(that)? 601

690.what with...and(what with),what through...and what through,owing partly to...nd partly to,partly on account of...and partly from,partly because(of)...and partly because(of),what by...and(what by) 601

691.whether,if 602

692.with/in reference to,with/in regard to,as regards,in answer to,in reply to 603

693.work out at/to,be equal to,reach,come out at,come to,run out at,reach into,run into,run to,run up to,average,average out at 604

694.worldly,earthly 606

695.worsen,deteriorate 606

696.worth,worth(one's)while,worthy of,worthy to do sth,deserve 607

697.would,used to,could be,can be,will 608

698.write down,scribble down,jot down,note down,take down,put down,get down,set down,mark down,make a note/notes of,take notes of,commit...to paper 609

699.yet,still 611

700.youth,young,youngster,kid,lad,offspring 612

索引 614

参考书目 636