引言 1
一、原始社会服饰 2
1.中国传统服饰的起源 2
2.原始人类的服装样貌 3
二、夏商周服饰 6
1.夏代服饰 7
2.商代服饰 8
3.周代服饰 10
三、秦汉服饰 13
1.秦汉服饰与职业的关系 14
2.秦汉服饰的面料与颜色 16
3.秦汉服饰的样式 18
四、魏晋南北朝服饰 21
1.魏晋时期的服饰 22
2.南北朝时期的服饰 24
3.魏晋南北朝时期的文人服饰 26
五、隋唐服饰 27
1.隋唐服饰的发展背景 27
2.隋唐时期的冠服制度 29
3.隋唐时期的女装 31
六、宋代服饰 35
1.宋代的服饰风尚 35
2.宋代的时装 37
七、辽、金、西夏、元服饰 40
1.辽、金、西夏、元的服饰概述 40
2.各少数民族的服饰特征 41
八、明代服饰 46
1.明代服饰的总体特征 46
2.明代各阶层服饰特征 51
九、清代服饰 54
1.清代服饰概览 54
2.旗装 58
3.漫话龙袍 60
4.清代后期的服饰改良浪潮 63
十、民国服饰 65
1.中华民国的服饰革命 65
2.民国时期新的服饰规定 67
结束语 70
Introduction 73
Ⅰ.Dress in the Period of Primitive Society 75
1.Origin of Traditional Chinese Dress 75
2.Dress of Primitive Human Beings 77
Ⅱ.Dress of the Xia,Shang and Zhou Dynasties 81
1.Dress of the Xia Dynasty 83
2.Dress of the Shang Dynasty 84
3.Dress of the Zhou Dynasty 87
Ⅲ.Dress of the Qin and Han Dynasties 94
1.Dress of the Qin and Han Dynasties and Its Connection with Occupation 98
2.Dress Material and Dress Color of the Qin and Han Dynasties 100
3.Dress Style of the Qin and Han Dynasties 103
Ⅳ.Dress of the Wei,Jin and the Southern&Northern Dynasties 107
1.Dress of the Wei and Jin Dynasties 110
2.Dress of the Southern and Northern Dynasties 112
3.Literati's Dress in the Wei,Jin and Southern&Northern Dynasties 114
Ⅴ.Dress of the Sui and Tang Dynasties 116
1.Background of Dress Development in the Sui and Tang Dynasties 117
2.Crown Clothing System of the Sui and Tang Dynasties 119
3.Women's Wear of the Sui and Tang Dynasties 122
Ⅵ.Dress of the Song Dynasty 127
1.Dress Style of the Song Dynasty 127
2.Fashionable Dress of the Song Dynasty 129
Ⅶ.Dress of the Liao,Jin,Western Xia and Yuan Dynasties 133
1.Dress Features of the Liao,Jin,Western Xia and Yuan Dynasties 133
2.Dress Features of Each Minority Ethnic Group 135
Ⅷ.Dress of the Ming Dynasty 142
1.General Characteristics of the Ming Dress 142
2.Characteristics of Dress for Different Classes in the Ming Dynasty 147
Ⅸ.Dress of the Qing Dynasty 150
1.Brief Account of the Qing Dress 151
2.Manchu Attire 157
3.Informal Discussion on Imperial Robe 160
4.Dress Reform Trend in the Late Qing Dynasty 164
Ⅹ.Dress of the Republic of China 167
1.Dress Evolution in the Period of Republic of China 168
2.New Dress Code in the Period of Republic of China 170
Closing 173
附录Appendix 175