Introduction to Mining 1
Vocabulary 3
1 Geology 4
1.1 Whole-Earth Structure 4
1.1.1 Plate Tectonics 4
1.1.2 Earth Structure 5
1.2 Geological Development of an Area 6
1.3 Mining Geology 8
Vocabulary 8
2 Mineral and Rock 10
2.1 Mineral 10
2.1.1 Mineral Chemistry 10
2.1.2 Physical Properties of Minerals 12
2.2 Rock 17
2.2.1 Classification 17
2.2.2 Human Use 19
Vocabulary 20
3 Mine Rock Mechanics and Engineering 22
3.1 Mine Rock Mechanics 22
3.1.1 Rockbursts and Elastic Theory 22
3.1.2 Discontinuous Rock Masses 23
3.1.3 Geological Data Collection 23
3.1.4 Laboratory Testing of Rock 25
3.1.5 Rock Mass Classification 25
3.2 Rock Engineering 26
3.3 Slope Engineering 27
3.3.1 Design Approach 27
3.3.2 Stability Criteria 27
3.3.3 Safety 28
3.3.4 Slope Geometry 28
3.3.5 Design 28
3.3.6 Design Sectors 29
3.4 Rock Reinforcement and Support Design 30
3.5 Ground Control 31
3.5.1 Common Ground-control Problems in Underground Mines 31
3.5.2 Design Principles for Ground-control in Underground Mining 32
Vocabulary 33
4 Mining 34
4.1 History 34
4.1.1 Prehistoric Mining 34
4.1.2 Ancient Egypt 35
4.1.3 Ancient Greece and Rome 35
4.1.4 Medieval Europe 36
4.1.5 The Americas 37
4.1.6 Modern Period 39
4.2 Mining Methods and Procedures 39
4.2.1 Mining Techniques 40
4.2.2 Machinery 42
4.2.3 Processing 42
4.3 Environmental Effects 43
4.4 Safety 44
4.5 Records 46
4.6 Metal Reserves and Recycling 47
Vocabulary 47
5 Development Stages of Modern Mining 49
5.1 Prospecting and Exploration 49
5.1.1 Prospecting 50
5.1.2 Exploration 51
5.2 Development and Exploitation 53
5.2.1 Development 53
5.2.2 Exploitation 54
5.3 Reclamation 55
Vocabulary 56
6 Surface Mining Technology 57
6.1 Drilling 57
6.2 Blasting 59
6.2.1 Surface Blast Design 60
6.2.2 Hole Loading Practice 61
6.2.3 Surface Delay Blasting 62
6.3 Loading and Hauling 63
6.4 Reclamation 65
Vocabulary 66
7 Underground Mining Technology 67
7.1 Drilling and Blasting 67
7.1.1 Single-Face Rounds 67
7.1.2 Multiple-Face Rounds 68
7.1.3 Controlled Blasting Techniques 69
7.2 Development 71
7.2.1 Technology of Construction 72
7.2.2 Mucking 73
7.3 Mining Methods 74
7.3.1 Shrinkage Stoping 74
7.3.2 Sublevel Caving 77
7.3.3 Waste Fill Mining Method 80
7.4 Hoisting 83
7.4.1 Hoists 84
7.4.2 Conveyances 84
7.4.3 Rope 84
7.4.4 Shaft 84
7.4.5 Headframe 85
7.5 Ventilation 85
7.5.1 General Considerations 86
7.5.2 Design Procedures 88
7.6 Drainage 89
7.6.1 Abandoned Mine Drainage Formation 89
7.6.2 AMD Treatment and Elimination Technology 89
7.7 High-Density Backfill 91
7.7.1 Sources of Material 92
7.7.2 Preparation of Fill 92
7.7.3 Delivery Methods 92
7.7.4 Advantages 93
7.7.5 Disadvantages 94
7.8 Mining Radio Communication 94
7.8.1 Leaky Feeder Radio Communication 94
7.8.2 Intercom System Communication 95
7.8.3 Collision Avoidance 95
7.8.4 Tagging and Tracking 96
7.8.5 Tag Reading 96
7.8.6 Active Tag Readers 96
Vocabulary 96
8 Mining Equipments 100
8.1 Surface Mining Equipments 100
8.1.1 Drilling Equipments 100
8.1.2 Loading and Hauling Equipments 103
8.1.3 Beltwagons and Beltbridges PB Series 106
8.1.4 Spreaders PA Series 107
8.2 Underground Mining Equipments 109
8.2.1 Drilling Equipments 109
8.2.2 Electric LHDs 112
8.2.3 Underground Trucks 112
8.2.4 Raise Boring Machines 113
8.3 Mine Automation Systems 114
8.3.1 AutoMine Loading 114
8.3.2 AutoMine Hauling 115
8.3.3 AutoMine Surface Drilling 115
8.3.4 AutoMine Remote Monitoring 116
8.3.5 AutoMine Task Control 117
Vocabulary 118
9 Mining Technology Development Trend 119
9.1 Technologies Required for Deep Mine 119
9.1.1 Technology Requirements 119
9.1.2 Deepmine 120
9.1.3 Future Directions 121
9.2 Digital Mine 122
9.3 Automation Mining Technology 124
9.3.1 Mining Automation Program 124
9.3.2 TeleminingTM 125
9.3.3 MAP Technology Elements 126
9.3.4 Mining Operations System(MOS) 127
9.3.5 MAP Technology Goals 127
9.4 Intelligent Mining 127
9.4.1 Challenges of the Future 128
9.4.2 Concept for the Future 129
9.4.3 The Starting Point 131
9.5 Oceans Mining 134
9.5.1 Why is This Issue Important 134
9.5.2 What are the Findings 136
9.5.3 What are the Implications for Policy 141
9.6 Moon Mining 143
9.6.1 Mining the Moon 143
9.6.2 It's Time to Start Mining the Moon 145
Vocabulary 147
Appendix English Vocabulary for Mining Engineering 149
References 170