Basic CommunicationPre-Unit Getting to Know You 1
Introduce yourself and greet your friendsWrite about yourselfIdentify educational goalsNice to meet you!Tell your story.Are you college bound?ContractionsPresent tenseSimple past 1
1 Balancing Your Life 1
Make a scheduleIdentify goals,obstacles,and solutionsWrite about your goalIdentify study habitsIdentify time-management strategiesEveryday lifeThe futureGoals,obstacles,and solutionsStudy habitsTime managementAdverbs of frequencyWhen in the futureConsumer Economics 1
2 Consumer Smarts 21
Identify places to purchase goods and servicesInterpret advertisementsCompare productsIdentify and compare purchasing methodsMake a smart purchaseShopping for goods and serviesAdvertisementsMaking comparisonsCash or charge?Think before you buyget+past participle(causative)Comparative adjectivesSuperlative adjectivesModals:have to and mustTransition words 21
3 Housing 41
Interpret classified adsMake decisions about housingArrange and cancel utilitiesMake a budgetWrite a letter to a landlordHouse huntingTime to movePaying the billsHow much can we spend?Tenant rightsComparatives and superlatives using nounsYes/No questions and answersInformation questionsPast continuousPast continuous with whileCommunity Resources 41
4 Our Community 61
Ask for informationInterpret charts and compare informationInterpret a road mapIdentify daily activitiesWrite about a placePlaces in your communityThe bank,the library,and the DMVFinding placesGetting things done!My townInformation questionsImperativesAdverbial clauses withbefore,after,and whenEditingHealth 61
5 Health 81
Identify parts of the bodyCommunicate symptoms to a doctorIdentify health habitsInterpret nutrition informationInterpret fitness informationThe human bodyIllnesses and symptomsHealth habitsNutrition labelsHealthy livingModal shouldPresent perfectFuture conditionalImperativesPresent perfect with for and sinceOccupational KnowledgeGetting Hired 101
Identify job titles and skillsIdentify job skills and preferencesInterpret job advertisementsFill out a job applicationInterview for a jobJobs and careersWhat can you do?Help wantedEmployment historyWhy do you want to work here?Simple presentInfinitives and gerundsGerunds and nouns after prepositionsWould rather 101
7 On the Job 121
Compare employee behavior and attitudesInterpret a pay stubInterpret benefit informationIdentify safe workplace behaviorCommunicate at workAttitudes at workIt's pay day!What are the benefits?Workplace safetyGood job!Possessive adjectives and pronounsModals:could and mightPolite requestsAppendicesGlossary 141
Irregular Verb List 155
Grammar Reference 156
Activity Bank Contents 161
Photo Credits 165