《商务英语综合教程学生用书 第1册》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:龙毛忠分册主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2009
  • ISBN:9787811345087
  • 页数:187 页

Unit One Business Leaders 1

Text A Richard Branson—the World's Greatest Brand Builder 2

Text B Women and Men,Work and Power 9

Text C Oprah Winfrey:The Queen of Talk Shows 13

Unit Two Becoming Persuasive 17

Text A How to Be Persuasive 18

Text B How Persuasive Are You? 24

Text C How can We Put off an Important Conversation at Work? 28

Unit Three Integrity in Business 32

Text A MBA Students Swap Integrity for Plagiarism 33

Text B "Is It Time for Me to Get Out?" 42

Text C Online Courses Outside Business Hours 46

Unit Four Motivating Employees 49

Text A Employee Efficiency and Motivation 50

Text B The Flower Effect 55

Text C Marks & Spencer's Ways to Motivate Its Staff 58

Unit Five Team Building 61

Text A Top Team Building Strategies:Company Team Building 62

Text B Employee Team Building:Making a Successful Team 67

Text C Characteristics of Good Teams 71

Unit Six The Art of Layoff 75

Text A Tips on How to Fire Employees 76

Text B Less Painful Ways to Downsize Your Company 82

Text C Office Life in America 85

Unit Seven Stress Management 88

Text A Depression & Stress on Job Related Situations 89

Text B How to Handle a Stress-Related Meltdown and Get Back in the Game 94

Text C Great Tips for Successful Stress Management 98

Unit Eight Online Shopping 103

Text A Wealthy Buyers Go Online to Make Big Savings 104

Text B Marketers Take Advantage of the Information Age 111

Text C Getting the Most from Online Shopping 116

Unit Nine Building Customer Loyalty 120

Text A Johnny 120

Text B Customer Loyalty:6 Tips to Gain Client Trust and Retain Client Trust 126

Text C Customer Service 129

Unit Ten Cause Marketing 133

Text A It Pays Off—ff You Do It Right 134

Text B "Cause Marketing"Tips:Boost Business by Giving Back 141

Text C Habitat for Humanity 146

Unit Eleven Corporate Espionage 150

Text A Procter & Gamble vs.Unilever:A Case of Corporate Espionage 151

Text B Hewlett-Packard Spying Scandal Sheds New Light on US Corporate"Ethics" 159

Text C Understanding Intellectual Property Rights through Coca Cola 164

Unit Twelve Global Crisis 169

Text A Rich but Hungry 171

Text B Gas Crisis Packs Global Punch—and Not Just on Motorists 179

Text C "Earth Hour"Goes Global 183