Streams 2
Reading and Writing Bytes 2
The Complete Stream Zoo 4
Combining Stream Filters 8
Text Input and Output 11
How to Write Text Output 12
How to Read Text Input 14
Saving Objects in Text Format 14
Character Sets 19
Reading and Writing Binary Data 23
Random-Access Files 26
ZIP Archives 32
Object Streams and Serialization 39
Understanding the Object Serialization File Format 46
Modifying the Default Serialization Mechanism 51
Serializing Singletons and Typesafe Enumerations 53
Versioning 54
Using Serialization for Cloning 56
File Management 59
New I/O 65
Memory-Mapped Files 65
The Buffer Data Structure 72
File Locking 74
Regular Expressions 75
2 XML 87
Introducing XML 88
The Structure of an XML Document 90
Parsing an XML Document 93
Validating XML Documents 105
Document Type Definitions 106
XML Schema 112
A Practical Example 115
Locating Information with XPath 129
Using Namespaces 136
Streaming Parsers 138
Using the SAX Parser 138
Using the StAX Parser 143
Generating XML Documents 146
Writing an XML Document with StAX 150
XSL Transformations 157
Connecting to a Server 170
Socket Timeouts 174
Internet Addresses 175
Implementing Servers 177
Serving Multiple Clients 180
Half-Close 184
Interruptible Sockets 184
Sending E-Mail 191
Making URL Connections 196
URLs and URIs 196
Using a URLConnection to Retrieve Information 198
Posting Form Data 207
The Design of JDBC 218
JDBC Driver Types 219
Typical Uses of JDBC 220
The Structured Query Language 222
JDBC Configuration 227
Database URLs 227
Driver JAR Files 228
Starting the Database 228
Registering the Driver Class 229
Connecting to the Database 229
Executing SQL Statements 232
Managing Connections,Statements,and Result Sets 235
Analyzing SQL Exceptions 236
Populating a Database 238
Query Execution 242
Prepared Statements 242
Reading and Writing LOBs 250
SQL Escapes 252
Multiple Results 253
Retrieving Autogenerated Keys 254
Scrollable and Updatable Result Sets 254
Scrollable Result Sets 254
Updatable Result Sets 256
Row Sets 260
Cached Row Sets 261
Metadata 263
Transactions 273
Save Points 274
Batch Updates 274
Advanced SQL Types 276
Connection Management in Web and Enterprise Applications 278
Introduction to LDAP 279
Configuring an LDAP Server 280
Accessing LDAP Directory Information 284
Locales 298
Number Formats 303
Currencies 309
Date and Time 310
Collation 318
Collation Strength 318
Decomposition 319
Message Formatting 324
Choice Formats 326
Text Files and Character Sets 328
Character Encoding of Source Files 328
Resource Bundles 329
Locating Resource Bundles 330
Property Files 331
Bundle Classes 331
A Complete Example 333
Lists 352
The JList Component 352
List Models 358
Inserting and Removing Values 363
Rendering Values 365
Tables 370
A Simple Table 370
Table Models 374
Working with Rows and Columns 378
Cell Rendering and Editing 392
Trees 405
Simple Trees 406
Node Enumeration 422
Rendering Nodes 424
Listening to Tree Events 427
Custom Tree Models 434
Text Components 442
Change Tracking in Text Components 443
Formatted Input Fields 447
The JSpinner Component 463
Displaying HTML with the JEditorPane 472
Progress Indicators 479
Progress Bars 479
Progress Monitors 483
Monitoring the Progress of Input Streams 487
Component Organizers 492
Split Panes 492
Tabbed Panes 496
Desktop Panes and Internal Frames 502
Cascading and Tiling 505
Vetoing Property Settings 509
The Rendering Pipeline 522
Shapes 524
Using the Shape Classes 527
Areas 540
Strokes 542
Paint 550
Coordinate Transformations 552
Clipping 557
Transparency and Composition 559
Rendering Hints 568
Readers and Writers for Images 575
Obtaining Readers and Writers for Image File Types 575
Reading and Writing Files with Multiple Images 576
Image Manipulation 585
Constructing Raster Images 585
Filtering Images 592
Printing 601
Graphics Printing 602
Multiple-Page Printing 611
Print Preview 613
Print Services 623
Stream Print Services 627
Printing Attributes 627
The Clipboard 635
Classes and Interfaces for Data Transfer 636
Transferring Text 636
The Transferable Interface and Data Flavors 640
Building an Image Transferable 642
Transferring Java Objects via the System Clipboard 647
Using a Local Clipboard to Transfer Object References 652
Drag and Drop 652
Data Transfer Support in Swing 654
Drag Sources 658
Drop Targets 660
Platform Integration 668
Splash Screens 668
Launching Desktop Applications 673
The System Tray 679
Why Beans? 686
The Bean-Writing Process 688
Using Beans to Build an Application 690
Packaging Beans in JAR Files 691
Composing Beans in a Builder Environment 692
Naming Patterns for Bean Properties and Events 698
Bean Property Types 701
Simple Properties 701
Indexed Properties 701
Bound Properties 702
Constrained Properties 703
BeanInfo Classes 710
Property Editors 713
Writing Property Editors 716
Customizers 723
Writing a Customizer Class 725
JavaBeans Persistence 732
Using JavaBeans Persistence for Arbitrary Data 736
A Complete Example for JavaBeans Persistence 742
Class Loaders 756
The Class Loader Hierarchy 757
Using Class Loaders as Namespaces 759
Writing Your Own Class Loader 761
Bytecode Verification 767
Security Managers and Permissions 771
Java Platform Security 772
Security Policy Files 776
Custom Permissions 783
Implementation of a Permission Class 783
User Authentication 790
JAAS Login Modules 795
Digital Signatures 805
Message Digests 805
Message Signing 812
The X.509 Certificate Format 814
Verifying a Signature 814
The Authentication Problem 818
Certificate Signing 820
Certificate Requests 821
Code Signing 822
JAR File Signing 822
Software Developer Certificates 827
Encryption 828
Symmetric Ciphers 828
Key Generation 830
Cipher Streams 834
Public Key Ciphers 835
The Roles of Client and Server 842
Remote Method Calls 845
Stubs and Parameter Marshalling 845
The RMI Programming Model 846
Interfaces and Implementations 846
The RMI Registry 848
Deploying the Program 852
Logging RMI Activity 855
Parameters and Return Values in Remote Methods 856
Transferring Remote Objects 857
Transferring Nonremote Objects 857
Dynamic Class Loading 860
Remote References with Multiple Interfaces 864
Remote Objects and the equals,hashCode,and clone Methods 865
Remote Object Activation 865
Web Services and JAX-WS 871
Using JAX-WS 871
A Web Service Client 874
The Amazon E-Commerce Service 877
Scripting for the Java Platform 884
Getting a Scripting Engine 884
Script Evaluation and Bindings 885
Redirecting Input and Output 887
Calling Scripting Functions and Methods 888
Compiling a Script 889
An Example:Scripting GUI Events 890
The Compiler API 895
Compiling the Easy Way 895
Using Compilation Tasks 895
An Example:Dynamic Java Code Generation 900
Using Annotations 905
An Example:Annotating Event Handlers 906
Annotation Syntax 911
Standard Annotations 915
Annotations for Compilation 916
Annotations for Managing Resources 917
Meta-Annotations 917
Source-Level Annotation Processing 919
Bytecode Engineering 926
Modifying Bytecodes at Load Time 932
Calling a C Function from a Java Program 936
Numeric Parameters and Return Values 942
Using printf for Formatting Numbers 942
String Parameters 944
Accessing Fields 950
Accessing Instance Fields 950
Accessing Static Fields 953
Encoding Signatures 954
Calling Java Methods 956
Instance Methods 956
Static Methods 957
Constructors 958
Alternative Method Invocations 958
Accessing Array Elements 962
Handling Errors 966
Using the Invocation API 970
A Complete Example:Accessing the Windows Registry 975
Overview of the Windows Registry 975
A Java Platform Interface for Accessing the Registry 977
Implementation of Registry Access Functions as Native Methods 977
Index 991