《中国中等职业教育英语语言能力的需求分析 混合方法探究》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:15 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:赵雯著
  • 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9787040351316
  • 页数:461 页

Chapter 1 Research Background 1

1.1 Introduction 2

1.2 Background to the Study 3

1.2.1 Vocational Education in the mainland ofChina 3

1.2.2 Curriculum Structure 12

1.2.3 The New National Vocational English Syllabus 14

1.2.4 Vocational English Learners 17

1.2.5 Research into Language Competences 18

1.3 Research Purpose 22

1.4 Research Questions 23

1.5 Definitions of Key Terms 24

1.6 Research Significance 25

1.7 Summary 26

Chapter 2 Literature Review:Language Competences 28

2.1 Introduction 28

2.2 Competence and Competence-Based Education in China 29

2.2.1 Competence—Towards a Unified Terminology 29

2.2.2 Perspectives of Competence 31

2.2.3 Competence-Based Vocational Education 32

2.3 A Competence-Based Typology 35

2.3.1 Generic KSA Typology 35

2.3.2 A Unified Typology of Competence 35

2.4 Language Competences 37

2.4.1 The Development of Communicative Competence in North America 37

2.4.2 The Development of Communicative Competence in Europe 43

2.5 Language Competences in the New NVES 51

2.5.1 Structural Components 52

2.5.2 Language Competence Dimensions in the New NVES 54

2.6 Summary 59

Chapter 3 Literature Review:Needs Analysis 61

3.1 Introduction of NA 61

3.2 Conceptualization of Needs 62

3.3 Conceptualization of Needs Analysis/Assessment 64

3.3.1 The Historical Overview of NA 64

3.3.2 NA in Language Education 67

3.3.3 Phases and Levels of NA 69

3.3.4 NA in the mainland of China 71

3.4 Approaches to NA 71

3.4.1 Target Situation Analysis 72

3.4.2 Present Situation Analysis 74

3.4.3 Deficiency Analysis 75

3.4.4 Strategy Analysis 77

3.4.5 Means Analysis 78

3.4.6 Language Audits 79

3.4.7 Summary 80

3.5 Review of Approaches to NA in Language Education 81

3.5.1 Sources of Data 82

3.5.2 Research Methods 83

3.6 Summary 84

Chapter 4 Research Design 86

4.1 Research Questions and Conceptual Framework 86

4.1.1 Elaborated Research Questions 86

4.1.2 Conceptual Framework of the Study 90

4.2 Research Methods 92

4.2.1 Mixed Methods Research 92

4.2.2 Research Design and Notation System 94

4.2.3 Reporting the Findings 96

4.2.4 The Quantitative Research Design 97

4.2.5 The Qualitative Research Design 118

4.2.6 Legitimation 153

4.2.7 Potential Ethical Issues 157

4.3 Summary 158

Chapter 5 Language Audits:Learner Profile 159

5.1 Data Description 159

5.1.1 Demographic Data 159

5.1.2 Language Achievement 160

5.2 Results 161

5.2.1 General Demographic Profile 161

5.2.2 Language Achievement 170

5.3 Findings and Discussion 172

Chapter 6 Deficiency Analysis:Language Competence Deficiencies 174

6.1 Data Description 174

6.1.1 Demographic Data 174

6.1.2 Deficiency Analysis 175

6.2 Results 177

6.2.1 Specific Demographic Profile 178

6.2.2 Deficiency Analysis of Learners'Learning Needs 185

6.2.3 Deficiency Analysis of Teachers'Teaching 214

6.2.4 Deficiency Analysis of Resources and Facilities 239

6.3 Findings and Discussion 255

6.3.1 Learning Needs 256

6.3.2 Teaching Needs 260

6.3.3 Learning Environment Needs 261

6.3.4 Priority of Needs 263

Chapter 7 Deficiency Analysis:Explanation of Deficiency Causes 265

7.1 Data Description 265

7.1.1 Motivation 265

7.1.2 Other Factors 267

7.2 Results 268

7.2.1 Learners'General Motivational Determinants 268

7.2.2 The Relationship between Motivation and Language Achievement 269

7.2.3 Attitude/Motivational Factors 272

7.2.4 Other Attributing Factors 289

7.2.5 Summary 310

7.3 Findings and Discussion 310

Chapter 8 Conclusions 314

8.1 An Overview 314

8.2 Summary of Major Research Findings 315

8.2.1 General Demographic and Educational Profile of Learners 315

8.2.2 Language Competence Deficiencies 316

8.2.3 Positive Relationships between Motivation and Language Achievement 321

8.2.4 Multiple Factors Contributing to Language Competence Deficiencies 322

8.2.5 Summary of the Section 323

8.3 Recommendations 324

8.3.1 Better Linkage between Education and Workplace 324

8.3.2 Developing School-Based Curriculums 326

8.3.3 Cultivating Qualified Dual-Specialist Professionals 329

8.3.4 Conducting Learner-Centered Differentiated Instruction 331

8.3.5 Enhancing Learner Motivation 336

8.3.6 Summary 338

8.4 Limitations and Implications 338

8.5 Conclusion 339

Bibliography 342

Appendices 378

Appendix A Observation Protocol 378

Appendix B Interview Protocol for Teachers 379

Appendix C Interview Protocol for Students 381

Appendix D Questionnaire Survey 383

Appendix E Language Test 386

Appendix F Analytical Codebook 392

Appendix G Transcription System 396

Appendix H Primary Data in Chinese 398