《九年义务教育三年制初级中学教科书 物理 Physics 英语版 第1册》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:11 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:课程教材研究所,双语课程教材研究开发中心组译;孟丽丽,袁国亮,张明福译
  • 出 版 社:北京:人民教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7107167650
  • 页数:280 页

Introduction 1

Chapter 1 Introduction to Measurement 7

1 Measurement of Length and Error 8

2 Experiment:Measure the Length with a Ruler 12

Reading Materials:The International System of Units 13

Some Objects'Distance and Length 15

Little Experiment:Measure the Stature with a Self-made Tapeline 16

Chapter 2 Simple Motion 18

1 Mechanical Motion 19

2 Velocity and Average Velocity 23

3 Experiment:Calculating Average Velocity 27

4 Compute Distance and Time 28

Reading Material:Do You Know Who Is Faster and Who Is Slower? 31

Little Experiment:Measure Your Own Walking Velocity 32

Chapter 3 Sound 35

1 Production and Propagation of Sound 36

2 Pitch,Loudness and Musical Quality 40

3 The Harm and the Control of Noise 44

Reading Material:Not That of the God,but of the Architects 47

Little Experiment:Sound Cannot Travel in a Vacuum 49

Chapter 4 Heat 51

1 Thermometer 52

2 Experiment:Measure Water Temperature by Using a Thermometer 56

3 Melting and Solidification 58

4 Vaporization 62

5 Experiment:Observe the Boiling Water 64

6 Liquefaction 67

7 Sublimation and Condensation 69

Reading Material:Principle of a Refrigerator 71

Little Experiment:Heat up Water with a Paper Pot 72

Chapter 5 Reflection of Light 75

1 Rectilinear Propagation of Light 77

2 Reflection of Light 79

3 Plane Mirror 82

4 Spherical Mirror 85

5 Illumination 88

Reading Material:The Solar Mirror at the Building of HSBC 92

Little Experiments:Make a Pinhole Camera 93

Make a Periscope 93

Chapter 6 Refraction of Light 97

1 Refraction of Light 98

2 Lens 101

3 Camera 104

4 Slide Projector and Magnifier 108

5 Mystery of Colors 112

Reading Materials:Mirage 115

Film 116

Little Experiments:Self-make Source of Parallel Light 118

Mold an Ice Lens 119

Observe an Object's Color 119

Chapter 7 Mass and Density 123

1 Mass 124

2 Experiment:Measure the Mass of Solid and Liquid with a Balance 127

3 Density 128

4 Experiment:Measure the Density of Solid and Liquid with a Balance and a Measuring Cylinder 130

5 Applications of the Property of Density 132

Reading Materials:Origin of Kilogram,the Unit of Mass 136

Great Discovery in Subtle Difference 137

Little Experiments:Self-make a Small Balance 137

Self-make a Measuring Cylinder 138

Chapter 8 Force 141

1 What Is Force 142

2 To Measure Force 144

3 Diagrammatic Representation of Force 147

4 Gravity 150

5 Composition of Two Forces on the Same Line 153

6 Composition of Two Forces with an Angle 156

Reading Material:Weightless State 157

Little Experiment:Make an Elastic Dynamometer 158

Chapter 9 Force and Motion 161

1 Newton's First Law 162

2 Inertia and the Phenomenon of Inertia 163

3 Equilibrium of Two Forces 166

4 Frictional Force 170

Reading Materials:A Story of Newton 173

After an Automobile Brakes 174

Little Experiments:Lift Rice with a Chopstick 175

A Trick in Finding Center of Gravity 176

Chapter 10 Pressure and Hydraulic Pressure 178

1 Pressure Force and Pressure 179

2 Experiment:Investigate the Hydraulic Pressure 184

3 Calculate Hydraulic Pressure 187

4 Connected Vessels and Ship Locks 190

Reading Material:Exploitation of the Ocean 192

Little Experiment:How Much Is Your Pressure on the Ground 194

Chapter 11 Atmospheric Pressure 197

1 Atmospheric Pressure 198

2 Change of Atmospheric Pressure 202

3 Bucket Pump and Centrifugal Pump 205

4 Relationship between Atmospheric Pressure and Volume 208

Reading Material:History of the Discovery of Atmospheric Pressure 210

Little Experiment:Observe How Atmospheric Pressure Varies with Altitude 212

Chapter 12 Buoyancy Force 214

1 Buoyancy Force 215

2 Archimedes Principle 218

3 Applications of Buoyancy Force 222

4 Relationship between Hydrodynamic Pressure and Flow Velocity 226

Reading Materials:A Story of Archimedes 228

A Brief History of the Balloon 229

Little Experiments:Self-make a Submarine Model 231

Self-make a Density Gauge 231

Chapter 13 Simple Mechanics 234

1 Lever 235

2 Applications of Levers 238

3 Pulley 241

4 Wheel and Axle 245

Reading Material:Levers in Ancient China 246

Little Experiments:Study the Structure of a Bicycle 247

A Candle Seesaw 248

Chapter 14 Work 251

1 Work 252

2 Principle of Work 255

3 Mechanical Efficiency 257

4 Experiment:Measure the Mechanical Efficiency of a Pulley Block 259

5 Power 261

Reading Materials:The Incline Plane 264

Power on a Nameplate 265

Little Experiment:Compare Whose Power Is Greater 266

Physics Activities and Popular Science Lectures 269

1 Physics Activities 270

2 Popular Physics Lectures 278

Appendix:Physical Quantities and Their Units in the Book 279

Some Terms in the Book with Chinese Translation 280