Ⅰ.[晨歌] 2
No.1 [Shah Khosrau] L1,4,6,5/[国王霍斯鲁] 2
No.2 [Flower of Justice] L1,6,9,5/[正义之花] 3
No.3 [Morning Song] L1,2,4,9/[不能复生] 4
No.4 [Many Dawns ahead of Us] L6,4/[明日何其多] 5
Ⅱ.[爱情] 8
No.5 [The Wine Jug’s Handle] L1,2,6/[酒壶把] 8
No.6 [Seeking True Love] L6,4/[求亲] 9
No.7 [Lust Warning] L6,4/[色戒] 10
No.8 [Your True Lover] L6,4/[真爱] 11
No.9 [To a Beloved Girl] L6,4,17/[赞美人] 12
No.10 [TrueLove] L6,4/[真情实爱] 13
No.11 [Why Is She So Designed?] L5,4/[美人从何而来] 14
No.12 [You Are Mine] L 5,6,4/[你是我的] 15
No.13 [Love Can Relieve…] L5/[爱能……] 16
No.14 [She] L5,6/[她] 17
No.15 [The Compasses] L6,4,10,5/[圆规] 18
Ⅲ.[人生] 20
No.16 [Without a Place] L1,4,9/[没有位置] 20
No.17 [Grasp Today] L1,9 [抓紧今天] 21
No.18 [Do Not Beg] L 1/[不乞求] 22
No.19 [Stand on Your Own] L1,9/[自力更生] 23
No.20 [Food and Clothing—Basic Needs] L1/[基本需要] 24
No.21 [Land of China] L1,4,9,/[中国版图] 25
No.22 [A Tramp] L 1,6,11/[流浪者] 26
No.23 [Propertied Men] L1,6,4/[有产者] 27
No.24 [Thirst for Blood] L10,4,1,5,6/[吸血鬼] 28
No.25 [You Are Wiser than Heaven] L1,2,4,9,6/[莫信上天] 29
No.26 [Principles of Drinking] L10,9,1/[饮酒原则] 30
No.27 [Avoid Being Depressed] L1,/[不要消沉] 31
No.28 [Jamshid&Bahram V] L1,2,9,6/[两种命运] 32
No.29 [Paradise on the Earth] L6,9,4/[人间天堂] 33
No.30 [Self-Sacrifice] L6,4/[飞蛾扑火] 34
No.31 [The Art of Life] L5,4/[生活的艺术] 35
No.32 [Change the World] 14,15/[换新天] 36
No.33 [Weeds] L5/[莠草] 37
No.34 [Speak without Reservation] L5/[说一是一] 38
No.35 [You Throw the Dice] L5,6/[掷色子] 39
No.36 [A Trap] L5/[陷阱] 40
No.37 [Hurt Nobody] L5/[别害人] 41
Ⅳ.[学习] 44
No.38 [An Apprentice of Time] L6,1,9/[岁月学徒工] 44
No.39 [Depart Like Wind] L6,2,1,4,9/[随风去] 45
No.40 [I Know Nothing] L1,9/[知识无限] 46
No.41 [Criterion of Making Friends] L1,4/[交友之道] 47
No.42 [Protect the Meadow] L1,2,/[爱护草坪] 48
No.43 [A Fair Lady’s Eye] L1,2/[女士之眼] 49
No.44 [Blood and Mole] L1,4/[血与痣] 50
No.45 [Youthfulness] L1,2,4,6/[青春] 51
No.46 [Freedom of Belief] L6,2,1,5/[信仰自由] 52
No.47 [A Philosopher] L6,4,9/[哲学家] 53
No.48 [Self-Control] L10,4,6/[管好自己] 54
No.49 [Science and Art] L5/[科学与艺术] 55
No.50 [Concealment of Secrets] L1,9/[隐藏秘密] 56
Ⅴ.[命运] 58
No.51 [No Rebirth] L1,6/[不能再生] 58
No.52 [Middle Age] L1,9,6/[人到中年] 59
No.53 [Treasure Every Hour of Life] L1,2/[珍惜] 60
No.54 [Likely Life Is Tradable!] L1,9/[当心被交换] 61
No.55 [The Secular World] L1,2,9/[尘世] 62
No.56 [The Troubled World] L1,4/[乱世] 63
No.57 [I Want to Know] L1,2,9,6/[欲知] 64
No.58 [They Would Not Come] L1,6/[不会来] 65
No.59 [On Polo] L 6,5,1/[马球观] 66
No.60 [Escape] L5/[躲开] 67
Ⅵ.[辩证观] 70
No.61 [Equinox of Spring] L1,2,9/[春分时节] 70
No.62 [The Sky Won’tFall]L1,9/[天塌不下来] 71
No.63 [Life Is Short] L1,5/[短促人生] 72
No.64 [Opposite to Your Will] L1,4,9/[一无所有] 73
No.65 [The Resprouting Chives] L1/[割韭菜] 74
No.66 [I Do Not Drink] L1,9/[不喝酒] 75
No.67 [Tasty Maxims] L1,11,9,6,/[警句] 76
No.68 [Arrival and Departure] L 6,2,9,11/[入世与离世] 77
No.69 [Effects of Great Drought] L6,5,4/[大旱时鱼鸭对话] 78
No.70 [Making Man] L6,11,9/[造人] 79
No.71 [Kindness] L6,4/[仁爱] 80
No.72 [Relative&Stranger] L 10,4/[生人与亲人] 81
No.73 [One Breath] L2,4,6,9/喘息之间 82
Ⅶ.[世界观] 84
No.74 [Eliminate the Exploitation] L6,4,9,1,5,10/[当无剥削时] 84
No.75 [Behind the Curtain] L1,2,9/[幕后] 85
No.76 [The Well of Zamzam] L1,6,9,11/[兹姆泉] 86
No.77 [The Dead End] L1,2,6,9,10,11/[死胡同] 87
No.78 [Puppets] L1,4,6,10,9/[木偶] 88
No.79 [Secret of Death] L1,9,6/[死的秘密] 89
No.80 [The Sky] L 17/[苍天] 90
No.81 [With Truth in Hand] L1/[真理在握] 91
No.82 [We Would Praise Heaven If…] L1/[假如……] 92
No.83 [Neither a Saint nor a Sinner] L6,5,3,4/[不是圣人也非罪人] 93
No.84 [Setback in Love] L1/[失恋] 94
Ⅷ.[地狱与天堂] 96
No.85 [Heaven Is Here] L5/[这就是天堂] 96
No.86 [An Empty Paradise] L10,2,9/[天堂空空] 97
No.87 [Hard Cash] L1,4,6/[抓紧现实] 98
No.88 [Lay Bricks on the Sea] L6,1,9/[海上铺砖] 99
No.89 [Heaven&Hell] L5,9/[地狱与天堂] 100
No.90 [Where Lives God?] L10/[上帝住哪里?] 101
No.91 [My Paradise] L1,33][我的天堂] 102
No.92 [Better than Sultan’s Banquet] L1,4/[赛过活神仙] 103
Ⅸ.[宇宙观] 106
No.93 [The Jihun River] L6,2,1,9,10/[吉洪河] 106
No.94 [Chinese Walking-Horse Lantern] L6,2,4,1,9,5/[走马灯] 107
No.95 [Not Found] L6/[没有神] 108
No.96 [Woman’s Spinning Wheel] L6,4/[无能的人世大转轮] 109
No.97 [The Inverted Bowl] L10/[倒扣的碗] 110
No.98 [Independent of Our Will] L1,9,4/[八重天] 111
No.99 [The Route to Dawn] L1,2,6,9/[黎明之路] 112
No.100 [Spiritual World] L1,4/[精神世界] 113
Ⅹ.[暮歌] 116
No.101 [Sleep Forever] L 1,2,6,9/[长眠地下] 116
No.102 [Make Bricks for a Grave] L1,2,6,9/[坟砖] 117
No.103 [Meadows on Graves] L1,2/[墓上青草] 118
No.104 [The Finish Line] L1/[复活] 119
No.105 [King Kaius] L6,1,5,4,9/[国王考乌斯] 120
No.106 [Quit the World] L6/[离开人世] 121
No.107 [Baghdad&Balkh] L2,1,9,4,6/[巴格达与巴尔赫] 122
No.108 [Spreading My Poetry] L2,4,6/[不树碑要立传] 123
附录A 哈氏绝句尾韵分析 124
附录B 诗译史上的大悲剧 128
参考书目 145