《大学体验英语听说教程 4 第3版》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:9 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:李霄翔著
  • 出 版 社:高等教育出版社图书发行部
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9787040361223
  • 页数:162 页

UNIT 1 Identity I lived the life of Dane... 8

UNIT 2 Personality The importance of being honest 15

UNIT 3 Lifestyle Live Smart,live well,live large! 22

UNIT 4 Famiiy The age of "superwoman" is dead. 29

UNIT 5 Health and Diet Let's get into shape! 36

Review Unit 1(UNIT 1-5) 43

UNIT 6 Travel Explore,dream and discover! 46

UNIT 7 Language The Magic of language 53

UNIT 8 Examination What's wrong with standardized tests? 60

UNIT 9 Entertainment 1 walked in beside George Clooney. 67

UNIT 10 Work Plan your career. 74

Review Unit 2(UNIT 6-10) 81

UNIT 11 Technology Can we switch off our mobile phones? 84

UNIT 12 Nationality so much richness in trying new things! 91

UNIT 13 NewsPictures of 2006 98

UNIT 14 Disaster Every disaster can be turned into an opportunity. 105

UNIT 15 Great Minds Great minds think alike! 112

Review Unit 3(UNIT 11-15) 119

Interaction Link 122

Self-Study Pages 140

New Words and Expressions 155