
  • 购买积分:16 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王殿明,杨绮华编译
  • 出 版 社:北京:紫禁城出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7800475107
  • 页数:512 页

一 文物考古 Archaeology and Cultural Relics 1

人类社会发展阶段Stages of Social Development 1

古人类学Paleoanthropology 1

考古学文化Archaeological Cultures 3

考古发掘Archaeology and Excavation 5

史前发现物Prehistoric Finds 7

出土文物选Selected Excavations 8

文物管理Administration of Cultural Relics 10

二 古墓葬 Ancient Tombs 12

一般用语Terminology 12

陵墓建筑Buildings of the Mausoleums and Tombs 14

历代帝王陵墓Imperial Mausoleums and Tombsthrough the Ages 15

皇陵管理Imperial Mausoleum Administration 19

三 古建筑 Ancient Architecture 20

一般用语Terminology 20

建筑材料Building Materials 22

建筑物名称Names of Buildings 23

构架Structure Frame 25

屋顶与装饰Roof Forms and Their Decoration (Roof Construction) 27

内外装修Interior and Exterior Fittings 30

石工Stonework 33

给水排水Water Supply and Drainage 34

四 宫殿园林 Palaces and Gardens 36

故宫(紫禁城)The Imperial Palace (the Forbidden City) 36

中路The Middle Section 36

内东路The Inner Eastern Section 39

外东路The Outer Eastern Section 40

内西路The Inner Western Section 43

外西路The Outer Western Section 46

其他Others 47

明清时期北京中轴线The Central Axis (from south to north) of Beijing during the Ming and Qing Dynasties 48

三海The Sea Palaces 50

南海Nan Hai (The South Sea) 50

中海Zhong Hai (The Middle Sea) 51

北海Bei Hai (The North Sea) 51

颐和园The Summer Palace 53

东宫门内Inside of Dong Gong Men 53

前山坡东部The East of the Front Hill Slope 54

排云门内Inside of Pai Yun Men 55

前山坡西部The West of the Front Hill Slope 56

后山坡沿Along the Back Hill Slope 57

谐趣园内Inside of Xie Qu Yuan 58

南湖区域Places in Nan Hu 59

湖滨区域Places along the Lake Shore 59

圆明园Old Summer Palace ( the Garden of Perfecf Brightness) 60

承德避暑山庄The Imperial Summer Resort in Chengde 60

五 明清宫廷 The Imperial Court of the Ming and Qing Dynasties 62

皇宫Imperial Palace 62

皇室Imperial Family 62

朝政Court Administration 66

典制Court Regulations 69

机构Court Services 76

朝臣及其他人员Courtiers and Other Personnel 79

在明清宫廷供职的外国人士Foreigners who Served in the Imperial Court of the Ming and Qing Dynasties 81

六 明清职官 Official Titles of the Ming and Qing Dynasties 86

辅佐皇帝的中枢机构The Central Administrations for Assisting the Emperor in Goveing the Count 86

掌管皇族和宫廷事务的机构The Bodies in Charge of Affairs of the Impeal Family and Impe-ral Palace 88

承理国政的行政机构The Administrative Bodies Taking Full Charge of State Affairs 90

司法监察机构Judicial and Superviso Bodies 93

军事机构Military Apparatus 94

地方行政机构 Provincial Administrations 95

官阶Official Ranks 97

科举制度Imperial Examination System 99

七 六部公用语 The Terminology of the Six Boards 102

吏部The Board of Civil Appointment 102

户部The Board of Revenue 104

礼部The Board of Rites 106

兵部The Board of War 109

刑部The Board of Punishments 111

工部The Board of Works 114

八青铜器 Bronzes 117

金属及金工Metals and Metalcraft 117

形制Shapes 119

类别及名称Classification and Names 120

礼器Ritual Vessels 120

乐器Musical Instruments 123

兵器Weapons (Military Implements) 124

车马饰Chariot and Harness Ornaments 127

生产工具Tools of Production 127

度量衡器Weights and Measures 127

杂器Miscellaneous Articles 128

纹饰Decorations 129

铭辞Inscriptions 131

青铜器物选Selected Works of Bronzes 132

古代青铜器样式(线图)Shapes of Ancient Bronzes(Line Drawing) 134

古代青铜器纹饰(线图)Motifs of Ancient Bronze Decoration(Line Drawing) 138

九 陶瓷 Ceramics 139

历代名窑Famous Kilns (yao) through the Ages 139

唐代Tang Dynasty 139

宋代Song Dynasty 139

元代Yuan Dynasty 140

明代Ming Dynasty 140

清代Qing Dynasty 141

陶瓷术语Ceramic Terms 141

器物形状Shapes of Vessels 147

器物釉色Glazes and Colors of Vessels 152

器物纹饰Decorations of Vessels 157

陶瓷器物选Selected Pottery and Porcelain 163

典型陶瓷器样式(线图)Some Typical Ceramic Shapes(Line Drawing) 166

十 玉器 Jade Ware 169

玉石名称Names of Jades,Gems and Gemstones 169

玉石琢工Lapida Craft’s Craft 171

玉器Jade Ware 171

瑞玉和其他玉器样式(线图)Some Types of Ritual and Other Jades(Line Drawing) 174

十一 书法 Calligraphy 175

文房用具The Instruments for Writing 175

书体Different Styles of Writing 177

八法The Eight Brush-Strokes 178

品评标准Standards for Judging Beautiful Writing 179

其他Others 180

法书精品Masterpieces of Calligraphy 181

十二 古代碑刻 Ancient Stone Inscriptions 184

十三 绘画 Painting 188

材料Materials 188

画式Forms of Painting 190

画题Subjects of Painting 191

画技Techniques of Painting 192

特技Special Techniques 195

绘画技法图Special Techniques 198

着色Colors 201

印款Seals and Signatures 203

装裱Mounting 204

画家评论Comments on Artists 206

历代名画选Selected Masterpieces of Painting through the Ages 209

十四 织绣 Textiles and Embroidery 218

织物Textiles 218

刺绣Embroidery 220

纹饰Decorations (222 )古代服饰Ancient Costumes and Accessories 225

织绣精品选Selected Works of Embroidery 235

十五 漆器 Lacquer Ware 239

类别Classification 239

形制Shapes 240

纹饰Decorations 241

胎骨Bodies 244

工艺Techniques 244

款识Reign Mark and Inscription 246

漆器精品选Selected Works of Lacquer Ware 247

十六 古代家具 Ancient Furniture 251

材质Materials for Making Furniture 251

各类家具Classification 252

几、案、桌类Tables 252

座椅类Chairs and Stools 253

床榻类Beds and Couches 255

橱柜类Cabinets 256

屏风及其他Screens and Others 257

纹饰Decorations (258 )工艺及其他Techniques and Others 260

古代家具精品选Selected Works of Furniture 264

明代家具Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) 264

清代家具Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) 265

十七 宫廷器物 Utensils in the Imperial Court 267

珐琅器Enamel Ware 267

T艺Techniques 267

珐琅器精品选 Selected Works of Enamelware 268

雕刻品Carvings 271

竹雕Bamboo Carving 271

竹雕精品选Selected Works of Bamboo Carving 272

木雕Wood Carving 273

木雕精品选Selected Works of Wood Carving 273

牙雕、角雕Ivory Carving, Horn caroing 274

牙雕精品选Selected Works of Ivory Carving 275

角雕精品选Selected Works of Horn Carving 276

鼻烟壶Snuff Bottles 277

一般用语Terminology 277

鼻烟壶精品选Selected Works of Snuff Bottles 278

金银珠宝Gold, Silver and Jewellery 280

一般用语Terminology 280

金银珠宝精品选Selected Works of Gold, Silver and Jewellery 281

钟表Decorative Timepieces 283

一般用语Terminology 283

钟表精品选Selected Works of Decorative Timepieces 286

盆景Potted Landscapes 287

盆景精品选Selected Works of Potted Landseape 288

如意Ruyi-sceptre 290

一般用语Terminology 290

如意精品选Selected Works of Ruyi-Sceptre 290

十八 古玺印 Ancient Seals 292

类型Types of Seals 292

形制Shapes 293

纽式Knob Styles 294

印文书体 Styles of Scripts of the Seal 295

印材Materials for Seal Carving 297

其他Others 297

清宫玺印选The Imperial Seals Selected from the Qing Court 299

十九 古乐器 Ancient Chinese Musical Instruments 301

石乐器Stone Instruments 301

金乐器Metal Instruments 301

皮乐器Skin Instruments 301

弦乐器Stringed Instruments 302

竹乐器Bamboo Instruments 302

木乐器Wooden Instruments 302

泥乐器Clay Instruments 303

明清宫廷音乐Court Music of the Ming and Qing Dynasties 303

二十 古书籍 Ancient Books 304

一般用语Terminology 304

经、史、子、集Classics, History, Philoso-phy, Belles-Letters 306

古典文学Classical Literature 312

文物研究Studies of Cultural Relics 315

二十一 科技文物 Cultural Relics of Science and Technology 320

天文Astronomy 320

地理Geography 321

交通Communication 322

火器Firearms 322

度量衡Weights and Measures 323

二十二 宗教 Religion 325

佛教Buddhism 325

教派Sects 325

神佛称号Titles of Buddhas and Bodisattvas 326

教义、戒律Doctrine, Discipline 331

佛经Buddhist Scripture 332

神职人员Buddhist Clergy 334

佛寺(堂)Buddhist Temples ( Chapels) 336

文物与法器Cultural Relics and Ritual Implements 337

佛教术语Buddhist Terminology 339

道教Taoism 343

教派Sects 343

道教神仙Taoist Immortals 344

教义、戒律Doctrine, Discipline 346

道藏Taoist Canon 346

道教术语Taoist Terminology 347

二十三 博物馆 Museum 350

博物馆学Museology 350

藏品保管Preservation of Collections 351

陈列展览Display and Exhibition 353

宣传教育Publicity and Education 355

开放管理Administration of Opening Affairs 356

博物馆机构Museum Organizations 359

二十四 全国重点文物保护单位选 Selected Major Historical and Cultural Monuments Under State Protection 360

古建筑及历史纪念建筑物Ancient and His-torical-Memorial Buildings 360

石窟寺(石窟) Buddhist Cave Temples(Grottos ) 365

石刻及其他Stone Inscriptions and Others 367

古遗址Ancient Sites 368

古墓葬Ancient Tombs 372

近、现代遗址及纪念建筑物Modern Sites and Memorial Buildings 375

二十五 世界遗产在中国 World Heritage in China 380

自然遗产Natural Heritage 380

文化和自然双重遗产Cultural and Natural dual Heritage 380

文化景观遗产Cultural Landscape Heritage 381

文化遗产Cultural Heritage 381

二十六 中国历史年表 A Chronological Table of Chinese Dynasties 384

附录Appendix 388

1)天干地支The Heavenly Stems and Eahly Branches 388

2)四季月名The Names of the Lunar Months of Four Seasons 390

3)二十四节气The Twenty-four Solar Terms 392

4)二十八宿(The 28 Xiu) Lunar Mansions 394

5)吉祥语Auspicious Phrases 395

6)吉祥图案Auspicious Patterns 401

主要参考书目Bibliography 407

索引Index 409

编后记Postscript 512