《许渊冲文集 诗经 汉译英》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:18 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:许渊冲译
  • 出 版 社:北京:海豚出版社
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9787511014139;9787511014344
  • 页数:617 页

Preface 3

Book of songs 24

Songs Collected South of the Capital,Modern Shaanxi and Henan 24

Cooing and Wooing 24

Home-going of the Bride 25

Mutual Longing 26

Married Happiness 27

Blessed with Children 27

The Newly-wed 28

The Rabbit Catcher 29

序 445

卷一 国风 457

周南 457

关雎 457

葛覃 457

卷耳 458

樛木 458

螽斯 458

桃夭 458

兔罝 459

Plantain Gathering 30

A Woodcutter's Love 30

A Wife Waiting 32

The Good Unicorn 32

Songs Collected South of Shao,Modern Henan 34

The Magpie's Nest 34

The Sacrifice 34

The Grasshoppers 35

Sacrifice before Wedding 36

The Duke of Shao 37

I Accuse 37

Officials in Lamb Furs 38

Why Not Return? 39

An Old Maid 40

The Starlets 41

A Merchant's Wife 41

A Deer Killer and a jadelike Maiden 42

芣苢 459

汉广 459

汝坟 459

麟之趾 460

召南 461

鹊巢 461

采蘩 461

草虫 461

采蘋 462

甘棠 462

行露 462

羔羊 462

殷其雷 463

摽有梅 463

小星 463

江有汜 464

野有死麕 464

The Princess'wedding 43

A Hunter 44

Book of songs 45

Songs Collected in Bei,Modern Hebei 45

Depression 45

My Green Robe 46

A Farewell Song 47

Sun and Moon 48

The Violent Wind 50

Complaint of a Soldier 51

Our Mother 52

My Man in Service 53

Waiting for Her Fiance 54

A Rejected Wife 55

Toilers 57

Refugees 58

何彼?矣 464

驺虞 464

卷二 国风 465

邶风 465

柏舟 465

绿衣 465

燕燕 466

日月 466

终风 467

击鼓 467

凯风 467

雄雉 468

匏有苦叶 468

谷风 468

式微 469

旄丘 469

A Dancer 59

Fair Spring 60

A Petty Official 61

The Hard Pressed 62

A Shepherdess 63

The New Tower 64

Two Sons in a Boat 64

Songs Collected in Yong,Modern Shandong 66

A Cypress Boat 66

Scandals 66

Duchess Xuan Jiang of Wei 67

Trysts 69

Misfortune 70

Duke Wen of Wei 70

Elopement 72

The Rat 72

Betrothal Gifts 73

简兮 469

泉水 470

北门 470

北风 471

静女 471

新台 471

二子乘舟 472

鄘风 473

柏舟 473

墙有茨 473

君子偕老 473

桑中 474

鹑之奔奔 474

定之方中 474

蝃? 475

相鼠 475

干旄 475

Patriotic Baroness Mu of Xu 74

Songs Collected in Wei,Modern Henan 76

Duke Wu of Wei 76

A Happy Hermit 77

The Duke's Bride 78

A Faithless Man 79

A Lovesick Fisherman 82

A Widow in Love 83

The River Wide 84

My Lord 84

A Lonely Husband 85

Gifts 86

Songs Collected around the Capital,Modern Henan 88

The Ruined Capital 88

My Man Is Away 89

What Joy 90

In Garrison 91

载驰 476

卫风 477

淇奥 477

考槃 477

硕人 478

氓 478

竹竿 479

芄兰 479

河广 480

伯兮 480

有狐 480

木瓜 480

王风 482

黍离 482

君子于役 482

君子阳阳 483

扬之水 483

Grief of a Deserted Wife 92

Past and Present 93

A Refugee 94

One Day When I See Her Not 95

To Her Captive Lord 95

To Her Lover 96

Book of songs 98

Songs Collected in Zheng,Modern Henan 98

A Good Wife 98

Cadet My Dear 98

The Young Cadet 100

Hunting 101

Qing Warriors 102

Officer in Lamb's Fur 103

Leave Me Not 104

A Hunter's Domestic Life 104

中谷有蓷 483

兔爰 484

葛藟 484

采葛 484

大车 485

丘中有麻 485

卷三 国风 486

郑风 486

缁衣 486

将仲子 486

叔于田 487

大叔于田 487

清人 488

羔裘 488

遵大路 488

女曰鸡鸣 488

Lady Jiang 105

A Joke 106

Sing Together 106

A Handsome Guy 107

Lift up Your Robe 107

Lost Opportunity 108

A Lover's Monologue 109

Wind and Rain 109

To a Scholar 110

Believe Me 111

My Lover in White 111

The Creeping Grass 112

Riverside Rendezvous 113

Songs Collected in Qi,Modern Shandong 115

A Courtier and His Wife 115

Two Hunters 115

The Bridegroom 116

有女同车 489

山有扶苏 489

箨兮 489

狡童 490

褰裳 490

丰 490

东门之? 490

风雨 491

子衿 491

扬之水 491

出其东门 492

野有蔓草 492

溱洧 492

齐风 493

鸡鸣 493

还 493

著 494

Nocturnal Tryst 117

A Tryst before Dawn 117

Incest 118

Missing Her Son 119

Hunter and Hounds 120

Duchess Wenjiang of Qi 121

Duke of Qi and Duchess of Lu 122

The Archer Duke 123

Songs Collected in Wei,Modern Shanxi 124

A Well-drest Lady and Her Maid 124

A Scholar Unknown 124

A Scholar Misunderstood 125

A Homesick Soldier 127

Gathering Mulberry 128

The Woodcutter's Song 128

Large Rat 130

东方之日 494

东方未明 494

南山 495

甫田 495

卢令 495

敝笱 496

载驱 496

猗嗟 496

魏风 497

葛屦 497

汾沮洳 497

园有桃 497

陟岵 498

十亩之间 498

伐檀 498

硕鼠 499

Songs Collected in Tang,Modern Shanxi 132

The Cricket 132

Why Not Enjoy? 133

Our Prince 134

The Pepper Plant 135

A Wedding Song 136

A Wanderer 137

An Unkind Lordin Lamb's Fur 138

The Peasants'Complaint 139

To His Deceased Wife 140

The Russet Pear Tree 140

An Elegy 141

Rumor 142

Songs Collected in Qin,Modern Shaanxi 144

Lord Zhong of Qin 144

Winter Hunting 145

唐风 500

蟋蟀 500

山有枢 500

扬之水 501

椒聊 501

绸缪 501

杖杜 502

羔裘 502

鸨羽 502

无衣 503

有杕之杜 503

葛生 503

采苓 503

秦风 505

车邻 505

驷驖 505

A Lord on Expedition 145

Where Is She? 147

Duke Xiang of Qin 148

Burial of Three Worthies 149

The Forgotten 151

Comradeship 152

Farewell to Duke Wen of Jin 152

Not As Before 153

Songs Collected in Chen,Modern Henan 154

A Religious Dancer 154

Secular Dancers 154

Contentment 155

To a Weaving Maiden 156

A Date 157

The Evil-doing Usurper 157

Riverside Magpies 158

The Moon 158

小戎 505

蒹葭 506

终南 506

黄鸟 507

晨风 507

无衣 508

渭阳 508

权舆 508

陈风 509

宛丘 509

东门之扮 509

衡门 509

东门之池 510

东门之杨 510

墓门 510

防有鹊巢 510

月出 511

The Duke's Mistress 159

A Bewitching Lady 160

Songs Collected in Kuai,Modern Henan 161

The Last Lord of Kuai 161

The Mourning Wife 161

The Unconscious Tree 162

Nostalgia 163

Songs Collected in Cao,Modern Shandong 164

The Ephemera 164

Poor Attendants 164

An Ideal Ruler 165

The Capital 167

Songs Collected in Bin,Modern Shaanxi 168

Life of Peasants 168

A Mother Bird 172

Coming Back from the Eastern Hills 173

株林 511

泽陂 511

桧风 512

羔裘 512

素冠 512

隰有苌楚 512

匪风 513

曹风 514

蜉蝣 514

候人 514

鸤鸠 514

下泉 515

豳风 516

七月 516

鸱鸮 517

With Broken Axe 175

An Axe-handle 177

The Duke's Return 177

Like an Old Wolf 178

Book of Odes 180

First Decade of Odes 180

To Guests 180

Loyalty and Filial Piety 181

The Envoy 182

Brotherhood 183

Friendship and Kinship 185

The Royalty 187

A Homesick Warrior 189

General Nan Zhong and His Wife 192

A Soldier's Wife 194

东山 517

破斧 518

伐柯 519

九罭 519

狼跋 519

卷四 小雅 520

鹿鸣之什 520

鹿鸣 520

四牡 520

皇皇者华 521

常棣 521

伐木 522

天保 522

采薇 523

出车 524

杕杜 524

Fish and Wine 196

Second Decade of Odes 198

Southern Fish Fine 198

Longevity 199

Southernwood 200

The Heavy Dew 202

The Red Bow 203

Our Lord Visiting the School 204

General ji Fu 205

南陔(佚) 525

白华之什 526

白华(佚) 526

华黍(佚) 526

鱼丽 526

由庚(佚) 526

南有嘉鱼 526

崇丘(佚) 527

南山有台 527

由仪(佚) 528

蓼萧 528

湛露 528

彤弓之什 529

彤弓 529

菁菁者莪 529

六月 529

General Fang 207

Great Hunting 210

Royal Hunting 211

Third Decade of Odes 211

The Toilers 214

Early Audience 215

Water Flows 215

The Crane Cries 217

To the Minister of War 218

The White Pony 218

Yellow Birds 220

A Rejected Husband 221

Installation 222

The Herdsmen's Song 225

采? 530

车攻 531

吉日 531

鸿雁 532

庭燎 532

沔水 533

鹤鸣 533

卷五 小雅 534

祈父之什 534

祈父 534

白驹 534

黄鸟 535

我行其野 535

斯干 535

无羊 536

Fourth Decade of Odes 227

To Grand Master Yin 227

Lamentation 230

President Huang Fu 235

Untimely Rain 238

Counselors 241

Reflections 244

The Banished Prince 246

Disorder and Slander 249

Friend or Foe? 252

A Eunuch's Complaint 254

Fifth Decade of Odes 257

Weal and Woe 257

The Parents'Death 258

East and West 259

Banishment to the South 262

节南山 537

正月 538

十月之交 539

雨无正 540

小旻之什 542

小旻 542

小宛 543

小弁 453

巧言 544

何人斯 545

巷伯 546

谷风 546

蓼莪 547

大东 547

四月 548

北山之什 549

Injustice 264

Don't Trouble 266

A Nostalgic Official 267

Bells and Drums 269

Winter Sacrifice 270

Spring sacrifice at the Foot of the Southern Mountain 274

Sixth Decade of Odes 277

Harvest 277

Farm Work 279

Grand Review 281

A Noble Lord 282

The Royal Toast 283

The Love-birds 284

北山 549

无将大车 449

小明 550

鼓钟 550

楚茨 551

信南山 552

甫田 553

大田 553

瞻彼洛矣 554

裳裳者华 554

卷六 小雅 555

桑扈之什 555

桑扈 555

鸳鸯 555

頍弁 555

The Royal Banquet 285

On the Way to the Bride's House 287

Blue Flies 288

Revelry 289

Seventh Decade of Odes 293

The Fish among the Weed 293

Royal Favours 293

Admonition 296

The Unjust Lord 297

Men of the Old Capital 298

My Lord Not Back 300

On Homeward Way after Construction 301

The Mulberry Tree 302

The Degraded Queen 303

Hard journey 305

车? 556

青蝇 557

宾之初筵 557

鱼藻 558

采菽 558

角弓 559

菀柳 559

都人士之什 560

都人士 560

采绿 560

黍苗 561

隰桑 561

白华 561

绵蛮 562

Frugal Hospitality 306

Eastern Expedition 307

Famine 308

Nowhere but Yellow Grass 309

Book of Epics 312

First Decade of Epics 312

Heaven's Decree 312

Three Kings of Zhou 315

The Migration in 1325 B.C 318

King Wen and Talents 321

Sacrifice and Blessing 322

King Wen's Reign 323

The Rise of Zhou 325

The Wondrous Park 329

King Wu 331

Kings Wen and Wu 332

Second Decade of Epics 335

瓠叶 562

渐渐之石 562

苕之华 563

何草不黄 563

卷七 大雅 564

文王之什 564

文王 564

大明 565

绵 565

棫朴 566

旱麓 567

思齐 567

皇矣 568

灵台 569

下武 569

文王有声 570

生民之什 571

Hou Ji,the Lord of Corn 335

Banquet 338

Sacrificial Ode 340

The Ancestor's Spirit 342

King Cheng 344

Duke Liu 345

Take Water from Far Away 348

King Cheng's Progress 349

The People Are Hard 352

Pressed 352

Censure 354

Third Decade of Epics 358

Warnings 358

Admonition by Duke Wu of Wei 361

Misery and Disorder 367

Great Drought 373

Count of Shen 377

Premier Shan Fu 380

生民 571

行苇 572

既醉 572

凫鷖 573

假乐 573

公刘 574

泂酌 575

卷阿 575

民劳 576

板 577

荡之什 579

荡 579

抑 580

桑柔 581

云汉 583

崧高 584

烝民 585

The Marquis of Han 383

Duke Mu of Shao 387

Expedition against Xu 389

Complaint against King You 392

King You's Times 395

Book of Hymns 400

Hymns of zhou 400

First Decade of Hymns of Zhou 400

King Wen's Temple 400

King Wen Deified 400

King Wervs Statutes 401

King Cheng's Inaugural Address 401

Mount Qi 402

King Cheng's Hymn 402

King Wu's Sacrificial Hymn 403

韩奕 586

江汉 587

常武 588

瞻卬 588

召旻 589

卷八 颂 591

周颂 591

清庙之什 591

清庙 591

维天之命 591

维清 591

烈文 592

天作 592

昊天有成命 592

我将 592

King Wu's Progress 403

Kings Cheng and Kang 404

Hymn to the Lord of Corn 405

Second Decade of Hymns of Zhou 406

Husbandry 406

King Kang's Prayer 406

The Guest Assisting at Sacrifice 407

Thanksgiving 407

Temple Music 408

Sacrifice of Fish 409

King Wu's Prayer to King Wen 409

King Cheng's Sacrifice to King Wu 410

Guests at the Sacrifice 411

Hymn to King Wu Great and Bright 411

Third Decade of Hymns of Zhou 413

时迈 593

执竞 593

思文 593

臣工之什 594

臣工 594

噫嘻 594

振鹭 594

丰年 594

有瞽 595

潜 595

雍 595

载见 595

有客 596

武 596

闵予小子之什 597

Elegy on King Wu 413

King Cheng's Ascension to the Throne 413

King Cheng's Consultation 414

King Cheng's Self-criticism 415

Cultivation of the Ground 415

Hymn of Thanksgiving 417

Supplementary Sacrifice 418

The Martial King 418

Hymn to King Wu 419

King Wu's Hymn to King Wen 419

The King's Progress 420

Hymns of Lu 421

Horses 421

The Ducal Feast 422

The Poolside Hall 424

Hymn to Marquis of Lu 427

Hymns of Shang 434

闵予小子 597

访落 597

敬之 597

小毖 598

载芟 598

良耜 598

丝衣 599

酌 599

桓 599

赉 599

般 600

鲁颂 601

駧 601

有駜 601

泮水 602

閟宫 603

商颂 605

Hymn to King Tang 434

Hymn to Ancestor 435

The Swallow 436

The Rise of Shang 437

Hymn to King Wu Ding 440

Theory on Literary Translation of the Chinese School 609

那 605

烈祖 605

玄鸟 606

长发 606

殷武 607

代后记 613