
  • 购买积分:10 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:王玉主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2014
  • ISBN:9787513536523
  • 页数:217 页

Unit 1 Overview 1

Functions of business correspondence 1

Criteria for effective business writing 3

Words and tone in business writing 6

The unique importance of e-mails and faxes 9

Unit 2 Business Letters 19

Introduction 19

Elements of business letters 19

Formats of business letters 26

Strategies for writing a business letter 30

Letters to customers and suppliers 31

Letters on staff matters 42

Personal business letters 50

Unit 3 Memos and Minutes 63

Introduction:Memos 63

Formats of memos 63

Features of memos 66

Introduction:Minutes 66

Preparing minutes for a meeting 67

Features of minutes 68

Format of minutes 69

Requirements of minutes writing 72

Unit 4 Business Reports 79

Introduction 79

Five-step plan for a business report 80

Business report for mats 80

Four types of short reports 88

Unit 5 Business Proposals 95

Introduction 95

Three types of formal business proposals 95

Key elements of winning business proposals 101

Strategies for writing a business proposal 101

Business proposal format 102

Checklist for business proposals 106

Unit 6 Business Advertisements 109

Introduction 109

The basics of advertisements 109

Types of advertisements 111

Language features of advertisements 115

Excellent advertising words and phrases for ad writing 117

Ten steps to writing successful advertisements 118

Samples of successful advertisements 120

Unit 7 Tender and Bidding Documents 127

Introduction 127

The general procedures of tendering 127

Two types of tenders 128

Forms and contents of invitation for bids 131

Preparing bidding documents 134

Forms and contents of bidding documents 135

Language features of tender and bidding documents 137

Terminology in tender and bidding documents 140

Unit 8 Business Contracts and Agreements 145

Introduction 145

Procedures of drafting a business contract 146

Forms and contents of business contracts 147

Types of business contracts 151

Language features of business contracts 158

Terminology in business contracts 163

Unit 9 Notice and Announcement 171

Writing a notice 171

Writing an announcement 174

Unit 10 Resumes and Cover Letters 181

Introduction:Resumes 181

The elements of a resume 182

Resume language 185

Strategies for writing a resume 186

Three formats of resume 187

How to choose the right format for you 197

Introduction:Cover letters 198

General outline for a cover letter 199

Two types of cover letters 200

Strategies for writing a cover letter 205

Appendix Abbreviations Commonly Used in Business Documents 213

References 216