《格平绿色行动 辽宁环境科研教育“123工程”论文集 2》PDF下载

  • 购买积分:12 如何计算积分?
  • 作  者:朱京海主编
  • 出 版 社:中国环境出版社
  • 出版年份:2015
  • ISBN:7511124265
  • 页数:311 页

Study of the performance on magnesia base catalyst used for flue gas denitration&Yu Gao Xiaomin Hu 1

Metabolomics and its application to explore plant metal toxicity mechanism&Xiangfeng Zeng Alexandra Lynn Shuhe Wei et al. 10

Space allocation method of ecosystem restoration technology at Liaohe river estuary&D.Lina L.Haibo 25

Distribution of perfluoroalkyl compounds in rats:Indication for using hair as bioindicator of exposure&Bei Gao Xin He Wei Liu et al. 30

铁碳布空气阴极微生物燃料电池的产电性能&唐玉兰 何亚婷 于鹏飞 等 41

动物蛋白质基铸造黏结剂改性、硬化机理的研究&刘伟华 胡丽婷 李英民 46

基于生态恢复的专项规划的编制与实施——以《辽河生态治理概念规划》为例&金锋淑 李岩 52

CaCl2熔盐中自烧结电解制备碳化钒及其机制&郎晓川 谢宏伟 翟玉春 等 58

碳化钒的制备及应用研究进展&郎晓川 谢宏伟 翟玉春 66

A cleaner production evaluation indicator system available for Chinese fish processing industry&Jinhua Li Yun Zhang Jinqiao Yu et al. 71

The research of Shenyang Green Government Management&Junjing Li Peng Zeng Mengling Li 77

碳源对厌氧氨氧化脱氮性能影响的试验研究&李亚峰 张晓宁 陈文通 等 82

紫外光固化无机-有机复合涂层的制备与性能研究&刘风国 但宝华 薛向欣 等 89

辽河干流消落区沉积物重金属污染特征研究&刘强 梁雷 王峰源 等 94

跨界突发性大气污染防范及应急系统设计与实现&马书明 张树深 郑洪波 等 105

基于系统动力学的大连城市化进程中生态承载力模拟预测&马忠强 汪林 110

Research on Pyrolysis of PCB waste with TG-FTIR and Py-GC/MS&Cui Quan Aimin Li Ningbo Gao 118

Study on characteristics of printed circuit board liberation and its crushed products&Cui Quan Aimin Li Ningbo Gao 129

含钛高炉渣作为光催化材料降解酸性铬蓝钾&宋丽 毛宇 栾澈 等 142

Adsorption ofPhosphate in Aqueous Solution with Steel Slag&J.X.Tang L.N Sun Y.P.Yun et al. 147

Prediction Model for Desulphurization Efficiency of Onboard Magnesium-Base Seawater Scrubber&Xiaojia Tang Tie Li HangYu et al. 151

Ultrasensitive immunoassay of microcystins-LR using G-quadruplex DNAzyme as an electrocatalyst&Junping Tian Huimin Zhao Fang Yuan et al. 163

区域规划方案非突发性大气环境健康风险分析&汪林 朱京海 176

沈阳市污水污泥中重金属含量及其生物有效性&王杰 杨春璐 郑涛 等 182

非饱和多孔介质回灌过程中热弥散度特性试验&魏炜 王明众 潘俊 等 186

The Effect of Porous Medium Particle Size on Groundwater Recharge Clogging&Jun Pan Mingzhong Wang Mingcen Jiang 193

耐盐硝基苯降解菌的动力学模拟研究&徐成斌 王延刚 马溪平 等 197

Research on the Method ofSpatial Planning System Coordination&Guangjun Wei Wei Dong 203

钛基多元大孔材料光催化降解有机废水&辛宏亮 张文杰 210

硝酸改性活性炭催化微波诱导降解水中结晶紫的研究&张洪卫 徐瑶 刘丹妮 等 213

Discussion on the construction concept and development mode of Fan River minor ecological watershed&Li-an Yan Cheng Hu Dan Su et al. 219

消油剂和120#船舶燃料油对海胆胚胎发育的复合毒性影响&杨柏林 吕昕璐 高翔 等 224

以优化空间布局为途径的生态化产业园区规划设计研究&袁博 229

Effects of ferric iron on the anaerobic treatment and microbial biodiversity in a coupled microbial electrolysis cell(MEC)-Anaerobic reactor&Jingxin Zhang Yaobin Zhang Xie Quan et al. 235

Enhanced anaerobic digestion of organic contaminants containing diverse microbial population by combined microbial electrolysis cell(MEC)and anaerobic reactor under Fe(Ⅲ)reducing conditions&Jingxin Zhang Yaobin Zhang Xie Quan et al. 249

Phase transformation of MgAlON-SiAlON powders synthesized by carbothermal reduction-nitridation from ludwigite tailings&Jiang Tao Zhang Lu Tang Yi et al. 262

厌氧氨氧化技术及其在废水脱氮领域的应用&雷秉亚 张晓宁 刘洪涛 268

Industrial park management in the Chinese environment&Yong Geng Zhao Hengxin 273

CNTs-TiO2/Al2O3 composite membrane with a photocatalytic function:fabrication and energetic performance in water treatment&Huanxin Zhao Houfen Li Hongtao Yu et al. 284

Optimization of the operational parameters for desalination with response surface methodology during a capacitive deionization process&Yan Zhao Xiao-min Hu Bin-hui Jiang et al. 294

磁场催化氧化高浓度有机废水氨氮、浊度、总磷效果研究&郑书东 陈辅利 高光智 308