第一部分 学生回忆 3
中国太赫兹事业的旗手&谢维信 3
半个多世纪的难忘回忆&李宏福 5
贺老师八十寿辰&王俊毅 8
人生旅程节点上,难得名师指迷津&徐孔义 10
忆刘盛纲先生&狄宗楷 13
人生难得一个“好师傅”&李明光 20
恩师教我做人、做事、做学问&李玉权 23
品格高尚、热爱学生的好老师&钱光弟 26
永攀高峰的领路人——记我的导师刘盛纲院士的二三事&李家胤 28
难以忘怀的三件事&刘建生 35
一辈子的老师&陈晓东 37
可敬、可亲的恩师点滴&徐建华 40
我的导师刘盛纲院士&蒋华北 42
我和先生的许多第一次&何一平 44
短途飞行&王梅 47
回忆先生点滴事&熊彩东 49
恭贺先生八十华诞&鄢扬 50
耕耘科研教学 传承爱国精神&俞俊生 53
庆祝刘老师八十华诞&余国芬 56
我的老师&蒙林 59
我的导师刘盛纲先生&宫玉彬 61
我与先生的点滴&刘濮鲲 65
让我一生敬佩的人&杨梓强 68
身向逾关那畔行&李大治 70
我与刘盛纲老师&杨冬晓 73
我的老邻居刘盛纲&黄大用 76
师恩难忘五十年&张丰满 79
永不停息的步伐&凌宝京 82
我眼中的刘院士&宋慧 85
春风化雨,亦师亦友——在刘盛纲院士身边工作八年的点点滴滴&张弛 88
往日的记忆&何燕明 93
老骥伏杨,志在千里——一位尊敬的长者刘盛纲院士&喻胜 95
仰之弥高、钻之弥坚——学生眼中的老师&张雅鑫 97
师者——献给先生八十寿辰&胡? 100
感谢师恩——十年相知十年恩情&周俊 103
写在刘院士八十寿辰前&刘?威 107
奉献精神彰显人生价值&张开春 108
贺先生八十寿辰&吴振华 110
桃李不言,下自成蹊——先生八十寿辰有感钟&任斌 112
恭贺恩师刘盛纲院士八十寿辰&傅文杰 115
我心目中的先生&张平 117
专注、耐心、激情——记刘盛纲先生&陈晓行 119
责任&雷光英 122
第二部分 学生代表论文选 127
A 35-GHz low-voltage third-harmonic gyrotron with a permanent magnet system 127
突变复合腔回旋管自洽场理论与模拟 135
Evaluation of Beat Noise in OCDMASstem With Non-Gaussian Approximated Method 141
Research of Algebra Congruent Codes Used in Two-Dimensional OCDMA System 150
8毫米相对论orotron的实验研究 158
Some features of chaos and oscillations in plasma-fiued diodes 166
Study of a Printed Circular Disc Monopole Antenna for UWB Systems 173
Optical image reconstruction using frequency-domain data: simulations and experiments 178
Three-Dimensional Optical Tomographic Imaging of Breast in A Human Subject 192
Frequency shifts by beam-driven plasma wake waves 199
0.22 THz回旋管振荡器的研制与实验 203
Numerical modeling of large orbit magnetron-type gyrotron through self-consistent nonlinear theory 208
Unified nonlinear orbit dynamics of an equibbrium electron in a helical wiggler with a positive or reversed axial-guide magnetic field at magnetoresonance 213
Magnetically insulated theory with both electron and ion flows 217
A140-GHz Two-Beam Overmoded Folded-Waveguide Traveling-Wave Tube 222
Suppression of In-Band Power Holes in Helix Traveling-Wave Tubes 227
一种新型强相对论自由电子准光脉塞的动力学理论 233
Demonstration of a two stage backward-wave oscillator and free-electron laser 245
Properties of obliquely incident electromagnetic wave in one-dimensional magnetized plasma photonic crystals 248
Growth rate and start current in Smith-Purcell free-electron lasers 256
Positron generation through laser Compton scattering gamma ray 260
Design and experimental verification of terahertz wideband filter based on double-layered metal hole arrays 263
Design of nonreciprocal waveguide devices based on two-dimensional magneto-optical photonic crystals 268
8mm波段三次谐波复合腔回旋管的非线性分析 275
渐变复合腔回旋管高次谐波注-波互作用非线性模拟 280
Coherent terahertz radiation from high-harmonic component of modulated free-electron beam in a tapered two-asymmetric grating structure 285
Terahertz radiation of electron beam-cylindrical mimicking surface plasmon wave interaction 289
Calculation of wakefields in a 17 GHz beam-driven photonic band-gap accelerator structure 297
Terahertz radiation from interaction between an electron beam and a planar surface plasmon structure 307
Numerical analysis of electron-induced surface plasmon excitation using the FDTD method 313
Analysis of the Characteristics of a Coaxial Gyrotron Cavity With a Tilted Inner Rod 320
Characteristics Analysis of a Coaxial Cavity With a Misaligned Inner Rod 325
Study of a rectangular coupled cavity extended interaction oscillator in sub-terahertz waves 329
周期极化铌酸锂中光整流THz波辐射 334
折叠波导结构的THz振荡辐射源研究 339
Surface plasmon wave propagation along single metal wire 343
Two-beam magnetron injection guns for coaxial gyrotron with two electron beams 352
Diffraction radiation of a sub-wavelength hole array with dielectric medium loading 357