14.01[275] 问题与进展(Ⅰ)-数多面形 6535
14.02[249] Enumeration of maps on the projective plane&R.Hao,J.Cai 6542
14.03[250] Enumerating rooted Eulerian planar maps&J.Cai,R.Hao 6549
14.04[252] Partition of a travel into circuits&J.Dong 6555
14.05[256] Enumeration of simple bipartite maps on the sphere and the projective plane&H.Ren 6563
14.06[257] The number of loopless 4-regular maps on the projective plane&H.Ren 6577
14.07[258] Enumeration of 2-connected loopless 4-regular maps&H.Ren,Z.Li 6593
14.08[261] Enumeration of Eulerian maps on the torus&H.Ren 6612
14.09[262] Enumeration of general rooted maps on the torus&R.Hao 6619
14.10[268] Counting g-essential maps on surfaces with small genera&R.Hao and J.Cai 6629
14.11[270] Singular maps on the Klein bottle&Z.Li 6642
14.12[272] Enumeration of loopless maps on the projective plane&with Z.Li 6648
14.13[276] On the average genus of 3-regular graphs&Y.Huang 6659
14.14[281] Enumeration on nonseparable planar inaps&J.Cai 6668
14.15[284] Chromatic enumeration for singular maps on the Klein bottle&Z.Li 6677
14.16[289] 关于4-连通三角剖分的计数&蔡俊亮 6683
14.17[290] A note on the chromatic sums for rootrd planar triangulations:λ=3&R.Hao 6689
14.18[294] 一般平面地图依点和面数的计数(Ⅰ)&蔡俊亮,高存良 6693
14.19[295] 一般平面地图依点和面数的计数(Ⅱ)&蔡俊亮,王文福 6698
14.20[296] Chromatic sums of nonseparable simple maps on the plane&Z.Li 6702
14.21[299] Group action for enumerating maps on surfaces&L.Mao 6716
14.22[300] 带根2-连通3-正则平面地图计数方程&蔡俊亮,徐永华 6731
14.23[305] The relations between two kinds of planar maps&R.Hao and J.Cai 6734
14.24[309] Bisingular maps on some surfaces&Z.Li,H.Ren 6742
14.25[310] 平面上一般地图的色和与双色和&李赵祥 6750
14.26[311] The number of near trianfulations on the torus&R.Hao,J.Cai 6758
14.27[314] On chromatic polynomials of complements of all wheels with any missing consecutive spokes&R.Hao 6768
14.28[316] A new approach for enumerating maps on orientable surfaces&L.Mao 6775
14.29[317] Chromatic sums of singular maps on some surfaces&Z.Li 6788
14.30[320] 关于平面上双树梵和的一个注记&郝荣霞,何卫力 6802
14.31[321] 根瓣丛的普查 6808
14.32[324] 一般根地图的普查 6814
14.33[326] 不可定向地图组合分类 6822
14.34[328] 一类三正则图的嵌入亏格分布&李立峰 6829
14.35[329] 组合地图的同构 6833
14.36[330] Automorphisms of maps with a given underlying graph and their application to enumeration&L.Mao and F.Tian 6840
14.37[331] 组合地图的对称普查 6852
14.38[333] 组合地图的不对称化 6856
14.39[334] Chromatic sums of 2-edge connected maps on the plane&Z.X.Li 6863
14.40[335] 关于平面树色和方程结果的一个注记&郝荣霞 6876
14.41[339] The enumeration of rooted cubic c-nets&J.Cai,R.Hao 6881
14.42[340] Chromatic sums of rooted triangulations on the projective plane&Z.Li 6890
14.43[341] Bisingular maps on the Klein bottle&Z.Li,H.Ren 6904
14.44[344] Dual loopless nonseparable near-triangulations on projective plane&Z.X.Li and W.L.He 6913
14.45[345] 一类新图类的可定向嵌入的亏格分布&万良霞 6920
14.46[347] 两类图的亏格分布&朱子龙 6924
14.47[348] 带根2-连通3-正则平面地图计数&蔡俊亮,刘效丽 6929
14.48[349] The semi-arc automorphism group of a graph with application to map enumeration&L.F.Mao.E.L.Wei 6937
14.49[350] Structure for a graph with average genus&Y.C.Chen,R.X.Hao 6956
14.50[352] Orientable embedding distributions by genus for certain type of non-planar graphs&L.X.Wan 6967
14.51[355] Chromatic sums of general simple maps on the plane&Z.X.Li 6976
14.52[357] 平面与射影平面上近4-正则地图的分布&任韩 6991
14.53[359] Chromatic sums of singular maps on the projective plane and the torus&Z.X.Li,W.L.He 6999
14.54[361] Chromatic sums of general maps on the sphere and the projective plane&Z.X.Li 7006
14.55[363] 论多面形-曲面-嵌入-地图 7016
14.56[366] Enumeration of three kinds of rooted maps on the Klein bottle&W.Z.Liu 7022
14.57[374] 类树图亏格分布的单峰性&赵喜梅 7031